Show OGDEN LIVE STOCK J Slates Department De l 01 0 Marke News Ser Bar VialS Utah Ul h Slate ff Board of Co 00 0 mau Market lite I Joo t July 31 1924 flogs Cattle Co Sheep 0 31 ReceIpts flogs llos Receipts all for mar mar- markot mar kit kot ket no early sale sales market quotable quotable abl able ic to I 1 l lower than dav da e a early sales saks sol s medium weight butchers to 2 0 pounds pound me- me medium m to choice 8 t 40 to 9 light lightweights weights 10 to JOO pounds corn com cornmon com mon mOI to choice H I to 9 packing s hogs pounds up 17 i to 8 Receipts Cattle Cattle Receipt all for tr market market steady one on load of light ht feeder steers steer cashed at atI atU I U 4 75 7 tate Inte lat Wednesday two lo loads ds orl orli of i gras tat lat steers averaging around 1060 1050 to 1121 1126 pounds sold at 6 To h 7 while hUe a load averaging 1013 wOnt went I 1 at 6 t 50 a few calves went at 1 6 25 Slaughter steers Medium G 6 to 17 7 73 3 common 14 U to as 36 Helter 1 Good 4 4 25 to 5 5 28 26 com corn common cornmon common mon and medium 8 3 3 to U 4 4 H 25 Cows Cow Good 3 76 75 to 4 4 76 com corn common common mon moo and medium 3 to 3 75 can can- canner ncr can nor ner and cutter 81 1 1 50 0 to 3 Dull Bulls Good 3 3 25 26 to 3 76 75 bologna to f 3 26 25 2 Cah Calves e pounds do doall u medium to choice 85 to 60 to to 20 pounds medium to choIce 4 25 to 7 20 pounds uP U 14 to f 6 50 Feeder and steers 70 pounds pound up common to choice 5 to U 36 50 SO 50 down common to choice 3 1 50 00 to 6 50 10 1 ceder and stocker CO cows COs s and heifers belter common to choice l 0 60 to 14 4 t Sheep Receipts Sheep Receipts Including I 1 37 lor for market and 1792 fO fOL Omaha market nominally steady toady several loads load of 12 contract lambs late lat doy dy Lamb Light an tight medium to prime 9 75 7 to 11 50 all weights cull and common 8 t 8 to 9 t 75 h es l common to choice 3 3 to 4 26 25 2 cull culland culland 1 and nd common 1 I 1 to 3 3 |