Show WILL GIVE FREE GAS FOR POLE TRIP Ron ROME O lc July 1 4 General Central PI Fir Ruggero riccio head of oC the lh lint lint- ItalIan Ital Italian ian air nir serice ten Ice Majot hjo II leo ico loner loner of or and Locatelli the italian ace ha haic hae e decided to organize italianI an I airplane expedition to the tir norl north pole under Locatelli's direction The Tho expedition e a n fund for tor or hid oas a public 1 opened yesterday by three wearer of ot gold lold medals medal for tor or alor alor nih will III leave lea about July 2 I resent reent I plant lan iane pro ld One 00 of oC tho the planes will Trill be b photo pilote I 1 Ih 1 hi Locatelli and another by CIl thrice decorated tor for aloi the war oar All of ot the pa pat pat- In the flight will be b Ital Italians hat hat- I tans ians Locatelli suggested sled the purchase purche Roald Amundsen the o ean explorer who a nag waa to hw hay led the tho th polar flight light of ot all nil of ot hI his equipment but It was wa learne I from Crom that the Nor Norel el Ian had not abandoned hit his hi bu but t merely merly bad had decided to i pos pos- o pone pone hi hiM effort until he be had Iler hier a better organization I P Iwas was IlS learned that w wis wi's planning an n expedition In corn com company pany with Russian Ru lan laton a thu thui promising an airplane race rac to the top tOl of the tile world Ten leading Italian lullan per ha hae 0 offered to pay pa one ono million tire for Cor correspondence from from Lo- Lo Lo an Italian newspaper In 1 lew ew Yo York k has hoa h a offered 2000 2 00 00 J lire while the tho th Standard Oil corn com company pany has offered to furnish all the gasoline needed The re- re r of the funds Cund will be co co- co by the subscription opened 00 go |