Show THIRD DIBTIIICT COURT A fI Nurel 1 IoIIITh 1 roed Inl Judge Nnrrell 0 > eiied cuiut Monday cud tin following Imhll tt hits train arted l l Mare vs lleniv ltug time fur d le fondant to plead Information channnl lu NutemUr llllh and net for trial that day State vi David II Hull and Charlet IHca i tame aellun lint National Hank III f Inrk City va Murdork i continued Ir f the term K I W Hfcio ndmli Ittralorof oilulu of Mcrudlth Iteene wu then called lor Hal and thecair occupied attention I f llie court during the entire day Thli It n rail which wt tried at the 1ebiiiary term and upon whluh lion saltIa > granted nt the clone of plain turn tenllmony which order wa rp tltedhythe Hupreme tune iiiuii appeal I ap-peal After a Jury had been lmKiiieled plnlntlllt put In oldencti which wm tubitantlally the Mime ni nt the 1 tart trial At the Clara of pUlntlrTi leftlmvnydcfendant imnnl tarn non will I which wat argnwl until the hour of I adjournment Judge Itowcra ap i peart I for plilnilirand J Mmen at liiiney fur defendant TlIIIII The damage cave of flee vn the Morgan Mining iwniany nccilpletl Hie attentionof Ihotuuit during the greater part of Tile lay and wat lunmlttisl to the Jury al 4 p I m Shortly after ill 11I110 jury returned with lit t erdlct which wan uninlmoui In for 01 the 1IMlntltr for the tutu ul f 5000 Thede llIlant war alloc Ihlrl1b11ln which 10 file nnd sense itatement on inolicn I > III I Olitir Imilncii was Uunrncttil In the Third Dlttrlct cour here In li r l r1 r s v LH leer t w ri Y 1 rAY lrlcd at this Iehruar lerm and In whlcli I plaintiff war smug for damagpt at wet l U n permanentlnJiincllonnnJ which a erdlrt wn rendered l by thus jury li i 1 laser of defendant hut the Injnncllot Ills allowed l to Hand for the time The tOurt tendered 1 ndecltlon dliiolvlng tin Injunction Scold vi Daly Mining nompany ami Hundley 1 Ugly Mining company ir 1 10rrullf < lav the Iftlh Welth M Ontario Mining company continued until Nnveiiilwr lllh AHhhelm vi WtJtlrjIh plalntlir lit allowwl to amend complaint hy twiw lit tnd the raM continued UIOIIIIY The uses of f lirlly v t iynoh n lain 1 roM wherein plnlntlff li I wilug for Hit vnlnn nf f certiln Improvement Hindu n iroiriy roll by deftndant oaenplu 1 Ihn entire time of Iho ootirt Weil niftlay awl lid rate was tiibmltleil llo llie jury a1i111 TIIknAY Tlio jury In the oats of larlty vs Lynch retnrnwl a vnrHct for the plain tuner the IUIII of tape The acre uf Wvlth w the Ontario Silver Sil-ver Mining fOinMiiy wee IrlMl by the court without jury and lakjft Vniler r aiUltement Tlmlioii action trotfglu lu riniiver the vnln of n llnw ulitck utilgnetl tu plalnllir b > holder all 1 which amount was nppllixl oil account > sf 1 holler by the Awhhelm Mercanlller comiMiiy Joniimiii VI llopkln anil Tanner yi IlopklupaiHI Gate uf KUcn V Inub rt an nt lion Lruughtfor fnlw ImprliHjiiiiiont and I appealeil from tint Jullcot wart um nuiliwl lot want of proiecutlon The Htnto v t Ixmg iharired with grand larceny I livfendiinln wilnctxi ordered mibHi ii utlnt the experts of f Iho Stole Court ndjonrnwl ill 10 oclock Friday mornliir l rininv tullowlng builnwi dlfK > w < l of In 1Hlikl Court tutly WrUh T Ontario Mining oompnriy tried Lforu the Court yeilerday JuUg Inapt defendant Stele VI Illchntd Ijri motion forelinnge of venue granud and toss tnintfcrred to Morgan county Horny M Jaiobion < t al lonllntied to bi I tried In Salt Like I City Milet MI Johnion defendant allowed to die amended l nniner and cross complaint com-plaint plalntlir given tun day i to answer fame and ate cantinuwl for the term Thit tliipoifd 1 ol calendar for the week Court adjourned until Monday Mon-day morning and monographer Ill a went off to catch n load of flihj I ho took Joe Baluou along to carry them homo |