Show A rallhfnt Irlenil It la I Rood for n intn to have a friend ° who ean nay the rIght thlnir When Tnmiiicra Rot ao hard up I that he had to take n Job allaying Baa piw ho naos tonllied to Unl hit friend llrtiwn look tOil down afhlni In I tho trench oncdny Thla la I not the Ural time I have wen you here Mid llrown t ° nd by I the way I nut Mla Wlllla I the other day and ale I asked nboutjou Votulldnl glum mo ama lld you Well yam know I cannot tell n Heron I Hold Her-on t contemptible on UiKiiahoaad i whithad Iron of you I told her the last tltna I aa < vyoiioii Wo nl the corner turn IliRHp I Ihu street Cincinnati Tribune Trib-une |