Show METHODISTS IN BUSY SESSION Church Merger Plan Proves Storm Center Tenn July 4 4 By The Tho Associated A Press Pro Pro Proposed Proposed Proposed posed unification of the 7 of the country Into one on no nobody body moved a long Ion tcp tap fo a then the tho Southern Methodist ape sp dial general conference defeated a resolution would have ro- ro ro In Imm Immediate a adjournment and received the majority report of Its members of tho the joint con com c commission m- m ml mia mission lon which drew up a 0 a plan of union along with a le that It be adopted a There was submitted too a report of the three member members of the com r o-r Oll mission mission which oppose the tl-e plan This proved pro to be a storn atom center and v when hen the conference ad- ad adjourned ad adjourned It was waa beIng picked to pieces piece by spokesmen for Cor tho the tint tint- forces At the tho outset of the session Hession debate de- de debate de debate bate was on the lion Uon setting forth that legality of the was ItS In doubt proposed a h substitute ppe special cial conference cn ne nest t l Mav The Tho resolution Which bad Id i id been debated nearly all of Tu Tuesday n tae v defeated by bv a JI ala l a voce vote of such a Il majority that Its proton proton- proponents proponents enta did not even suggest L t loll 1011 call |