Show IHK IKICK IS J JIKJll DbLUDtD WOMBN WHO RAT ARSENIC FOR UBAUTV T he IIMdlf Seat > In 10 vnMlIf I soot tlil lti irli ot llntlli Art din Meusg 5easrs I IIsulvIt III ta5e 1 In Idxnlltt la Iron 1 Iro-n snoh extremes has cousinS at lng I n nuTlil by the wimwn of Am < rkw thai Ihn hoelth NiiinJn of tlitrt Ills awl nine Malm will eliorlly labs moos 5 ins to illaniuntfv the ituos lit thr drug I ho iimn rUtri notion thin Inaugural will I unirmnnl < iil In 1100 nstuni ansi itont and A tonnv of nurpriw lo I lain iosloihsn who hnvtt 1 mi Mtit of the I nyih to whli h the nrnenlo habit hllo ratagod I the hettlth of r Alnorloan wo mi n and girl Ilio first Intimation hat i ant wvll saltIest eusyo tin New fork ihortlwr mum In silohonor of II mu norntouii Inrrenw In thu trail In nrtnli during lie twIrl flus ypssrs dor I 11 t 1 rnmentnl tilNthn coo nhtnn tor o Irt nITiilr but 1 nil one curloiM ttnougli I l ul iifnparo tin ngnrm of Hit trmiir nml Interior iht r1m nts will hi I i I o rprlxil nl itt roiiiltlloni thou muku J os sn tin mihjpt of nrwnlo Sou turn sirStns of Ihme I Hjrunw with the 1 I ssahits ropt I > rl i how n dcclliw In Iho m 11 MHUV for chiefs arwnle Na I uperllti Thn this hoalth t Mnl of Now Urk I Iris Immnn ntturn that great quantl II le ot th drug wen toeIng summit with I ts s iut Iho mxllalliin of u shstmsusu pro Hptlim lint the IndiK IUn ovMeni halaiMiil I hIss Miuron of mini a rnnian InHiity liooam Irntfntnbto a S lim win 1 on II I ImiMiiliur 1 iiiiiro mil mon < otldont that American wo 5 non nhobtnd live A which maktt la I r Minal all a < tlvnneat n dnalrabls p w M < mli > n an i hantctoriscd by a Iniiytior hat la I in Illng toy n fragility that U I m are mlilinulli of Ihi III limn win I ilti nt wish good appetlto and liy AIn a-In flhllanl iittirnnw loar And tiMinnnt bit aocompnnlrxl by u hem s tu 0 i oiLalhhity of tbo HIM I Addml u n ihllthi i growing nimbly of a pair I kI i if n > uhsla and its froqui noy of lui pill iii55 r iniiiUtiiHnoo whit li Im s mile aill > Uiiirul nod nil to Ihn inoet sI I rn gu at Ti atuni I 1 I If ssstrm III Utbo offiHt itH > n Ilio i S I ikln whh li lompt HI man nomun tu helrarwnlial I atrvltudo Araeiile nf I nil drug I wondurful In itssomsusllc ITmt ftora few months doIng the i utli lo nuqulnM n jwllnoH shuns nmw fins from riot l or blumUh Iv ilr I il ah wlikli I thin line IruHng I I of a vein 0 i r Ihniinreslrlilod pla of nn emotion In I uxuillsllely ph turud lm 1 1m I mutt them am sumu olislliinte skin whlnli will yieohob suuuhy to it prolungod dosing ml thorn Is I a further coniieiiintlun In iuh oamM through tho colItis ng of hamhmM In the tlajre 111111 u n pennml roll II II nil out of what his IhU win Iwcomos aliitul tlinnten mot Now this pba In clot of Ihlv hIke tho ngllnoiuKif Ibis ushhuyl it I oxkrnil suuuty this woman who 11 Miiroiili < fur sony litiglh of tlmo s Irnw drnlt upon Its nenr fnlniv ivhhb ors only rodcLtnoJ In Ibis bank liOllsy of her health Ilie binjruor whloh itxtornan Is I dvllilou pnnoi I Inwimlly A tortimt Hint oxiulslto whltono of brow obeuk now nnd not k ii I ooncomltaiil soiuly wltli un 00 gnnlo agony In romKirlon with ttbldi Iho IlIIlh of lrtuo N I triumph of the Slsals And when tho IVJKHO of bliss pillow nffonln to nn ltgl lj gh 1 lIe tool oou of dreum or sleep her fair ilruggwl 1 shIer I tow like n skin In n ttorii llilitliiif tMil nlghlnum It may not Iw known to man I mon nlthougfi It uuuiolooohiloolhy I In to inut women that un ImniHn bu liuM ha grown tom all over lira countr In the mnnufailuni und ulo of what ass kllOlII en osuasquhss u55lslenl0iO5 wafsro In Now ork ttullssohuuilolula hhigo nnd Itoslon tho < t goixls mw lltorotl In ttagous to Ihu retail druggUt MI great ha the Iralo bionu Hie wilt rs ure whltu KiltaU whkh mint boss 1 taken mm ulng and night Indonii Ilely Now thitno goods eontaln cery llltlo nrMtik I but when n nunian wh sos UmiloM not yluhul iimill btHomo lmuitlont fin roult shu Imi nnothor rvMiurro itomnmnd Ihl U to n > rsumlo a tnwllpal frhnd to gIns lists ss piVMrlptbm for thou drug or lo pun hn o It on Mime pretonstt at n stoiv otmg girl nuts thou moil fnt 500eOib i litluiH of lbl sort It iso I iiirloun fail that Our tow women oor W nro nixmlo llond In hula toiintr whlih sobioswn 11111 hihll to I H foniparathel inwit horn lint win n Hut woman unoo b l < ivinio < tbo utor of tlio drug In till wa Ihn noNuouo no iwajw fur hour 1011 I a few week uliandoiimt of thus drug ulll fontirt hoer languorous Ssioltly I Into fadttil ngllmwt lIon skin uMiimo Ibl lint of umlunl hlloll nuts I he no grow llubb und thou him ttldiliMi nilorix the iheok inprltlousl otah llilio Itnolf nt tho tip of that olfacturv orgun lion 1 head grow lucaS sill tin bout 1UII itutoni like thin hmlno of ssny putormveml nmmnixt U lorn with iontendlng itnotlon s Ilnlll1 look In thou mirror mukuH this wnlchd ivutura nn artmlo iiinnnur oncu moro |