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Show I ' - - - COALVILLE, FRIDAY, SKIT. Attrvat mo DfHmvtt nr T, 1S5H. ntiki tuiri m aimt rsn lautitu Ufl6 l lJ U rrk WaULMErlM aauvx Eld radge, J. L. BoyJen, J. W. Wild and jpatient toll to complete the Job with the A. H. Addy ae delegatee, and John E. rud tools he worked ' with. The dirij Pettit, Thomea fie and F. H. Wright and rock token out the last night were alternates. Jame Iarkinson, W. J .piWl Up on the floor in the'ceH, ablaukei eie added to having been laid down to receive it and Wright and Fred Hirst th campaign committee. The delegates deaden th 'sound. The patch motion flor rWtrrJ to hky ifnrtl lu J were tent uainatructed, and was carried that their action at the con well, for it was carefully1' replaced each j yeutioo I sustained. The caucus then day and completely Lid the excavation Tbe bucket Melfiir baling a a adjourned. kept scrupulously and not U evidence The McKinley club held B special of th work clean, being don could I di meeting Wednesday night at tbe city covered. Th s moraing Sir. Branch di to attend th tell to elect five covered th egesp a blanket wa found Territorial Republican league convenpinned np to the a indm andanulherat tion to be held in Provo nett Tuesday. the door to prevent any light bet ray tug hairntan and Mr. John James tiled a the midnight workman, All together. iawicai EUredget ecreUrjtu. T. J. Kearns. J. H. pack, Kama; Them D. C. JULaugh-hn- , Denting, W. 1. anyder, K 'T." Ktmtoil, U. C. Lockhart, J. Park I). Murdock and Fred Hatband, convenrounty Thu Kepuldicitu City. I to to tion to Homilist county offiiwr . I i? on September ttebl at tor fh announced are Tha primaries . Pith rust. Coalvi Li.ii Times. m. PEOPLES Mercantile 06. inti." I . phrw-nologis- - l. ill J " lt Ttc ...... deb-gate- - Of Hrt ....... i v t, Professor F. F. itadi(n,' the atto a fair lecture frs a gave a . Montendance at the Rm k achoolhou 8.T,Wt a' good Tbe ... 11 4 p professor day mght. ol p . r taikcr, and bald the cUw attention ......... hi audine from toginmng te end. lie challenged a debate from either DeminkaHM li.rrMi4HiU w4 ocrat. Rlublun or Popuhtla on the El Wit? M TM rrxranM-iniraxtasurt ol the dav, h Ik v and would indicate that tbs pnauner ,gloflying owktry ... ' r the defend . either to parties William Ralnaon euJ Aim fldredg bad been in sui h Cm t ingue . ..... place before. A de- - j lUkccpaft . in-- , were choaeq delsgatss. Three uti if , lmrf w liar U frthy. ever.- awtke "o tbe of tlie nian waa immediately Kiothip . scription KH. a ibwV fo11"' Vytuito . U Jfca t terot and convemeiK .ol th telegraphed t 11 surrounding points, Har-snplut . , WitMJ ... . . . Eufa9 Nurtlinitt, F, M. Piuneo and John undr from a removed post to date hut lamp ha ( t iiftia Brrr .. . . Hetwrici . - fromBphim. Mr.nothing has ben heard .. Jowt'b 8 Hill tome trees on Main street planted Branch left everything i Bicft MaritN , Jni Durrmnt. CJmwNni as he found theta, wj that t lit-A partv ol ladle and gentlemen conit In front of the postotTics. where it will younty do the most good." Mr, ffisby is al- flating of Mr. ami Mr. Alina Kldredg, coart could examine them and exhon-- 1 COALVILLE MARKETS. ' ready polishing up and repairing the Mr. end Mr. Mark Hopklna, Dr' and erate him from ail blame. etnas orotarioaa (amps, and will suoa make hi regular Mr. J. E. Ilosmer, Mr. and Mr George THCC1TS BIRVKV. round. By the way, w thsllsngs any Edglngtou, Mr. F. M. Pmnre, .J. 8. tows in Utah to produce s men who can Salmon and William Whsatou went up The Week Craiplemg 4 AsMpled hr succsrsfullyompeto' with Mr. Frieby to point Height Wednesday, hr got -('Macll Cg Rome in this work. view of the eurruuudlng country. At last th aurvey of Coalville City is Tea Timm this week was presented of them went in buggies and some on completed, the crooked hoes straightwith one of the handsomest boquet ol horseback, no I all give gin in eccouuts ened out and an and put to the uncerchoice flowers that ever adorned a saqc-tu- qf tlie in ii'iiitieent sight from this loft) tainty of property line. It ia a work It was a gift from Councilman peak Several of th gentlemen took that hat long been needed and we are William E. Chappel, and the flowers shotguns aleng, but ss uliolts cherries informed baa been thoroughly done. wars grown in hi own garden at Spring wa shout all (hey brought