Show T L M 14 UOItrilKMK toils al lueellle hladey tlll rreJIt OHkVlIV nIM loath I IN by Irn deal lib aj Minnie ol the lad 1 eonleiencf bel1 al Oakley tool etel i l ypnNNl Flriton the pTOKani wallrsar I > hnlo rfyo Itenellli iMniMii I Iliiptiireinenl Ill Nlla harbor Ihen Rare a retell ol the t > Hilk OMlillle AloI eon thil Ihow who eel allendlng ueellugs Were taking treat Inlereit in Ibe lee f ion I ionMti Sire I Jtlral l 0 llhe Flat lieldenr1 lie Y I M I t nl Hall Nike I sac Ibe Ural eater Klu Kid elms Ml bightr plnf1 to nt wild ib 1 uiinglali ul l lip Uuiuuilt kKke In I calnsn rat > slo bit wary mi lieeilnif I Hie iepM 1 clot 1 nine of 1 tem ainirlalwni wie not nliii 1 Ihllnble5qkr ll lllln ne < ell < il 1 priycrlhalallilHi I young Ubei dmnnld praynllenMIII Ile l I all lmrv duly lgUtrnl of them n lruolhl Illno nliiliU I HUM lull and 1 wbeiieirr llm flu arritei lor Ih miiKieiHYiueiit Uirellng tint Ibqhunbl It I theme Inge I her trill moa7 tl Ibe tinlli nl I Hie work In whlrh Ibey Mete elggwI whit eLI It sea nei KMry fTalt lu 1 batea leUiiHiit Ivlillnlbriwild Ibey hIII 1 Ibl lotlI Ml lliilliii pmldent ul l ibellk 1 oil twedolitw gain In a gnIrpN l Ihd l that ilrlr ee u Utluii wa 111 null Salt woe wuiklng at Unihi knew hiia I 1111 a > vlillii Ml Park bl Kaiiu Ivlng Ibenrii peakrr gent In aiepitlif Ibe Kame li i < Ulloii iiid 1 Ihe > oJuglallrecrr tilling In do 1 lhluirriUlred t nt them and 1 wi taking a very glut Inltreil In t6eduhu IlilJint W W Ilult Wilt It rmllNl iiion lo speak lie aid h 1o I lll pUaiml Ito I-to beet wIll IhHaliit In lliltnMitef ence and llu lea this goat I remrt that had hteiigltn by Ih MIIHII aoirla 1 Hon Ih il I Iha Kieal nlnillle which wi upon lliearlb ludyaiid 1 thai Ihe day ai ilot far dlilant wUn 1 Chilli would anon elit deign on his full Mevllng was Ihii a4Uilie < l until p in A picnic wit held In Ih kseuhIl bitlldliiK > ° cnteitaln tbow hUIII tho vUltlnn Mlitiniiil Ariiaxuox iilnx Altr 010011111 eiiclKi Untie Lam bell ol Kama wa > Ill llrt on tho pro gnu Hhluhe nn the tubject nl Prayer hi read Kiiae ray root pied fact Hi Ktrlplure In rriinl In Ikliiubjeiti I related a ery Iniereillng lncldnl u the rlTecllhil prayer hid uoOn her iltr whokadlweii l ilrk fur along llm but airai ed from hei dralb tout by the rrniit Immure nl her larul and relalltei Mr MAli 111o lloliilll I Anocla lion gene In gnol rrpoit and 11 the rtmrun ol ilildy II hey were Inking Mill Hello Iiluu olHall Ukenho I I was out III the Inlaid Iho Irlmary Aiwciilloni gay a very appmptlale recitation nlitlelloiiiana IMwer Neil on Hie program wai a Ircliuv Irom Ihe llnlJ on The Atonemfiit by Mil Matin who handled nlJn I In an able miniier Mr l Hugel l 11 Hall Uiku I lm I pioent wacall01lulwn Ielxuh l tie mutlO I I hell pleacd nllhlt pnvmiil niuh I had ken cmtliJ nut he I alitt 1 mid be I young laillr nil be Hall lake Mle were lar akeai I > f lheoung iniu mid Ktvlaklnga taiicli grralrr Intrreit thtig H ti mil I emmragliig I rvinlkl In t the lining Imllei und nrgnl Illlt lit prat fall ens I ellorl In li > and 1 bain all I In I h rlrlnxer I Neal to Ill pnrdnnl wC C Itrtlc nt allb I uiul 1 lltnrnlmuv by 11 I Imeim llroan Hlnike well mid rhanl Hul ilie 110 de olJ Inch Him and I lildnluilylotT 1 imbjetl Mary I Wlkvrof Ibe palm I leeelolluu icavvln I a ynd tenI Sir IViijl I I arnre mud mid list Im had onlynl hadl whlln hero In ion leriiur and urgei on time young toll Iho neceMllr > HudIng 1 tho wlenri if religion S11r llIldc inalnnlw 1 irnnrk elmt Ing the h lll pa nl NItli Ill n Nrlo wbkk bid Iwen I anise out In tlm runfrrencr finlllu wiithviindjounied I 1 |