Show TOMUSTONC UIIOWNS OIIOAN low of hit tl I Ih h lvl lslynw 1 relelt ur I One of the moil fin du slrcln I pro ncU of far western wild and wally tsnt r Tonihstonp Hrown Drown hod I Oren 1 alternately holm 1r or tramp f rlnler aecetrdlng as riposte and op Hirlunlly ellrtnled but he finally delft drlt pd 1 In California and anchored Men doclno and Lake rounllrs where he bP Ian In take notice In matter soelsl1 und politic says Ibo New Orlran < rtinttinu < TBiMllnninmns 4 t a Irt HIKJ scrapo tngelhrr I lltllo money and S ono day hn rerun over he grade Cross i San rranrlsrn wllh a brand new second sec-ond Dand wagon on which were loaded a press n few fonts of type Ink rollers roll-ers and bundle of paper Drown gave It out cold that he was going lo tart n paper hut ssld that the whole of society so-ciety WM so blank rotten that bn wouldnt mingle chili I He drove em through town und off down Into the bottom of a pletiirrsque canyon whom he staked out his hones and began writing plo first Issue of his paper ll < i was Slue whole staff In himself When U rnme lo setting the matter up In typo Drown discovered Ihat Ii4 1 hadnt bought any Imposing stone and I wllh something of old lien Franklin savolm faire the tle mado a quiet sneak Into a graveyard and I Irveard dieting a nol ovcrproupmius jtravrslone hn carried car-ried It off to Ihe perambulating prlnl InK office The stone episode got out on him and lent his I name of Tombstone Tomb-stone Hrown Hut Brown I was not In y the least worried and turning She tllln r lo account minced his journal Tomb atone Motes Organ and ho oon made the county howl Hrovns Organ Or-gan had a front seal In every Issue thai showed above this grass and when one inn 101 got too warm li would Midi up and print the cubit Issue a little farther on The title eif the paper pa-per drawn and engraved by Hrown himself showml I gigantic lomlnlnnn rrushlnK In carth tlio cmhlenn of tip hits lllstn rite pnper rain had I great vogue bill Tomhilono could not viand siifiiMiii and when last ren wax moving north with I row eif citizen marching up I Ibo grad behind him |