Show dully april RIGHTS OF THE ACCUSED A very proper affecting the accused awaiting trial lias jest been made by the new byork authorities in a case where the complain allege lie creation of a sentiment hostile to a man who until proven guilty must be assumed to bo tle cag attending lie death of drug clerk sung soine ago are well remembered tho deadly hatchet which tho crime nas committed was traced to an associate of alio victim a boy who was arrested and now awaits trial beems to bo a strong clinin of circumstantial evidence connecting lie accused ft etli the dee dami aliis perhaps as talen as lor placing liis imago with that of the murdered man and the gory hatchet on exhibit at alio metropolitan wax the lawyer regained by Krulia cli promptly that his clients case be riot prejudiced by any buch appeal to public sympathy and the authorities ties agreed that his objection was the of so called enterprise is prone to lead to the commission of many such wrongs against unfortunates charged with crime the newspapers are alj and gravo offenders they seek with alie deepest zeal every fresh and hideous incident and publish it to the world framed in bloodcurdling blood curdling phrased warranted to stir tho most lethargic in this they say they are merely catering to tho public taste doubtless the waxworks proprietor sets up the same cliine cli ini if the public would not look at such things they w soon bo removed tor something which would attract for newspapers are made to bo read and dav works to be seen whoever provides such details for those alio are possessed of macli morbid as to enjoy them lake warning from the decision noted above it is a terrible thing to puri sli a man for a crime of which he is innocent it is almost aa bad to believe him guilty when alie proof is insufficient to establish his guilt and those who appeal to the changing moods of mankind ever ready enough to believe ill one of another aie larkely responsible for alie judicial mistakes which have sometimes cost alie life and always alie peace and good name of the luckless ones who were their victims A law which would punish would be a wise carrying out of alie decree which forbid silas duison minnesota yesterday tried to got homo from foreign with a small quantity of foreign wool quilted on her petticoat and a few ardson flannel wrapped around lier child but she succeed the at the custom house caught lier just aa some women will others when they get a chance and alio goods were tho government might have worried along it the discovery biad never been mado CODES is to have iho finest building in tho territory in the first national bank building plans for which are now being completed by a firm of salt lake architects it will be of brick and atone feet stories high and w ill cost the basement story is entirely of stone and the whole design is one of neatness and elegance alie location is on washington aenne and twenty fourth street salt dile tribune A DISPATCH announces that alie recent election in chicago was illegal and it is within alie power of any citizen to overthrow it this seems hardly probable but i true the peoples choice ill have to be set aside for the time being for there is at least ono citizen of chicago willing to move m ahat direction his name is john A bloche THE salt beloat over alio fart eliat boino indiana parties looked over oilcan and then went to salt lake and but elioso same are very silent about bonio colorado gentlemen who looked over salt lake and then came to oilen and invested AT THE time alio acro speaking ppe aking of general brint because of hiis silence as alio i bilting ull of die white house donn piatt declared that if this acro true fred grant must be the fitlin Sit lin calf fred is now minister to Anstr ij and bonn ia in chicago IF trie salt lake ti ibue would bay n little lees about alio lack of boom articles would biava a better etli ift Thea crago traveler may not la very fond of water but lie likes to feel that is enough of it if ho to want agomo ans denver tolla a reporter of news in answer to h m question about alio i aties of utah eliat alio found ogden the most and busy of the cities experiencing a rapid and lieal counts in these hard times for rolling A man of nine ceala and a liala ased packet of tobacco a culprit in new york waa recently sentenced to four years and ten months ir n n curious fact that alio llio an immigration to europe aeta in at alie bame time alie european immigration to america be SOME of alio labors daring barcli may lo 10 gained from alio statement that lie bianda and officio ec ekers A aliat pea nuts aro a cairo tor thia ia alio nun of alio peanut trust |