back, it is TusTihk man was called in by if r. Hollew. Mr. Chappel a great lover prssuuisd tiiey took tlicin along for th II, D. Page the surveyor ho of flowers and also an expert in their purpose of shooting tbs fruit treat th did tbe unrolled for and the work, map betrees. arrangement, as the ecinien now examination. The complete work conI of ane His garden fore u testifies, Bears are icoiuisg quit numerous of sist of a large map 4x8 feet, a tracing ol L0C4L BRZmSll. the handsomest in this Vicinity. Thb late. Monday night of last week a bear am sire and a complete atlas and field Tints return thank. Th seal that, from liis trucks must have been g joq feet to the inch. Buooi tl telephone. On August 27th th Msrsac mill monster, entered the corralof K. Rohln-o- Outside of its value to the city, the drawat Croydon. Tbe dog mail for blm, ing le without exceptionh finest piece Tbi if damp bad waatbar. shipped 17 bar of bullion to Ran Franflue ounces but bruin was after larger game, and of work the writer has ever even. Not a 22,30.08 containing cisco, ad. Msrcantile Company Peoples Ontario for a time paid no attention to tlie dog. detail ha been omitted, and mil the of silver. On Thursday th manges th if week. mill shipped SO bars of bullion, contain Oq reaching tbe object of hi search, a slightest blot man the beauty of the A (trike of fiterior coal i reported if ing 22,372 87 fine ounces of silver. Fol- cow, ht struck her a blow in th ribs, wholo work. Each line of the boundary the Old Church Min. io ing are tbe or shipment frotp tbe tearing a gash in the animals aids about of al! blocks and lot is deai and J, A. 8iuilh i rapidly finishing up Macintosh sampler for the past week : five Inches long and an inch nnd a half clean end reflect every much credit on the tli sheep if tbif Anchor concentrates, 60,2t)D pounds; the work wide. Th blow, however, did not kill palue and capabilities of Mr. Page. It county. Varco concentrates, 28,2110 pound ; Hi- her. His bearahip then turned and bit ie evidence enough that he is a master The McKinley Club hold' its regular rer King concentrates, 25,1)80 pound. lit dog a swipe that laid hlufup for re- In hie profession and that the city counMeeting Monde night at the iirtck Total, 600,870. Record. pairs, and be hasnt recovered yet. Th cil made no mistake when they employed cltoolhous. friend of Miss bear t hen Bed totb mountains. His hint to do this labor. That he has comThe many warm Our street present a lively appearance Prout gave her a hearty reception at tracks, on lieiug measured, proved to be plied with of his contie peit week. Politicians arc getting in the New West ethuolhous lastfriday fourteen inches long and sight inches tract with therily, is aim evident from their work. the acceptance by the coimril of the evening. About fifty were present, and wide, 'Mr, A. Robinten ie our informWork and ill issuance of warrants to By all means take advantage of the the evening was spent mot enjoyehly. ant. for tlie same yesterday. opportunity offered to secure a tele A splendid supper was server). Th A vary serious sratdent hstqwned to payment The streets, the comae of the streams, audience was favored with song front Melvin phonic service. Ball, aged stout 18 yesrs, son of Monthe city park, the lemctorv, the railIrnttiiaars have baan thick in Coal- Mr. and Mrs. John Dexter, Mrs. James Ball of this rity, on Monday last, ville this week. Andthis if agnud sign, ties and others, and little Ernestine ltecs its was riding horns on horseback, go- roads, together with a wonderfully comminiature train, are clearly defined. delighted her hearer with her sweet tor drummer mean husiuses. at a pretty good gait, and when op- plete of each bha-- and lot stand voice. was a success In every way ing It numbers The Mr. (Sentry's blacksmith shop on A very pleasant dsnce wm. given at and called forth warm thauk from Mis posite in abort, m our estimaout and boldly, and ran Pavilioa a of out Main on the evening Lator the street, dog ennpped ie at nearly a perfect draw ing as it Prout. tion, ,at the heels of his borne, ranting thi Imp- About sixty couplet attended. to make. Tli St herd trustees last last evening, atiimal to suddenly jump sidewise, ami is possible The Argicullural College of Ctah In this ami the old surdifference The 1 Walker and also to its speed, Thi unseated opened hint Tuesday j the