Show ON rIlE FRONTIER JJ KitF Ma akr nt j The tl SIt w rllnRr lie woo t i talwrut 17 YeN old J j 11 htork AI n rnal 1 a Sr IIMIUI 110 MUI J lmollth I ne aw and that mmifh was 1 j i Ml h overflowing t if wllh Brent thlnlnic I k white teeth tllnger often declared Ida parent were alrffMt w1 ire but he had taken Leek Into the buck Hood of hla slave anowtort but an old 1101 i may tare been true 7 b pvaitrrman woo wont to obwrve h + mutt have taken Lark n darn linn dlno lul on Ttohol Creek In the 1IIk lliii we trurk color I 1r hot Creek think hit fine been gun another name Ti Mike lordly belonged lh honor of itii vertrig that the oulhern kink of Ihf ink ihowd ilgn Hut It wa We > Urn ll > rrl < who found the entire tide of the ravine wan full of vein containing gold enough to mike ui nil rich If It 1 could CI taken ouL Then we held a consultation Just above the point whore we hail made three dlteuvcrlee the puny alum dropped from a hlch faiL Kf wa only bed plenty of water that we uid work her br hydrullcki tald ZebThat That MI mi a thinking There mUll ie plenty 01 water thereIn there-In the wet eeeion I obnerved Remember Re-member thli It I called rreahel Creek llrgob that xi nodded Oarilly Uld a bit av a dim up above we could Kit force IP throw the warthtr clan to th top av thla bank linger tali nothing but looked very wine Wa worked at the Link for awhile but although It w a very rich the work of gelling It l > y the panful In the stream and washing out the yeller did not make It very profitable lilt lien thought wp had better build a dam and wall fur the spring rain to five UK all Ih water Wf needed I had an IIIa The spring nine would clean out our dam In a twinkling I declared linger govern choking yell of terror I I and atartfd tlLttin Bat Ma legf II fremed In melt fcenealh him soil he fell In a htlltl blubbl hit heap lug lien load over him writhing II hatchet and knife aa he cried Heap nice fat black toy ugh Oood curly scrip 1 Waugh lIlt chief lake lark boya scalp Oh good Btaq Injan pleas d nl fake my wall walled linger In the omit object mror Wllh the olhfr I had followed and we were concealed at a dlalance when we con II watch all that took place lien flouHitnd tW knife at the acme lime pretending to seek for a good grip In lingers hair Illg chief like black lays carp he declared leok heap nice In blf ehlefi wigwam linger rote la lilt kneel and clutched lien ahout the legs while ha continued begging 10 it apu1ed lilt manner wn heartrending It ton hair muttered to Zib who wai near me lien will scare the nix toollih Kf hell cure him o haplln I tool beer a dernr woo the old fellow retort re-tort I mood II Ju1 ai long an I could l I really began la fear linger would the of abject terror of a Hidden I rushed out firing into the air with both revolver and yelling loudly lilt lien look toll heel linger flopped over nII toy tilt nn the ground When I reached him I found that lie had fainted The othera earn out and we restored him to conwIounnfM but he wa lie weak aa a kitten during the real of the day and he would atari and hake at the lIehl1 sound A thousand limes he blcned me for avlng hit life The boasting was compnttly taken out of him lilt lien was going to tell him how the trick waa played but I objected 1 made them all promlie they would keep allll till linger gut to boasting silo He waa not taken that way Hut hla admiration and love for ma aeemcd unlmundail Apparently he Inccrtly believed that I had taved liU life and he was ao xrAtefut that he could not do too much for me r a FFS J r 4 e A p ny 7l f e r eJSf Y JZIll Ill HIUMI1U ANt IIII = Than wlllt can wo tint 1s water enough here now If we can hold back a 110001 wad above the fallg m Thuy saw I woo rlghtalk A The next day tlavla and larrlty were oft for Curler lo get hose Ifl > ei and noi de The reil dfua went Id word bullJIng < tht lain We worked tike beuvera We bad It nlarly conndethl when Davie and Oarrtty returnnl They troujhl < the liote Ilkrwlun some new Hitting hull mud hit bravo wore coil to be In the hlllt It waa reported thai the oMet bad sent vnrd that he