Show lull t1Ya 1b iJrnllm punt I III I I r J ti m 1111 IM01alllel nuunat al hint wawa boo tutu bM In ron w 11 n In NHetlklt Ill YIttll 1111 tit lvr I It uuluurule tutu In sir arr 1 rNI 1Ill0 LIY NNNllulhxtl a ran INYIr11 Y NYIIIItlINNaI lra NIr111 E Cii LIIU ti I 11 n hr kltul n h eNew Ir lug nuwuII t 6m7 t hihNfnwfW uh Innl ll I I lIoI > IlOCuk ylrwuprlwnua I w IIh IY Ile I rrlllasIlh 1 14 11l ItI = J I au IMI nlu1 ells wtla n lul sl lulnIII blare 1 lInl Yf aIr I flyhail 4 hnNNh WlI H HI1j Ilnu Nils udrpul I 0I II 0 huuuIruJ ii 1 N AIII r I d att r I o lute tutrlrr II a tI brstdf 1011 udh Ir I 11111 luntn I I rk I I Illrlwuetitt n 0011 I tluwill I ouboa nruromlla II 2U 0111 I proof ludu l JAS1US EHOSMKR hL U 1 IlIIl 14 MirirrcN 7117 Hi1H nitliii > fkiirfthM I nlull I In51r i ul11115 r s ii I Nhrtl UNn > Iuw I 11uinlnwl 1 HENRY SHIELDS i I 1 A 1wale I N I Y 1 MAUI IHIS WtiQIR l LIUI1 e Ll a lra I I I llK rY I t vl n I Will l t try 1rbut Iuhlle II Ilunnblr I ail q I I r iun luhIt Unit lurid 111 11111 n l Ill 1 1 j l u rr all 1 u 0l + rnnuiin u p WILIlhd1 nitro liiiil Junnsnil art m omv n Uui hilt All I ltl II Il ural lrul r and o fur prefl Lam prnl al ucls of VSr FL J SUI G tr 1 RIRU L u 1 MM I iIE3 I 1 e W 1CES f I 1 ltustb nd G 1toI11Pf4C at h1 ourtl t h < nt I FIIIISrauGil AND TI L wnra ee a n HEART D1SEASEI lIlIefnr No Apprlllc CoulJ Not Stoop Wind on Stomach Tern IOfIt lisle flMwl 1 1 a terrible aIn a lmy heart which ilutttred 1 pi oo InrrMinl I Ir I had no nppetlta rp1 lia II reed c < mlil not a rep I would In dim toiled Ui all up In bal nml belch KM hum sly atouuili until I thought that awry iiiinux would to mjr last There wa A Iwlllnif of opiwoaalon taut nil hrnrt and l I nut afraid to thaw i aa lIh brcuth I inild not awes i n room without noting My 1 blur Mnd Induced lira lu try I Dr Miles Heart Cure toil urn hail to wr It Ire euml ML t now tutu n iil < MIHIpllite l 114110011 i trod lu tat < wale truly njirreloua UKt II tHIir M tTAMH IMU IIIfc Ix I tin = MlftuM t ° I aMl reel III ° L m Ilrll ltN 1 1 1 L ea Io r y i a W rust tl tluY Rc bert Rippon 1l1EIEll lNU8R twlkONJAKKil 411lnltld + ul 1 11100 P TilC St sling i II S1 xl l t Cnrjxnltr Wink d I Ill 1 Ill 11lIIllh 11 Sliop mi PIII i ii bear < i HirM SclId ullllIIhill David Moore BiR nail ad rtoall kawlaul LIVE STOCK ON COMMTS8ION C mitiiai CutiiiHt u peuiaoy I Mr I hunt aa 114 I aII 1 On n 1M IYMi I aiti I I 11 ihul I Viol aaa lit 1 ur T I Ire 4tMMp h I salt r h W1an ruILnnt eaerl0 1 OSCAR F LYONS Notary Pabllc and Conveyance I oil wt Ion lnnntdiy mile I on riiiniUkin i II 1010 In 11 lUiiiIIUWft IIIIII IHM Summit IHMI Ilah I I J L PECK CE I II I Land Surveyor urveyor I SIIU llTIIW IrtiK iiioit Cuiutl and Ditclici Clt lin > rrt > nod Ianu Ilnui Ruthyat 1 I I CoiiMtriirtiun Mining CONVEYANCER Iliu M I ip < null S > vclcntlons i CUMIN ami Haliifnctidii I J11 h ir cs MoiUratr1CX oat 11I 11 Si MMirCo UTAH I I mopou BERTZ s I Iuum I I Ihr Pick City ottlill Yorks s I Its ore t4en Mml In liunlli Hit ululr all l Buinliill MHItily 1 Hilh Ihttnwivl hJih Ucr Ale 111 1 i Mineral Vater l f i IIi Id I Ucrr l I 1 i hi I linger Ale I I 11 I ui Sarwparillu mn I > Die Bent hewn I Wine o i Ii or AM KINDS j i M gUAUTV i i PAmc none iNDUsrnr M 11111 i unt I P 0 Boxi a Park Cel Utah r OOALVILLB COOPralellanaasen Iod I r < + imauTLKt1 + v jN Last Fridays issue of this paper pa-per 0110 of our Competitors says Of courso wo must charge you y moro for Sugar because wo paid more Wo any o Dont Be Hoodooed a p By BolioviiiK it THE FACTS O A I ARE Knifcod Sugar was > by our I I r Competitor 25 per cont in U6 minutes 0 < min-utes WjEL2 Bocnuso o r Ho Had A CINCH On You m THE FACTS ARE tho price of UJ 4 Sugar on July 13th tho date of this papers lout isuue hall iioithor o ralwd nor declined THE FACTO > o ARE we got in two shipments of 111 6 Sugar during the Strilco and Q J u Wo Took No CINCH On You o o But Sold ftt Snrno Price an Usual 4 I As to Weighing CPl > i 0 and weigh atGoI I Scales FREE 1 CoL ix ILLE JOOP i 3OYDENJRU < is jTOREY Prescriptions Filled t IEAOQUARTERS FOR FINE S7ArIONERy COAL VILLE 4 e I 1 i < L1 1 1 = E BL = Great Reduction I V IUHKS AM I > C1111UR1 s Hats and Furnishings i ALSO IN I IADIIS Cambric Underwear Boys Waists and Pants From 25 Cents Up j TwentyFourth Dresses for little ones from Remnants in choice colors and patterns Very Cheap Have on Hand quite a number num-ber of small White Dresses and Aprons which will bo sold at a great reduction Maggie Salmon Coalvillcj Utah u WILSON BROS 1 tllIIlIfll IN II Gmmr 1 M r lmlllli lS ml ii C CoI I 0 Lump per ton 200 Stove per ton 160 Nut per ton 75 At the Mine |