Show 111 or the hol I Ifciiu Utah June 10 1807 I KunoiiTnitii Tito idliiol I Iho laraLee were or I ganlied at Echo this week under cry I la ornbh > aui > plrp The retlrt of mil hnpBHhlrh preunled their nut meetIng meet-Ing on Mil Saturday = were full of hull trout illuatloni and amply llluitrated their beautiful mottii Ad Ailrn per Aipuru invanlng In Iho store through dllllculllci After the titiial wiotlu with lilt goat of Itue order during which the Issue of the Mlucabeci deipalrcd 01 men learning nil runes tLu ladles elected follow Ing filllcen rniti J 1 Cuininander Ijily Ixiulie AnJertonj Inlay Commander Ijuly 1 little lllack lianii Jlculeimnt Comtnumlerlndy lm lly Steno Hecord Keeper Ijidy Ilz zlu lllondln Finance Keeper Lady Elba Storer Chaplain < Lady lllcrlit lithe nt Armi Lady Sarah HlaVo Sergeant Lady ClmncMt Sentinel Uuly Mary Andcrloii After lilt meeting on Tueiday earn fig thus Indies 1lIIntr n IIrprllo on thus Deputy huprcmo Commacdtr Mil Kennedy by announcing that Lad storer wlihed tho hive to adjourn holier Itoillu aol cw liou tulle had helped her to i hurt porn I u banquet tl In honor MIn Ken i wetly Lady Hamilton 1 cf the Green IIhr hilt nil Lady laura Arrlll ofj blher live Ogden were present IlIlat feted greatly In tho riiloyment ofthd occasion The icfieihiiienti whit were elaborate were highly appreciated I after the hard uorMn the ksdtue and nil throw raro aildn and gave them1 I nhuiup I to thus eIlJom 1It of the hour Tim menu ronilited of landnlchei col1 l fee bread ham cheeie plcklcf lalud I ttrnnbtrriei leo cream and cake Tliu Itablfl I decnraltont acorn lcautlfiil A ImiulMimu loiuenlriif cholco llovter lay 1 at each plate und two largo bou < iicti I recopied the center of the table Tho following Impromptu toasts were re1 landed to Tim ladl n 01 f time Maccabcci nil I Tutu rriuernlty Mlw Leola Kennedy Slime Kennedy rpoku bilully on the ad i 11 HiitngoH if iKInnglng tri an order tint j wai e < xeluol ly II ladliV order tthe defined true frateinlty and urged all niio bore the mime of fault Maeeal to exen tee charlty lowanU lie I fault nt oilier whether they were member ol I the order 01 nut and tu lay iiildu all III fen utc which they might sour IIa8 had with ono allolhur that thuv might labor ilftitluly ami unitedly ClIO lost Our Slitirt In CoaUlllu UIIH lunpondcHl tu by lily little llhuk ham bhue < xpreited thu hope that the moit kindly rehillniik would ulnayi ex I In between our own and our titter hhe andmigneflted mil meiinii to that end that wu Invite thrul to lilt 116 rums tlmu In tie near future I Dnr Ilrotheriln Coalvlllo IBS ro wnded to by lady Illako She told that ihu 1 hoped lilt Sir Knight would I remember that they had two yoingcr sister nan nil that we ewe not only i ilitir Lot aimol twin listens mid that awn would VOIIIH In for u Hliaro of I their I brotherly nulitanco and piolecllon I ilneuwu were organized auxiliary to Cun1a Ills ICIII I Thu Uedmeiiof lido I war rollwnd I ed toby Lndy Wulioii hue mid ni lute Itedinen and ourtcltei woru tho pinnwr fratornltlo of thli unity It wnr to be hoped that wu could work together nml eubly iilna I maintain friendly rela I tlon aud In the nlwonce of nearer rulll1 tUei 1 adojit f oarh other III fuller brother I cry and misters I After tho mate thuio fallowed an Kn gllilnK > ngThoMinUteer by Jody I Ixiulio Andurlun I Next followcHl time Trench national long JIarielllei by Lady Change She responded to two encore flit by I ilnglng n Swine eong nod then a toman Hluctlon lndy Chauiio although a Swim lady by birth lnya Lolls liurnan and Trench Inn rich mellow tone which heipeakH perfect familiarity with both language Lady Kennedy then recited an appropriate appro-priate declamation entitled A Jlner which let faith the woe of H woman who wanted a divorce from n man who r Jlned or ln11 cadct 1 Iht ho peter lodged 1 at home The ladle Iltn rut + and amid the merry clinking ol giasnt drunk 10 t0 fultite proit liyOl lehu hive Our UilyCmmandet the nest toad drank lrt > Wsl ci filled with pure mountain water Alter all had bid Lady Kennedy n5 adieu the Idle purled In the wee 1II < > huuri well pleated with ihemieKli the only and each other mac lii > M > is It K |