would wipe out Cutler Cut-ler City and level Ivndwonl A arty of pro > pectora had been murdered mur-dered dt tcnli gilIn Iqtatq dutch Outtld the larger ampa there were general tale nf alarm v llegobi cried Oarrlty Ifa auralhea built be hush our haIr nv no doiiU look nut w O way dart came conleniptuouily from Olngera lips Who tkeere1 ob a fw Injuntr lilt teeth were almoit chattering with terror Old 1ob Scattermin looked erlou Kf thar1 redskin In tier hlllt wed bOIl keep our weather eye upen nil liar time he absrtvd if ai n body peen anything of em round these > ere i > attt well have ter tklp out llvuly i Yah grinned linger lIve big whit many runnln from de Injunul Tall yah ynhl Xcbl er ketch dli nlMger running while dots yeller let uy fer der w thln Now we all knew that linger wan about the blrgeat I eownrd on thv file of the earth and > o we did nut pay inuoti attention to hla Ixwttlng Till teemed to auger him and he bragged won than ever lie began tu tell how many liJUnt lie had killed and bow he had e apd death at their hands tliiw after time and h kept II up imminently for the next three day till vuyb < oJ y wo pretty nick of it Ill IU him sold lien one day Ill stop hll bragging With hie rill be hot an eagle from which he obtained plenty of fealhera for his yurpoa Ited clay aerved him at paint I I Wllh contldemble labor he made Mm self up UK an liillan one day and then lie bad ua tend Olnirer down the ravin noun errand I When the oalarad Ud sou ate conch enable distance from the camp lilt Hen came out upon him uttering a fiendish whoop Ileallyjie hung about me nojiiucll that he becan lo Li nultnnce VUCh V Ve4Kad rninplelnl the dam ntntWlt graduajly nilewllli water Jf The pills were properly bald and no day we turnol two beavy itreuma uf water agalntt the bank of the ravine It melted and came washing down before be-fore the forfo of the water We could not ute the water very long fur tlv soot lonered rapidly and X11 tookttlme for It In nil again = I I d but we could ash down enouRl t > It wai an Coup thing to carry the pricl < mt I clay 10 thetlulceewr had cnnnructM I In lhle I nay we iilW handle urxJf j or eight I llniea at mucli In the course of a day aa WI could before I II paid and we were jubilant At Die end at a week we began to feel like millionaire I Theq anmethlng hlppenetl T W e had been utlng tho water but hnd ttoplie1 I was celling my load fart In under the hollowedout bank nhere I th6iiiht Ir t Il was liable ou be the rlehett Kuddtnly there wan a yell of warning 1 looked up A big Dice of wateiy city nwliDop log and eliding dawn the clop toward nut nutAliov It I law the overhanging bank lowly glvliiK way threatening to bury me beneath Ion of earth lletore I could nuke a leap the eliding clay win about the and caught in to the knee I tried 10 drag myMlt away Ton lute 1 mar held fault v elbwly l but auroly the great bank vri Killing fur the fall leaking upward I felt that my mo manta were few A numhno eelMd upon me and I gaiped like uns facliuld at death collie down upon in Then there WM another hon e about I felt loniebaily catch in 0 about the body and fiercely atrumlo to draw mC from the clutch of th clinging slay liven sadden hOIIO I did my belt to gel fee Thu aided I lucceeded and I mac neat reeling through th Ihlok clay over the lap 011 dawn the bank calohlnx a gllmi > e of the fan of my retcuer aa 1 went It won linger Ac I naa suddenly freed he plumped and fell urugiled up tall again lUachlng Mild ground I turned to IM him In the cluuhM of the colling lay 014I would hove dashed back but at that very instant the crumbling bank Rave way and came down with a thundering mar part of It reaching me and hurling me backward linger was burled from tight In a aeeond I afllO unharmed but my brave ret crier was dead Ile had dared rash lo my aMltan when my other comrade load tpell bound nllh fear llut he had given his life far mlnel In time we excvled hit body and gave him decent burial l with a Urge bowlder to mark hli resting ulase In Freshet lulch On the bowlder I laboriously thlI l these words OINOKII A Tnun nnno |