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Show Copperfield Brevities Mrs. G. C. Ralls was hostess to the D. L. Bridge Club at her home Tuesday evening. High score was won by Miss June R. Rheese, consolation, Mrs. Cotter. Cot-ter. A two course luncheon was 'served to Misses Mabel Neprud, Bessie Call, Alta Acord, June Rheese, Gertrude Colyar, Ruby Knudsen, Stella Klopenstine and (Continued on Page Four) COPPERFIELD (Continued from page one) Mrs. M. Cotter. Mrs. F. E. Turner and daughter, daugh-ter, Gladys, left Sunday to visit in Salt Lake. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Drennan and family spent last week end with relatives. Mrs. C. Kelley is visiting with relatives in Magna this week. Mrs. Cora Brocklebank spent Wednesday in Salt Lake with her husband who is a patient at St. Marks hospital. : Mrs. A. Hamblin, of American Fork, is visiting her daughter, ! Mrs. Clarence Bullock and family." fam-ily." Mrs. Sam Christensen and sons returned to Fairview Wednesday Wed-nesday after a two weeks visit with her daughter, Mrs. E. Knud sen. Miss Fern Smith, of Murray, was the last week end guest of Miss Maxine Deianey. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McDonald were Salt Lake visitors Saturday. Satur-day. Mr. and Mrs. Landon Ford spent Saturday in Salt Lake. Mrs. George P. Johnson entertained enter-tained the first intermediate class of the L. D. School at an Easter party Thursday evening Games and music were the features. fea-tures. Refreshments were served ser-ved to fifteen. Mr. and Mrs. William Doidge and sons, Billy and Earl, of Park City, spent Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Knudsen. Mrs. Charles Pierce and Mrs. Nellie Starkey were Salt Lake visitors Saturday. Mrs. E. Clinton Poulson enter tained at a dinner Sunday evening even-ing in honor of Mrs. S. Chris-tenson Chris-tenson and Mrs. J. Mowers, of Fairview. Covers were laid for ten. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Colyar were Salt Lake visitors Saturday. Mf. and Mrs. M. Pearce and son, Billie, spent Thursday in Salt Lake. |