Show PRAISE CHURCH MERGER PLAN Methodists May Adjourn Without Action However CHATTANOOGA Tenn July 3 Adjournment of the tho In extraordinary nary general conference of the tho Methodist Episcopal church South without action on the th proposal for unification with with the th Methodist Episcopal church loomed aj ILl a pos pos- possibility pos possibility forI I Wednesday the Th situation grew out of o an all day d d debate debit to b on ona ona a 8 resolution providIng for for another onI I general conference in May 1926 l I Its adoption would lease lea e the tho dole dele delegates I gates with nothing to do for rules rulos adopted adopted providing prodding that the tho th onlY I business that can be b transact transacted Is 1 consideration plan of o the th The Tho resolution was Introduced I jointly by Dr A A J Lamar of i Nashville Tonn Tenn and nd Joseph E Cockrell of Dallas Dalla Texas r Dr Lamar spoke In behalf of the resolution but from the th ap- ap applause ap applause his following apparently was ws I small It grew Klew larger aa lIS the tho th day J passed aed howo er and while the fire concluding address was 00 being de- de red Il by Judge Judg W IV 1 L Dean of Texas who urged adoption adoption adoption tion the tho speaker was interrupted frequently by applause that came from all quarters of the th audi audi- auditorium auditorium auditorium n- n |