Show IIHrl awel 1 ntalr I Irnf W t Mawey of the North I minima experiment ttatlim given the following methoil of keeping eweet I potatoe U wa written for the ell mate and ficllltln of that Mate In Ohio and nelghborlngktate oineother material tmw or leave would have I to be mbtltutr l for pine strafe and 1 limo earth covering would nreil tu bed be-d > er Prof Mawey kay I The follonlng method I have found to keep kwert putatom In perfect order until June Iroeiire n good apply of pine ktraw from the wood In a dry time and keep Itunder cover ready for IIM Dig the > olntor mar Mum an the feat eut the vine If not aonvenlent todlg at oner ell the frosted vine on nt one or they will harbor fungus groin Ih that will dnmnge the potatoe Dig on a warm runny duylay the Hitutom along the row an dug lind do not allow them to le limited by throwing Into pile Handle at all llim 110 gently an egg Allow them to llo In the during the duy and In the evening haul tu a convenient conveni-ent place Ilnee good lajer a foot thick of pine ttraw on the ground and I on tilt pile the potato < ln ntccp heap not over twentyfive btinhel In a pile I over Hie pile thickly nil over with I the drv trnwnuw build I I a rough I Ixmnl ftlieil over ohm pile mind let them remain until the Yelhrlln adder or until they have gone thrmigh a weat and dried off Then cover the heap with earth alit or eight Inehe Ihltk and brat imooili The lmiort mil haltnta lire tho kweutlng under oho prevlou cover of the pine ttnnv hcforu covering wllh earth ery careful handling hand-ling and the boanl cover over head Dry earth keeH I out more cold 1 than wet earth If for family eput smaller pile I and limbo up nn entire heap at once for utu keeping them III R dry wain place while nlng I Miiiunij ItliralMIII I true It luss been published 1 repeate < llvn a fat that wheat taken from dcpotlt mud nlll Kgjptlaii mummle will Irm i when planted though It be I 1000 I or IIIlIro 3urn 011 Micro It I no truth In theta ktorlcH How they orlglnuteil 1 It I told by a recent Kgypttan traveler Every vltltor tu ll ypt N called on to purclmto what tho teller Impudently declare to bn mummy Is l cat but which U I really wheat of the pnvnl or lat MMIHOIIH a crop Noiiictline n manU man-U I found vreilnlou enough to buy koino of olds M called mummy whrut nnd of court It 1 grown when planted Somn of than have even mutton gralnt of Indian corn ue the grain they lime found In Hgyptlun I tonilm though thin It I an excluoltcly American corral not kmmn In the old world 1 until utter Co liimbut dlicovercd l America Till very jour Lord Mieniold of Kiiglnnd brought homo KOIIIU wheat that ho found III u nowly opened tomb It wan duly plnntrd but not a klnglu grain germlnateil though plared under oho moot faoroblu comlltlont for grow hug IC |