I!. V. College tiumer Thomas, Rolatrt of the city is that the old map had vey was th snllr John to Melvin thrown and he board, being Barton, violently will opeu September 17th end the Uni neither field notes, stoue monuments, ' present. They decided to open tbe Brick the ground, atriking on the tide of hit nor dimensions, yeriity of Ctah on September Ikih. while (lore matters are and Spring Hollow schools on Beptem-be- r head, and tinting , several feet, lie Tire New West scheot opened last all lu the nu .survey, and 'complete 17ih, ami th Rock and Qraa Crwek, ms, however'; bleeding prolusely, ami Tuesday with Mist 1ruut at teacher, schools on October 8lli. The teachers in dated condition ntsggered to the stone monuments Luveiieeit placed at and all indicatians point to a aurceeaful cImmm tor the. schools era as follows luuttd that the Writ the iiilervectioti of all itrevts. wniev illiaki to This ia. . not lh Mrst tangle .that Mr. tciTTeBty1iTne piiitl'tiehow E. II. Rhead, principal, MissLizs Ball, ear was almost completely aevered from . , , . , , . -i imaT assist a lit) Rock schoolboute, Alnni the head, 'and Rung' 'imlyTromin a a A man rain into town tbit week w iih trie out. of fie engaged . survey Rpriug Hollow school Frank piece of akin. Dr. Ilosmer was im8ioux City, la, and wm one of tbs a load of jar from Piovo, The ware le Copley; Evans and Mis Olive Bhead; Liras mediately etvmmoned, and replaced the on tlie map gottou out for of the Shut quality, it strictly a Ctah Creek school, Carl Allisou. ar In position, the opniation requiring draghtsiuen is regard d as one of ahnli that city, production and should he handled by Word come from Woodland of the li i tacit slitchsa. Tlie injured boy 4 the finest ieciineiis in this line ever ear merchants. sari and sudden death of Thomas Potts, getting along nicely, and it is thought lie iiss had ten years' excompleted, A confer uee of the Primary Assoeia of that place. This is one of lbs the ear will grow in place again. A few perience ia railruml Jr., surveying, having Hons of bumiiiit Stake was held la the bruises were all the other injuries saddest stone ws have chronicled for been engaged !y tbe Burlington, Sioux Stake House on Tuesday last. The of He died Friday morning kiag time. City A Northern, Santa Ft, Pacific Short meetings at wall attended and the inflammation of the bowels, suppoeed to The Hotel d Branch hae tost a star Lioe, Salt Laks A Hot Springs, the interesting. hay been' brought on by eating green boarder. The ungrateful cuss hae flown Uuion lacifit and other roads. The Politics have been kelera blatae the corn. A few days before hi death hi and did not trrry even to bid hie het Unien Pacific put him in charge of impast week, and tbe crowd that have wife gave birth to a child which was adidu. Where he goeth no vne kneweth, portant construction work on tlieir lines beengathering about Tut Tint corner buried th day Iwfore he died. She is no one careth. Officer Branch, in Washington and Wyoming, lie was eicept have had a tendency to itir thing up left with tour small rhildrsn. - 11 wra a who damnetb. The meek, submissive, also assistant chief enginesr pn tbs Iitti. iitt er went. e targe, stout, healthy young man, and on Finlander .with Hie Bear KivsrCaaal survey, tlie largest Tbe Democratic county cwoventhin to of th last person you would think of name, who waa bound over Irrigating project ia Utah Mr. Page, elect nineteen delegate to attend th dying. Wasatch Wave. to the grand jury by Commissioner in following his bugittpaa, has traveled r territorial conventieu at Salt Lak on An exciting gam of football was gslnion about a month ago for tbo rob- all over the I'niTed State, and hae been the 16th Inst, will he held at Park Citv of a Mr, Liooder at Echo, hath engaged In important work in every sec played on Labor Day at th Park be- bery Saturday, tween pit ked team and th Coalville hied himself, and U appears to bavo oc- tion of the country. He received hie edSpanish Fork has a new paper la th regular eleven. William Ball captained curred in this wise: Last Saturday ucation in the high schools and UniHerald, edited by Fred R. Smith. It it tbe' Regulars and Roy Wilkins th morning, about 8 oclock, when 51 r. versity of Wisconsin, hie former-hom- e Independent In politic and religion, and 'Hayseeds.' The regulation tin was Branch went to the cell to