Show I IMH 51576111 Tlttllti t senerr ed so 151151ane lu I 11101 During Sloe getatier t portion of the week general wuol < > t > i bntlnrM at Chhvgu and elwislernis11115II 1 usher tributary I utary ha u < lw 1 s n pnwtloitl paralyatd by Iht r 110 y strike Larger nulnn I I illlrlll I tlStwt Ill the tlfllpln I reltlltI trletpts of Ilk svmk sees and 1 piHim r will wralMii liwnu I fitiliiirii aiul j inprrlmntl mlltrnl hole 1 1 hue KI I iialiiny 10 erure ipplts stet Inc os Isls 1 Iny11 eMI 11 tall rol h ch 1 Inull In lent rrleeial l I 110 1 I lb miuil I oft tosl11k i1 I 1 p r urge 5nuder ail I hll tl II 1111 celirsh wee 1 s5t 1 it lilt e hJ u ntrlrof nenLnnt mauulrlunr iii tic tat Isuuierr IIIfIII filler the I lac I r s i III i5 I 11101 iaseIo I h I I t I 141 III ieale I rah 1 I up I r 1 n ladne s sse r r brr il > asd IfIrl 1e Itt L J 1 r r i I Ktuailon has gteslcly imp u I liihr I line I tin illuallni u u nnorurd 1 Thn rake tribe n roar d I dittallnr 1 anl 1 he oMMtUe ere r iniiiiii luitufk The > nUloi I 1 of the lenen trlko nl Tivnlon alter le l fug vln iminlimeaiilhtrTtiiipli > yin I y-in nt ol Ihouaiinil A iiiiiniwr of smell evlke are rhertrrl 1 lot Iliniii DuI HOC fnwr Idle IWIVUIM of bike on Irl I day ihl week Ihan has l Inn lod I lumber chic sel std rolliin nianulai Hiring In liutrlMal lariter MMeiuaml urotern Mntenb aye madu pra SMelly uhlpmenU and troll Yter rill 1 tri leii Ihiouclwii th r nlrrl l l 1 Irli tallul to Lae I Iu rel ut trade li I retlwttd 1 In lOTHUUHuun Milk clrarliiK fur tits week Xwritut also than Irprtrl In the prrrittn i week UIIhl lilli hllkok ii Soils I I lmiiliij < Inlal In July UI er th ivk < lilul hun a det IMM srlllli ant it this luau jetr of f only llt Im rat An examination tuple li > m hwr51 Mllhlho nilddli < ei IWI follueiug II in ItHrlni rulMrawinent liulliali Ihal heir ice defllnol 10 Ir i nt timlH I r lent 1 end 1 wen ll err tens whtls iMti 1 nn HO ltr rent hliiher than titre year ogus Turk and lard are r > IMtlvtly IHnml IX err rule hijhrr I than three mr agii while rlmnjcM in 5rIse of Sassier nml ilieem ese l 100 Klllont No curb radical muvvnirnt 10 ea ibllnl In prier I > lor l print Huth > twat rmfev nrtliiii rot ctrl l lrolcum and anthracltn owal l but raw HOU 11 1s l i rnpjiwIXT I I ixriTBt pig Iron IWiwmer and sdlitacit ar Suer cent UUrliCT iriiMilin bitiiiiilnoiH wwi 1 nUKr real realthe The world1 lwk ol hmt hnilc I llnel during he pnil I luurlren weed Dll1l1t UUHDOliO hiKheli moru than In Sits hike rllonol hut year which II li i I Ignlllcant In low I ol the Imdilcnce In henili that lluMblo domiillo cumin I illn are aliniMt isliauilwl i > iortiol w heat Hour Inclndwl both Mate Unlle l I 1151 and Canals thl 1 week equal 2 1771 I XXJ builivli romiiarwl with 1KO000 miheli last week lt1lUUO buiheli the onto wevk of July last l > ear iMV roo hllhoh III Shot wftlk two yean uuo niir7OiMI ihrie nra dun Them an ties biitliieH failure In Iho InlliHl 1 Ulaltn reinrtfl this work agalimt UK tail week coil emnpurrd withH In this ircund week ul July test year and will 10 In that week Iu ytar ago Ailde from Influence nlrrady rrlrrrtil to the fwitiiru of the seek lloiltn in at oilier eittean centeri lies been higher prlcei fur grain and proililoni allhough more caw li new rrporlrd llulfalo mart Incmxd llvu dock khlpmenli rum Indiana which woull hUt lone to Chicago and Ilaltlmore a smaller trad Irout the wiit and fewer orderi than cxpecto1 from this loult A lair volume 01 builnci In shines reported l from rhlltdtlphU and urarht rally no noteworthy nmcnunl atlltli burg All + rotaen 11e1l101l report railway niKjrlallon rtitorwl but that It will I bn wine tlmo b fore anylhlng Ilku emu I pletu reituratlun ol condition before the strike earl bt attaint A 1mOl Inr Ittl I toUaaxi li I reported fr1II Lt vllle bill at Clilcattf anII4II in T 01 use tirlm and J illwrireport ira ip 1 lion in ire aellrv with the volum Irate slid < ruilo v huh mini nt 11 R ptrlol ol uillinniiiir duprc I KanMi City sae eriou l > alrrlu I I tole railway I strike bin I etude ant bet I I reuly hlpH l thtiu now Umalia t apparently fan I ethcuj bat at 111w Hf rr irtel lfV r r SmI re1 7 to at Inter t1I 4 I town pare h uMni lil no h r from 01 1enl with tenor iihu t porkcress nd 1 IedbersleelI I v rvptiunally tw l price toiUr ur u All oiitli rhrllleiaajUiuil t rrry dull The railway etn1 wn < hmnly ell at Xemphlt lfshtIr l ucu ta BaraniMh New Oriwna emu 1 Ualrt ton iorla markell repast lurpmtln bit alvmrl In price ah1 New lilrani thai riinr h I not In I tpevl 11 dirnand and that little le I Joint ttld is I hiahar and In rvqiicit K ceiHlj1ll lanorahle Iradt t pitxpeeu art ff I itel MIU nlnu In Tau = w MI 1 Mm h ul I the buol1 all market la 04 ass 1 culail tort toil ha bnn htlne > by tome rlt In 4r prhe 1 01 wwl I abroad flame at the tlMiti < r mill are buying mark In tdtaMi 4 present need 1 lnten1ng to In Ma > ly for I auv thing hat mat hit pU sale lot Iht week weir 1113II1111II 111 anllKt 311 7UI Ions year ul 1H Ul in i W I and for ht > wok of Jnly rite lieen B < fl7 mi a5eio5 I 67 WVJ iatt esr end IIWWIM IHtrt A laimipiiun I u1 l railway liu > lllile H renlere l lh market MUIIW hat liV and 1 XVeilrm holdera eiixrlally lflfclu 1 arttqnlia pernrally holding fur Mar price tlmi run now be l nbtaliwil |