Show I F IN CHURCHES OF OF OGDEN a I I BUM ENGLISh I street c Twenty thIrd end sud nd Jefferson R It l W Kullberg acting a po tor worshiP Sure i At a atil t ii 11 0 clock Subject Tho ho F Rev Bv C C M Orlander of field secretary o ot of f Lo Los Ios Angeles the Synod will till fill the pulpit p at the evening services the During all of ot next net week In la session at Bible Institute t Is 18 Cottonwood J T Pine rio Lodge In Bill nig and In the and Zion c canyon anyon Salt Lake Loke and hurches c Ogden n PROGRAM ServiCes Sunday August jO-il jO 10 11 a i Lake a J- J Salt Zion church g ni m at Sermon by ReC ite Rev Re C W M t Olinder Olander 8 p rn m at Elint Ogden Sermon by Rev C it t Olander Oland r Morning sessions at FIne Pine Lodge 18 11 The bible biblo studY August M III be conducted L by Rev i- i ic C c t wu bw w Wander Ulander preceded by a song sane and prayer service led by ReC Rev Re C W V Johnson 4 9 to 10 o'clock o'clock Thin hour willbe willbe will willin in of be devoted to 10 II a particularly the the tour Cour gospels gospel of John an anti the thc Book Dook of Ue He elation 1030 to 11 ii iO 30 o'clock this hour what the tho bible says ays will wilt be following topics about the successively considered 1 Bap BaP- BaP 2 The ThO Baptism of o 2 of Salva Salva- Salvation Salvation The The Seven Steps Slept o 3 The True Church tion lion 4 Glorification of 01 pt tho the 3 Body dY 11 ii 30 10 to 1145 1141 o'clock These o'clock The Bill be used u ed for or answer answer- answering log ing questions handed In by the delegate for tor the question bo box Evening program Every ery eve eve- evening eve evening beginning at 8 S o'clock v Va- Va va varied ning tied ried programs Including singing musical selections readings and addresses on the following sub sub- subjects subjects sub subjects be bo given around the will suit tire camp Alms Aims Rev A Our londay pur MartInson Young Tuesday Tuesday Young People and Rev C M Oland Olande r the Church A Wednesday A Sound BodY Mr Bod Mr Ir R it W Kullberg HIts on Service Mr Carl Swenson Christian Groth Groath Re Po Cirl TI rl A Clad Glad The Saturday Saturday The Spirit of o the Synod Rev C M 21 MOlander Olander Meals Breakfast 7 15 dinner 1 p m in 6 30 p m oh Bill eill 1 be devoted to recreation hikes games etc Services Sunday August 17 at PIne Fine Lodge Bible study and morning sen Ice will be bo conducted by Rev C MOlander M t OSander At tho Zion church In Salt Lake Loke 10 30 Morning 30 Morning worship In Rog- Rog Eng English lish with Ith Ith sermon on Steward ship Rev C sW W Johnson 11 30 Swedish so Trogen I det Rev Hev A A i At Elim church In Ogden S 8 Sp pm p m Sermon Ste Rev CV C V W Johnson Johnon Sermon In Littie Things Rev RevA RevA RevA A Martinson Concluding service of at o the con con- con conference ference at Zion church In Salt I Lake Monday August 18 at 3 8 p pm m 81 WHAT TO BItING 1 Bible notebook and pencil penel 2 Wear hiking suits or old clothes clothe and comfortable shoes 3 Bedding light mattress quilts and blankets blanket 4 0 Plate knife fork tork cup spoon to HI tone Cost Coat 7 60 50 furnishes transportation transportation tation lodging and board for tor en- en entire lire en-lire tire Ure week for or each adult person 5 for tor or children under 10 We Ve haie hae again been fortunate In securing the services servIce ot or LillY Wahlberg to bo be the head of ot the culinary department All delegates are expected to take their turn at serving Rev A Martinson who had ot of o experience as ao stew stew- steward steward ard of the dining hall hail of o Augu August August- August ana t- t tana ana college collego has hai ha consented to su- su su supervise the tho purchase or of o the food The number attending la ii not definitely known but reports Indi IndI- IndIcate Indicate cate that at least 35 36 persons persona will avail themselves of o this it ity opportunity A special stage will leave from the Zion church for or the camp on Monday August 11 ii at 9 a inLet m in Let u us pray that our bible school and conference may prove a great blessing to us all TILE THE OF JEStS CHRIST OF L D S- S S Cornei Cornel of fifteenth street aid atul Washington avenue H Has dis dispensed with the tha 11 o'clock and tile 7 30 o'clock 1 preaching service for Sunday 0 owing Ing to tho the district con con- con conference ference which Is being held In lit salt LIt Lake City There will bo be Sund school at 10 a m in Elder Roy F lIo wes pastor J I ll 1 t S International J international Students Students- association