greet bie being in LaCrcsse, Wis. bid fair to b a tuccras. At any rata with a savory breakfast he and played, hotly played at ths(, the re- prisoner ot n coal mink. . , funud Tub Time hope it may prove to. kie uian had crawled into a that sult bring that neither side succeeded in iff and hole on out a Th Tnttt i not given to jblowing Ita kicking goal. But Roy Wilkin de- hole on tho Inside taiywlw Kanlltn Flauls thimls fair UnUr- - Xa Cnwllala. born, but cannot hot feel grail tied at clare tbs "Hayseeds demonstrated th outside, and did not toko time to the number of new nataa which bav their superiority by keeping tbw ball in pull the boio la alter him.' Nosusplcion H. Rawljiigs of bait Lake, United J. been added to ita aubecriptioa list th their territory all tbe time, and there- a ae entertained that this submissive States Coal Min inspector for Utah, an- - effort to past week. There is still room for a tw for should be declared the winners, and creature would even make spent the past eight dav tin Inspecting mot. says tne next timshis team run against oecape, though subsequent developments the coal mtues of Coalville and vicinity. show that th priaonor had been A Mr. Rawlings understands his business, Smith Wilde hall hat been fitted the Regs they Will mop the earth with tend to ow hie plan ever since hie inworking has done his work carefully and thorup for Democratic headquarters in Coal- them. Much amusement wat furnished carceration, Mr. Branch took tbe writer and to the writer reports, that ville. The Democratic society ill hold and great intereet taken. oughly, to the vacated cell bn Burnley all the mines er in reasonable a meeting at the headquarter on William Wright of Peoa, engaged iu up view working last. Wo found that there were two order, and Hist he has no complaints to Tuesday evsniag, September 11th. A hauling timber to the Ontario tains, of flooring on th floor In Ihlckaeaseo file against any of them of a serious nafull attendance is requested. was the victim of a runaway Wednes- th basement or cell department. In ture. News reaches us that Frauk .Olaon day afternoon, which occurred just bethe uorlhweet comer of the jail the upIlia annual report will contain an exsubmitted to a surgical operation on low the L'tah Central depots lie had per covering to tbe Boor was defer tive, tensive map of Utah, going much into Lis throat and la now eenouily ill at delivered hi load and waa starting for and had ben patched. Tlie prisoner detail, ahow Provo. The rumor baa not been mg the coal fields, giving of hi boms, riding on th runwing-gea- r loosen this and to by patch, managed andTaa Twta. Iogethar wUh wsgen, when his team look fright at an degrees burned through the lower floor- th dips, angles, strata and analysis of neb locality, j Mr.Oisona many fntuda in Coalville, engine end ran away, Mr. Wrights devoting much ing. Then commenced the work Hint hope there may be aoiue mistake in the left leg and hand were trighUully dually gained the man his liberty. time and care to the preparation of this bruised, white he sustained a frightful With a broken shingle he loosened the map and it ill, when completed, lie of report. geesV value to ?he regum - of the cut eon just above thsleft eye. Thursday morning the II year-obi dirt under this hole in the floor to a as well as the to territory, department dreased hi wound and he was of Mr. and Mr. Charles Alexander of depth of about three feet and about three taken heme. Thi ie tbe second time feet square, and balsd it out with a tin j at Washington. Heber aas thrown from a horse ami lie left tins taunting for Salt Lake, Mr, Wright has been badly injured ia a bucket at he proceeded, lie concealed a broken thigh and a badly ami fimU there jt take a trip through first th th almoat torn from runaway, aituiber being mishap Occurring just Hie dirt taken out by removing apor-- j ear, southern L'lali oa official buaineee. rat- alwiot ohe year ago. from which it - hi head. A ywnnger bruthar t rati of tho straw from the under tick ; bi life. aith Recrd7 barely him with escaped at th time but escaped ing there being two tick ia the cell and HiITM sella with a few slight bruise. The broken Th primary of the IWMocrala of Coal- aightly putting tbe itiry nto the tick in Is a dangerous condition directly du 1 w impiir blot. It nlwul.l ; limb was set and the hoy getting ville was