Show They're Convention Convention Beauty Nominees f rN rNa a x y t i r ry yr yv a y ai i 4 a w k 7 J 6 l ka kat a t t f fa 1 Yf f ft fly ly it 1 1 a t it f fA A E ti L f ORp s i it ii I J t i 1 tI 1 i l lH H w wr 1 r I 1 r rl l f A f J I v v v ia f a KY iF S Sd Y f t 1 d r rt 1 r j 8 s y r a t y ya a t a h 4 ii iTI w i xi Hero Here Here are the th beauty candidates of ot the tho Democratic national Their campaign slogan logan was May the th best bett flIrt Dirt win They have hav adopted as a platform m Protective tariff tor for powder pO pUffs and lipsticks control of the th chocolate te fudge Industry moro and better tetter marcel waves naves but they wore wort hope hopelessly hopelessly lessly deadlocked on the one step A pretty girl eirl sae wa as named for each state delegation and nd the th wInners voted on Photo shows left eft to right front row Elsie Eisle Elal Davenport t of Call torn la Peggy Watts Watt of or Oregon Ruby Blam Blaine who New York Gertrude I of Massachusetts Laurette ot or Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma ma Top row left eft to right richt Cletas Cleta Ryan of or Michigan Viola Viol Brown of ot Montana Montan Roberta Rob Lee Le or of o Virginia Eleanor Ryan Hyan of Ohio and Ethel DUo Dile of ot Pennsylvania |