Show t I FUNERALS FUNERAL I IV V- V VVs Vs t Fu Funeral sen services Ices for George i Monti Roa who ho ho died at Mont Mont- Montpelier Mont ont ont- I pell pelier r Idaho tollo following Ing an opera opera- operation I tion for or appendicitis will III be h held ld Sunday afternoon Jt lt 3 30 20 0 clock at the parlors of the mortuary with aith the Rev John Ed- Ed Edard Ed Edward ward aard terlan ard Carver of o the First Members terlan church officiating Mero- Mero Mem Iem- Iem ber bers of the American Legion will j have sen Ices it at the and will ivill furnish ers p which p will alit III be au all navy bo a aI Interment nih will III be made in the I Mountain View Funeral services to foi James Nelson will alii III be held Monda Monday at 10 30 0 o clock In the Lindquist chapel The bod muy nicy be vIe ed nt at the chapel Sunday and on until time of Funeral ser for or Mrs litre Alice AlIee Walsh Strong wilt will be held Sun Sun- Sun day Sunday at 1216 1215 o 0 clock at the North Ogden meeting house houe with Dish Bish Dishop Bishop's op ops op's I Counselor Randall presiding The Tho body may be viewed daughter at the home homo c if tf her hH daugh ter Mrs Scott Campbell at North Ogden den this thle evening e and tomor tomor- tomorrow tomor- tomor tomorrow tomorrow row until time of funeral The bOdy will III bo be taken to Salt Lake for Interment nt Flowers Flower may be loft lect at tho the Larkin chapel hapel until 11 o'clock on and will willi be willbe taken to the horn home |