held at the Academy building, plae of tb straw The rira'w w aa j depleted in be allowed is continue, ae ae stove was it aleng very comfortably. Record. tbe in fat buruel f dehilttv the aystsiu va a,ccmlly bald pursuant to cell, on the evening the pnauner taking car that not to seriena attacks of illness. Hood's The Republican delegate from the September 6lb. J. A. Saiith wm elected various precincts in Summit county met chairman and E. 11, Rhead secretary. a parth I of litTt aae left na the floor haraapariiia i th re me ty for encli a and also fur lliat weakness in convention at Park City last Satur-- j The efijecl r J Ih meeting wa Stated by to totray him mi th daily visit f the CoiKiillon, Which prevail atths change of season In this II offuwr to elect ywraavered to wiannvr ai attend lion. John Ruydeu to )e to elect eight (teen delegate day climate or life. the Territorial RcjiiiMujtn' convention delegate tdittend th- e- liemecratic umil the otii'e etran filled tick was llood'ii I'tll. ar purely vegetub!, care-follto be held at Provo on the 11 th in.t. county convention to he held et Park solid ane of du t, as aas ale t he pillow, prepared irom tiia beat ingredients, Every precinct of the county with the City September 8, which convention the other tire serving a a rover to the 26 cents. exception of L'pton and Castle Rock was will elect nineteen delegates to the whole. After getting dewn below the Malit, Xh er Widow, th Jail ( he ran a tunnel represented. Park City wet apportioned territorial convention to be held et Salt fuuiHlntton need never fegr to make that content-4te- .l hf atont four fawn'd.atanc iiiat-- i in elect inter u It two IaL on Coalville 15th th and delegate thy eight delegates,' trip east i( she will trust to the and then worked up along the h other precincts one each by the appor-- j to the hicago, I'niou Pacific A Northwestern CiKigrca of th Unitedl tjinckeat. nm. Fewest change. wall to the eurfac. lie . evidently After a brief diecuaaion ae tionment committee, based on (he last I Depots.. return. Tlie delegate how the nomination for delegates should , haa had wmw Xerieiio in mining, for Union Republican For full information call on or address chosen were: T. J. Lewis and Alma! bemaile, W.AV'.Cluff moved to proceed j th tunnel wa nicely timbered to A. A. Pkitay, Agent U. P. System. ! tuaterial for, this pur-th nomination, each cand.date to vut caucar, th Eidredge, Coalville; O, F. Johnson, ; F. W. Marrhant, Peoa; vtel on singly Tbs meeting then! pos betUg taken from th underfloor, Tinas job printing Uciluie ar Jaime Faalcr, Ilmeler; W. JR Elake, j elected John M. Faddie, W. T. Smith, J H had carried on his operations at night and ws guaranies good cho; W, J. Pact, .Woodland; John J. A. Smith, W. W. duff, Jrn Ira E. and it most have taksn many Jiours f Both. - - t'Hjr alter-people- ,! - ntwerJto.Ui lr , d I K. FALL AND WINTER a j . DRESS GOODS 1 not, 1 Our new line is now in and opened up, all ready for inspection, n jtt.'T efaing ou eveiy-Tworiai- That knock out competition What do you think of lni-rest- t I t eue-Umt- : d con-firm- nab d tru i tH -- I- - Jrt -- Fiflv-bHKl- ft, toid eut-Mn- te M Formerly Sold at 10c per yard. - Best Lancashire Ginghams, 20 yards for Formerly Sold at 8 Simpson best b Ts first-clas- o FormfcrJy Sold at $1 per yard. Calico, figured 10c 14 per yard. FormerlySold atS American yds $i per yard. Calico, 14 yards indigo blueSold at lOc per yard. Formerly $i 3c for - $1 , 3000 yards of L, LSheeting, all goes at 5c a yd Remember all the Above Goods are - New, Neat and Stylish, goods. The only way to do is to call and seethem for yourselves. lotoof old, Not--a shelf-wor- n We Have a Line of Stoves I - We - Best Goods and Lowest Prices : liu. - fast-bla- ck l-- 3c a Light colored Calicos, 20 yards for t pre-wil- h 8nyd-rville- yards white and gray double width, home made Linsey, 70c a yd. Usually sold at 90c. Double "Width Suitings .at 40c, well worth 60c 50c Double at 35c, 'r Double at 30c, 45c Double1 40c at 25c, 75c Horpe made mixed suitings, 50Cy $1 Best Amoskeag Ginghams, 14 yas for 1000 are expecting daily. Watch for ourc prices on lti these goods, for as on every other line, you will ,f find us the same on these goods: r 1 theMirst round. The Following? nnpro-neuncebl- lr PRICES ' M - . : Yours Respectfully, PEOPLES UERCAtlTILE CO . JL. SCOWCROFT, Manner. |