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Show r u f. M-in cysteine all over the ttntrel State and furnish telrphoi et at uniform annual rental of 25. kfu..LYILLE, FRIDAY. A JR. 12. 1'resident H. K. Warran of the halt Lake College will pleach in the New Of AMitAL Alt DffAltrvtt mint. West t bnolhoase Monday eveniog. April t new eeaurius 14th. Ail are nrdially. invited to apt iiiiti ,,e L... J . tJS l Pre City. tend. , to AppHord, night, Born, Wednesday aauvt Aim pkr.sv rtta lew the wile of A. il. Brown a boll". Mother tiabe getting along" mctly.JUs and .l,Wm indications ere thatdbe father will reKaI, Ev . Mo. S. tul . , .. cover. ll AV Y asffeft WrvewritvAtAeewtfHriwe-Srrwlt.twsti- f AtUariiM rttphiherikWvV Lrv.1uft.il H R ftnapp iir Hefcer, and that the district schools Hkle 0 r l.jrmw f ' Briny hjve been closed for - a time on that toon ''a count. W.uiihtp ,0iiK ... i batW y.W Muyuviil John Clark Wpton In Bali Lake yesterday among the WTH.k.1 Enir- SVbo - .. SkiiLim brewer license to wed granted was oaa to ... ri.m-fr-r T, Wra.trS Jyai.k hnll Jim lurmnt, .litk W.Uh Charles E. Mudd to Nellie B. Moore. Hainan We presume the cry of Moore Modd will be frequent in this household. The Item jcratic Territorial Cwinniitte met in Balt -- Lake - triday - afternoon at the call of its chairman. John T. Caine, fur the purpose of leusidertng plans for conducting the eoming state campaign. President Can lion ha returned frem the East and declare the alleged inter vw published by the Washington Star w a pure fictien ; he report the affair of the Utah Company in excellent thape. It i a tittle late, but nevertheless Tux Tim must extend i a eoiigiatulation to Mr. John Kckland and Mis Lucy fiextei, who were united in marriage by ' Commissioner . 4. halwon on tbu oUth LOCAL BRLVITIES. rtsioKU. COALVILLE TIMES. i5. tin t-- .. llp. (rriMlBU ui Local news in almost a tit t -- . li- ver. 'Wff httle Frank Bslmmi girl ill with i pwttiiuhpn Mipcid.in hHw1 w lie Knbi neon A nsedaiwawer'dredi'etxAki .- .,W, v i to the wife of lion. A Liy El.lwdge .vsni home katnnfay to rermtin over Sunday- from! the Cmisrmiiranat Convwmion. Mr. A. Moii-- r and family who have been visiting relative in Coalydl, returned to ealt Late Meiidav last. Mr. and Mr. John Turner of Waathip pant a visit to their frivuds, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barber, the past week. -Elijah hwamson went up to ids ranch oirCtiaik teekrhe tirt nf the week, witira view ( luumliiig up the ipring work. Mr. Euieline Allen of Evanston, sia'er Of Mrs. Aim Ehiredg of Coalulie, is ia theniyona hncf visit with relatives snd friends. K. I. Crow ther went into bait Lake the brst of the week, and will make r "J hi- - flUiliv Hf'l'wwjiwiiiv l.ere to reside. Mi Unto Pi out, who a a- - a delegate from CoHivihe tsr tnc I lirtsttan En deavor iiieetiugat ) leu week, r- nit. turned watuidav. We received yesterday from the Utah Wm. ti.Mu.th, w!io lortlie past two loumiiesien a table of the vetes for the months has leeu in alt ' Lake on the , i a shown by the olliciai years inned liome emurdav, tlie lei j irv, petit return made to the Ctati cum in Isamu, dim Larged fir this jury having wnu.il will lie of much value fur referterm. ence, vUr general friend and iMrreajiaivloiit A social party was held at the resiN.B-Ni.aiiut . t t.ikie v i ftuur dou u to pi dent e of Mrs. Martha Mm by onTv ctineie Coalville tit teal. sott imin laisincs day evening. About thirty trieud were Batnrdav. This has Uyn his first visit preaeut, aud the evening pasted off to Coalville lot innn'hs. pleasantly with songs, dancing, refietb-nient- t, Mr. N.C'laws in, the jovial telegrapii etc. at Wahsiteti.cimo un to Coaloperaior A pretty tight appeared in the heavville on id wheel Tues lay ami mule a ens in tee direction of Salt Lake Wednesshort yiit w ith ft lend w lule his bikeday night, and is thought by many to was undwrgoing repnii. be the tearchTighi' cigarette adverB. Y. Robinswii. an old resident of tisement which ie attracting such crowds Coalville, ut who bus for the past five in 8 t Lake these evenings. rears been residing in England, reWe were viiappointeJr not receivturned te Coalville Moudav, and will ing letter from several of our cor- hereafter make this his home. respondent in time for insertion, snd X Small are sorry to note the gam for this isA snd little excitement was stir W well