Show I I PLAN BATTLE I IN WISCONSIN WASHINGTON W July 31 31 With Senator LaFollette La and hIs hi follow tollow- followers ers era In control of o the tho th Republican organization In Wisconsin Republican Republican lican campaign managers mana r are ar seek seek- seekIng Inc lag Ing moans means of ot putting the th nam names namu of Coolidge and Dawe Dawes on the ballots ballot for tor the th No ember election In that tato tat Republican managers manager man ers have been advised that tho th LaFollette LaFollett elec- elec tors tots tors will appear under the th Republican lican emblem on the tho ln ballots and that a vote Voto vot for the th Re Re- Re Republican R publican publican ticket In that stat state In November will be e a vote voto for tot Sen Son Senator Senator ator and Wheeler Some Republican manager were not disposed to enter the tho Republican lIC lican in nominees under an ent ont heading feeling that Senator B n LaFollette might just j as a well be conceded his hi home horn state tat William SI lit Butler chairman t of the tho Republican national commit commit- committed ted teA discussed this thi question with ln n leaders loaders during his hi stay In and to re-I re Ce- Ce r port OO od In WashIngton ha sa decided to permit the tho th r regular gUlar Re-I Re Re- Re Republicans R publican publicans ns of the th state stat to determine whet move shall be b made mad Having discussed dl cu a il the Michigan political situation and received what was de described as aa a most mo t en n news nowa as aa a to Republican there at a Wednesday with Governor Groes beck beck of ot that state tat President Cool Cool- Coolidge Cool idge today drove forward with York Work on his hi notification speech with few t w Interruptions of a politiCAl cal CAl nature In prospect |