th I week the following meetings he be held Sunday Y afternoon at o'clock at the Golden Age bureau 2852 Lincoln avenue regular hur serice Ice for worship and Bible study The Atonement God and Man The Author of Atonement The Oneness of PIU Father and the Son and the One One- Oneness ne ness floss of the Lord and Ills Pod DOd Bod the Church Sunday e evening At GOO Twelfth street a n study In The The 1 lime line Is at Hand The Tho ot of the time features feature of God s plan ot of n salvation salvation-neer salvation never er fast ne neer er slow elow Wednesday evening at t 2862 2852 LIncoln avenue the regular week week- weekly weekly weekly ly praise for tor this week only Fri Friday day dllY evening at the Golden Ao 0 bureau burau a study In The Tho Finished tery relating to the present Lon and repudiation In nom nom- nomInal nominal inal mel Christendom Visiting or transient Truth friends frienda and all 1111 interested cordially Invited In inthis Inthis this particular time lime of world un- un unrest un unreal rest real and uncertainty let us su- su sugeat sug- sug au geet geat a 0 careful reading re of 1 of Studies In the Scriptures also the le less lei a elaborate work Th Tue Hal Haip p of God They will mil add to your confidence that Jehovah I Is still at the helm heim of att affairs ELEVENTH DLE W RD Miss Ruth Tanner Bill III be the tile speaker at atthe atthe atthe the Eleventh ward isard ard sacrament meeting Sunday evening August 10 10 Pu Public I FIRST J BAPTIST Corner Twenty fifth street and Jefferson avenue Dr L A Garri Garri- Garrison I andI son Mil pastor Bible school at 9 S 46 45 o'clock Martin R 11 ck gen gen- general gen cen central oral eral superintendent Mr l Gertrude Oertrude Coolidge superintendent adult dult cia de- department d Mrs J B Croce Crace su- su su superintendent Junior d Mrs H 8 L I superintendent I primary Mrs Skeen superintendent home department Mr J D Co rev Co-rev rev superintendent trade radio roll Preaching sen I Ices ea at Jl ii o'clock by Ite the pastor Selmo Seimo topic Re- Re Miracle Miracle ci or I lle Jre Ic Sonia B Y t p l meets at I 7 o 0 lock and prelL at S j aiX 0 o clo clock k by the panor Sermon topic The The Pool Bi lit t E meeting at Scouts regular Bo Boy Mr o'clock Tuesday j 7 30 Mr UK r I V iv Smith J E B Atkinson al scout cout scout scout- scoutmaster master NI NINTH WARD The WAnD The Tha quorum of ot seventies wll wilt meet meat at atthe atthe the Ninth ward Sunday mornIng at 1 t o'clock for tor quorum ork TIlE TIER PRESBYTERIAN John CHURCH John Edward Carver pa pastor tor Morning worship at i 11 o 0 clock Theme The and Grace Orace of ot Sunday r school at 1215 o'clock No eve eve- evening evening eve evening ning ser sen le Ices s The church and friends 1 will hold a social picnIC In LOrIn Loria Farr Parr park Wednesday evening at ot from to o'clock Sunda Sunday morn morning InS muSic Prelude The Lo Lost t Chor Chord Sullivan su Mrs Mra W J 3 solo Come Holy Spirit i 1 Williams Miss Misa CarrIe Clark Offertory Adoration Louise Wright Mr Mrs W J 3 Solo Where the tha Gate Gates Swing Outward Never Neter Miss Carrie Clark Clork Postlude Nazareth O Mrs Mra W J Hillabrandt FIRST CHUnCH W or CHRIST Corner Merroe ase- ase ave e Twenty fourth street s-reat Reg- Reg Regular Regular ular service at 11 II o'clock Sunday morning Subject Spirit Sun Sun- Sunday Sun Sunday day dllY school at 4 45 a rr in Wednes- Wednes day Wednesday evening testimonial meetings at 8 S p m in Reading looms at of First National Danl buildIng Rooms open dally doily from 12 noon to 5 6 p m except and holl- holl da dal dais holl-dais CHURCH OF Tilt THI GOOD GOOI ohn John W Hyslop Twenty rector corn corner of ot T fourth fourth onty-fourth street and Grant avenue opposite the The Eighth Sunday aCtor arter Trinity The church school meets at the usual hour of 9 4 45 S bythe for a short serice sen een Ice and address Ss I by Sor the Morning rector In the church Morn Morn- Morn ng Ing and sermon at 11 ii a ni I No niNo INo evening sH All are ars ar CO- CO co welcome MISSION MISSION Twenty fifth h street Sunday servIces Preaching and testimony at 8 S p m in 2 county Jail 2 p nl in Monday night Methodist night Thursday evening Baptist youn young peoples people's night and welcome to any and oil all of services F I J n It S T ATI C C C Wilson minister r rNo No services will nih III be held Sund Mr Mr Wilson plans to return I his vacation the tho last week In August Aug- Aug uit to till film the pulpit as again ln on Au Aug- Aug Aus 31 00 |