sue. handle matter tsanot evening by a firs that trrivss later than Thursday, and trust our corrsspondents will tuaks an breaking out iu the shed adjoining the effort to gat their items in by that day. Fountain Saloon. William Wilson firat for a time it looked as Vark Recod : A prospectiug drift be- discovered it, and if the entire building wo doomed. - On ing run ou the 1600 level of the Ontario the rear door the enure shed line under the direction' of Foreman opening was- ftwmtl to (w- - tthimtr, mmt In a Jauie Kerviu, cut into a body at high room short time the flame would have ieen grade ore this week. The strike looked control. Bui the bucket brigade so favorable that Puperintendeut Cham- beyond remoulded in jut three minute, and bers raiue out front the city to see it. the file was ructei-fiii.- y sublued. The The boys at f be wine say the Ontario to was trifling. Iln the tire orign aied never had a betttr showing ed ore than i a mystery, b it the larder dropping is in eight of a Cignietto to lia c ( r(-Supjm-e- d Webster's .Literary, Society was well thecHuae. .Mr. Bui, desiu-- - iTur rivi, attended Tuesday evening and a very to thawk all tln wiioafHiel in patnice entertaiwment was giveiw The foting out the tire. llowing program was carried out ; The m ist ilenca.o tuiiniitiilUHi tan J. M. Cali ler wood ; short speech, na ir. J. ti .lctAns iar dine Safely Mor-gaof the times, I.ehi Thomas; topic smog Balia ; ms a s.iro tor - Moore i - debate on the question, cough, loan o voice, und ail tiiio it and Kvaulved, That Frederick the Grest lungdines. Was a Greater General Than Napoleon tiki Lvno, Bousparte; atTirmative7 Cari Allisen aui .aol lor athelii-oltic- e and Harry Thomas; negative,' Frank in tsiasoie on Apni 11,1816. Rippon and Alex Steele. The judges UhvticHlmig t any ot these idler, decided in favor of the affirmative. please rav advertised. 4 !t w ttrpre ler Afe Ju 1VM fflrs , we. Jiilp 'T Vt y v. J 4r. C.L.C 2 i .vv . kks r . f f. r triers. ' i icrv-e"- 8 a - . carryingthe most complete and choicest line of Ever shown in Coalville, prices ranging 35c, 40c, 50c, 60c and upwards , We have just received a full line of Ladies' Misses and Childrens - i t Ft. that Thomas Rartttof Provorand Mi Edith Hartley of thi City aers married last mtght 4m thiacuv, Bute U at hand, ... ?hs and ye head of the family must now eat h e hurriedly prepared meal on the back porch. 4 jury at 8a!l Lake on Wednesday nikt decided that the killiag ofj. C. Watson y William Coll.er, at Park Cite Ist December, was justibxlle. We noticed Henry Wheaton sewing wheat iu the good old Lmhiuned way, by hand, yesterday, and it made u " think of vhe dar when we'were youngt 8. h. Now- - f tar, 3 : O. F. l.joua, postmaster at Pooa, bum ant county, and a veteran typographer, ia nere agaia looking a well a ever. Uoiaer Thomas and eons have leased the land by the courthouse and are now busily engaged in preparing the ground ' forcropeof various kind, Hlllww Call. . Visitors te the sixty-fift- h annual con Persons who art subject to attacks of fere bee of the L. IX K. Ckuryli have biliuui colic wilt be pleased to know that nearly all returned home, and report prompt relief may be had by taking tbs attendance at Salt Lake was ena of Chamberlains Colic, Cholera aud Diartl largest aver known. rhoea Remedy. . It acts quickly End can Sheep herd ar already making ikeir always ha dependtd Upon. In many way cpt'kalk Creek and to other ranges. catea the attckmy be prevented by Ssvsral hards passed through here this taking this remedy as soon as ths first wsek, and whenever a festive blade of Indicalion of the disease appear. 25 grass Bobs np it will be pouaced upon and 60 cent bottles for ealeby John Boy-de- n A Ben. by a hundred nibblers. In the year 1880, fifteen years go, an Aw Import mat Move. the 1st, Sud, Srd, 4tb, 5th and 6th of We nudersUnJ that- satisfactory arApril, the white crystals . covered the rangements havs been mads by Wilsaa ground, and on the 15th the first plow- Pros, to deliver their coal in Salt lake ing was duns bv Henry Wilde, J.hs at a rate that will bring tham plenty at - Wilde and Fredrick Wilde. patronage, and likely cans a little fiurrv The weathur the few dm ha in coal circle in that city. Coal yard been about a follow Monday, warm will b established there, and W. F. end bright;, Tuesday, - cotnriderable Smith will go in the first