Show THE MAN IN TUB MOON linn of Un Mail AncUnt iif the Nii > rl sllllonl of the Morll Tho Man In thin Moon U I the name popularly given to tho dark pot and lino upon tho surface of the moon which are visible to tho naked ojo and which when examined with a powerful tclcscopo nro discovered to bu thin shadow ol mountain In that luminary blue last existing man of tho moon says tho Year Hound show I SftiO irntorthnped projection l K lion according I to Vllhclm Mojcr und astronomur toll us that 100000 aro brought Into vlow with a tola scoiio ut medium > owor It b I not probablu that those > o called crutor lrobllhlo have all boon eruptive volcanoes for the sire ot sonic of thor Is I opH od to till nsaumption no less than their great number The crater Copernlcui perhaps the most beautiful ot all 18 I I circular Hall about flftjfour miles In diameter rising ris-ing In ono plaro almost orpcndlcu lardy to 11000 feat IU origin bar not bon satisfactorily oxplaliuxl On the other hand mho xyttom of radiations uliout tho crater Jjcho catering halt tho mon surface may well IKJ rogurdcxl ui limo effect of thu cooling und contraction ot this moon from u molten state It le I one of thin most popular and 1ohnps one of mho most nnclcntiuper I notions In r world that tho 111 and linos on tho moon ore thin figure ot n man leaning on n fork on which ho tarrlo a Immlloof thornor brushwood brush-wood for stealing which on Sunday ho woe confined to tho moon Tho biblical account given In tho fifteenth chapter of Number thlrtjnecond to thlrlonlh onion ol n mnn who was atoned to ilonth for gathering sticks upon the habluth day Is undoubtedly W IJ doubtedly I the origin of thin input mts the Ituolurs In itlrrlts the editor 01 n pajwr In tha eastern part of tho tutu has maJa an announcement an-nouncement that hunoefortli ho II I hover pramco the namo of phjulitan bj his profotnton 110 Jlius Instead In-stead of saying Dr Sawbonoi was nmong how proscnt ho will ay A II bawlxine wus jirotont Ha duos thli on the ground that mnllcal ethic dUcountonaiKO ndcrtlslng and holds that tho prefix lr I nn udtcrtUcment of n culling lhcro la I no moro reason ha argues why I should Speak of lr bawbonea In thus Cows roporU than ot Grocer Jones or Uiwjcr Smith or llotolkcohuor brown I any practitioner wishes to toe him alf Mt down In this novii > apjr ui n doctor our IIdortl1n columns are at his dlspoal 1 lluffalo Courier |