Show i WASMINQTON LETTUR I nun uun H iui a loaasmwoaa I VmilMitns January ZJ total Jilitliu II irlilll lids week dallvrrrd I pinion Kltlnn till reiron fordli > > lIl1nt truant tire I dm Itlon of tied Unllo I States tuprtino Court In favor of the ingar trust In IhuiMio broiijhl against that trust under IheHliornmii untl truitUw IhAL may nijko him president ol the United Ktutti Many rata It would rrlulnlr Ira I drilrnbtu to huvo n prN Irlll Wile would hold tine view ri ntHHil II in tuba I opinion by Jostle llar II halt llu believe with ltiniiutiil nav iilllloni of pAlrlatlc rltlidim that the II imhrckrd frdw its of vl antli innnupi Iu In ami I triul for the lontml of floe 1 hrcroadrlee of life It tt inenaie to the ollIIIICU of our government and that buy mint lie mold amennbln lo law I ThmlilflnlHiliulo to ties nitrrvinpiit dl the senate upon A 1 tin tnriul bill li Irvaldonl Clc ilmid The fat wan rlaarly l brought out this < < M vk hell Sciiittor Itnniom vliltnl tho Whliu Itoaou at tied Instance of cfrluln Hv I IIIO erode m > nutor < Mr Ultvuland will hate nnllilnit that lu any tray tatura spoor ultliougli fin I wits llntly told that nothing rotild IK dono iinlpii llvi r wan favored Two new 111I ha > o beer introduced in-troduced In the nenato Oil by Mr i Join olAfU for the issue l of IVWWM I 000 In bond lilt 11111111I1111 ioluaiji ol tiller on the basis of II liter dollar led Ing given for II ilollara worth of bullion nt this market price und allow Inn national I banks to Iran currency to file I et II part nine uf bondi still rnturliuc tiixa 11011 on their iiirrnncy HIM ullnrbv I Senator Hmltli uf N Jfair the MIIIMI I anoint nf bondo l and a uirrtmv com j I IIIlnloll to Inveitlirate and n1t next lJellmr The Idea of a 1I111lllnl luxomikMtlou I of the ciursua of 4l ttlon friuidi In tin i South which was first Imxuhed by the i 1nbamn IopuUtti and which iiuoint pushed 111I belt Ixlmtf by tilt Iupullft inmtorr lane allow and itmngMipiHirtrr 10 Ibo porno of Hoimlnr llntlpr of South Carolina Mr 1I11tlOUIIOL advocate nn liniHrntloii In AUlwma but li lion prvifiiled a petition from lr Saint ion fops laid candidate for governor ol South Carnllnn on the nntlHlinnn Democrnllotlikat waking that an Investigation In-vestigation of it lone Ht of specified election ittiiili nt the late election In that still U reado by the miiato and he I endorsee the petition lie rannut conilitontly Note for an Investigation In South Carolina and against ono In Alabama Tile delegation lent here by tho live cltlllicd trllioi ImJIani to oppose the bill providing territorial form of go > eminent em-inent for Indian Territory might ni well to have staid nt homo and Olivetti tliolr espeniei notwithstanding the advn e ol Washington lobbyist Itchinp for a let to the contrary Tin bill M M u but It WMUI the ludlani nor the Iebbyhto who IM the kllllmi It waist a quiet Up from frwlleni Cleveland I winch In I the author and the Irlenli of I the bit know that If an atlemrrt 18 Mil 1110 pM It 1 m hit nwtion It would I i I e anutoiilM by ih IIdlDhlill 11I1 loll That l MUM lie gaff in i iHrt order 11 through show who gt Mi1 few laying w ttll IHtk IN Ilmn4i Ihtl11 was Marie lu plm nnl M lIHr fiTirt Kiilnirt It I are i kpl up I Tits strikes nwnnilflon Mil hariix 11 I horn ainamtfll in rani the approral l of a number U me latter IIIIJI < bm nnmiht nporlri l In lire hopes iienuinprn ylatrlist rvprt elect lNiers M idnr lmrilwlmfn I n foreigners llayn fMOnhlraesd I III 1011 Too Internist In I amtraw In I rho 1Ikl trolley ptrilii N I raH < in I have w tcndnit o hatel anion II I I I I I |