of the week to weather, ndxed with wind ; Wednesday, take charge f them The Kelt Lake wind mixed with weather; Thursday, a New Star giTs much space and attaches little mere wind, - considerably mixed much importance to this transaction, With weather. and it it sincerely hoped by ll that Mr. Mark Hopkins and Mia Annie Wilson Bros, will be successful in thsir Thoms have opened up a very neat and nmiertaking?for their prosperity ssd ' attractive ice cream parlor a ad lunch the regular working of the ir nine most Toems on Upper Main street0, mi are al- workrfor a a umber of men now Idle in ready doing a thriving Imsinee. Freeh Coalville. Their coal it of a auperior confectionery, pies, cake, etc., are kept. quality, and with a fair iraight rata The new parlors have leen christened they can eecure their share of patronage the Bon Ten, and i run under the in the Salt Lake market. , fit la name of HopkinA Thomas, Acting through the blood. Hoods Bocae day ago the dispatches an- Ssroaparilia not only cures scrofula, salt nounced the fact that the standard' rtienm, etc., put gives health ami vigor to thw who! body. Telephone company bal just been orTk Ita.IIrM Am.rlrawa ganized in New York with a capital of trains fS'iO.OOU.OUO, it avowed purpose beiag to All sgres that the lnl vestihulcl & NorthPacific of Union a the Chicago, wage merry war on the Hell Telephone company. Now comes lii? Chi- western I Ihe distance all vempetitors and declare, that with ease. cago Times-Heral- d No chance or delay at the Missouri among the bin k(,r and incorporator of " this gigantic concern i Provident Ueorge f R- er. L 4J. Cun. mn, while till f Fm infermstioa call on er addrev Jn!M p, tjinral - - n or C1 V i. lrssr Agant U. P. Sveteni, j si i n r'ant Sjura house-cleanin- f wax Z t -- . ltt ws go o' (. U--- The e ho from the dub of the spring ..JFfwpet hexter ! heard or every hand. Report el nTh goM stHLiMniioue ! to come m. The from Ike Deep Creek country. It U reported that the Coalviile'Brass Beni will be reorganized and eome new uembtre taken lit. m Rued the ed in thin ieeue of McPoljn A Bert, Park City, manufacturer of ell kind of iQMiair drink. More land entries ere now being mad for Utah lend than at any time in the history of the Land Offiie. Read the advertisement of Mr. 1, E. Rhoades, who announces a new and complete stock of millinery, ete. The People's Mercantile Company have another change in their ad this week and quate eome eery low prices. iurtas i irc'i lSil-2-d-- Born, Thursday night, W.r.iam B. Wilton, a eon. EGO R dnnson, JUm John Lord Kr.t are laid np w ith the gnp.. Wm. 11. BianK. Jr., and family were down from their ram h up South Fork tids week. IVter fVrtz. of Mclohn A Bens, Park City, as down interviewing over u$ PEOPLES' M confined th 1 lir pneumonia. g In our Clothing Departmentwe have received our Spring Line of Goods. to-da- 1 We Ad-di- e, n- Mrs. Lm j J.'to.om Kss'i.o l.eorse oreeu M rr " w ll , , v p Mai-c- u. 1, bus . sL tliXsua. a li Uowsn, P - pt I j f M - There are mail) tut dents and diseases wlik li allect sits' aud canao serious in. Cob veil it tic and loss lo the lai tiler ill hs Wor, wkuh luav U) quick iy remedied by the Use oflr. J. XL. McLean Vokamc Oil Liniment. .veil have an elegant line of Boys, Youths and Childrens We also have a full line of Boys Knee Pants r' that will meet all demands. It L. The City Council has selected a place in Dry tonlow lor me ot gar-)aand buru.1 of Hu iltpoiiing animals, and all w ill livrent'er parti govern ttiunseive accord n i ly. I.v ordrr vK ny Council. Our line of 1 ,t. aioar, Mavor. If you m.tk? UitLJnn v.i the Chicago, Colon Pacinc oc .v nitiwt stern Line. Fewest , uanges U C nicnu and other eastern cmes. Tl.ioiigh veMihiltd trsisa, ci nijHiseif i,f l ining Cars, first and reiund i u epers and ainlpre Reclining Ciiair Care, for full infr u au n on or address A. A. lskav Agent C. p. ereln I, -- ,i . GEES' Awarded Highest HonorsWorida Fair. Will be FURNISHING GOODS here in a few days, and we kindly invite all to come in and inspect our line. DU Peoples' Mercantile Co., - -- it - Will put 1 Dr, prices Cnymi BakingSaPowder Fnacixw AwvJni Ovid Mam XhdwinMr Ftir. MOST PERFECT MADE A pur Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fres from Ammonia, Alum or any other iuiterjrj 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. , Alma Eldredge, Manager. |