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Show TO iTe an actuess. Tllfs OrtAND-DAUaHTCrt OF OLD IHONSIDUS. Ml.. Marsrtiu Mrrt, Una of tha Thrta Slum, IW.Info,! In Want ami rorrtil lo laka fp IJta'a llaltla Talrnlnt au.t llcntllul. t;,-:., K88IK, Mnrgretla ii fj and Kranee Btow- ihfllffl ilV1 ' Admiral rW4J tt III Siewart, tho brave iMnfx commander of the iU84Vjf lilstorlo war ship gC"gaft5n. Constitution, were 'Sfejjy- burn on their -;,B.- grandfather' e-w e-w 'V-C . late at Ironside.. "" llordentown, N. J Owing to heavy pecuniary loses and tbo Illness ot their father. Charles Stewart, hslf-bruther ot tbo late Alice 1'. J. l'smcll, tbeso three women bavo been obliged to go out Into tha world nnd seek their fortunes. for-tunes. Tho New York Trlbuno stale tbit llestlo and l'ranres nre Just he-glnulng he-glnulng a literary career, nnd Mnrgretla Mnr-gretla has entered the dramntlo profession. pro-fession. Msrgretta also has groat mechanical ability, and utcl lo spend much of her lime In her fstber's tool-shop. tool-shop. She became an excellent amateur ama-teur carpenter, and, being well known In llordentown, practice. her amateur trade upon her neighbors' hnuse,barn I and fences; she was rarely seen about ' town without her tool box. John How- , ard rarncll, a member of the Drill. h parliament. Inherits tho old fnmlly relate, re-late, at Ironsides, which was heavily mortgaged by his mother, Allco V. J I'arncll, lo ntelst her eon, Charles Stewart I'arncll, to gain homo rule for Ireland. Tho Inheritor will, It possible, possi-ble, carry out hie mother's wishes. He ' J will try to keep Ironside for the de-sctndsnts de-sctndsnts of her father. Admiral Stew- ' art. At this pltro Iheto girls spent ' M.utaitirrTA stuwaht. most happy years, leading a healthy out of door life. They become expert horsewomen, and an excursion In thotr father's steam lsuncb was one of their principal recreations. It Is an hlstorl- ' cal fact tbst when the war ot 1112 broke out It was Stewart aud Daln- bridge who persuaded the authorities , to give tbo United Stales navy a l ebsnee, tho government being afraid ' to undertake n routett with tho llrlt- lh navy. Though having been made a rear admiral on the retired list, Stewart was always known among bis I neighbors as "commodore'' and "Old Ironsides." At tho breaking out of the civil war bo demanded to b plared on the net ho list, but was re-1 re-1 tutcd; ho was then 81 years old. With such an ancestry and such associations I these three women carry with tbem tbo courage and determination of aol-I aol-I dlers as tbey enter upon life's dally battle. |