Show gets a cut direct at an attempt on the life of the czar A MOAN on hie part of ih I 1 disliked by genii iny connies ins CHEIT smon the duke of nassau sworn in as of the grand dochy of luxemburg other items western aasa creag to TUB abr 11 anil mill have sobbing til da ivila april 11 aion the appearance pe arance of general boulanger at s soiree last evening the officials ciali of the french embassy who were present took their departure prince de chamay chimay the belgian minister of foreign af fAira and most of the oilier roem bera of the cabinet declined to be introduced to boulanger and also departed almost all the diplomat ests present kept aloof from boulanger Bou lauger during the evening sir again april 11 sir charles continued his speech on behalf of alie befaro the barnell commission today to day he tie dared that alie publication by the of the forged letters and articles on and crime was ft serious and reckless ret kless calumny he characterized the manner adopted by the publication and tone of the liiko policy as ungenerous par only care now was to unmask what ho believed to have been a plot oliero did hie come from that was used to foment that plot houston did not enter upon an enterprise involving an expenditure of thon sAnda a private II 11 mas an association representing the land interests of ireland atiat alie funds and that biad found a ready tool in Hou stony who had pursued a course bach aft would leavo been followed by a man alio was lending himself to deliberate forgeries houston biad destroyed all alie documents that might incriminate him and all alie loiters which it would be dangerous to produce and had resorted to every device in to render it impossible to the course 0 liia relations with liffitz lif fitt sir charles detailed the history of tho forged letters and promised to procure evidence eliat would afford the vindication for barnell and liis associates and show conclusively eliat they free from the remotest connection crime alai lot lint kill bol Ceal liae LONDON aarl 11 in the commons this afternoon balfour chief secretary or ireland said lord londonderry don derry originally took alio of irish viceroy for two jears but lie consented under pressure to retain alie post for a longer period the viceroy liaa not as et tendered bin resignation but government could not assume lie bould continue la office PARIS april 11 the strike almonr dock workers at marseilles lias to all the men employed on alie docks the st riken are becoming demonstrative and to attack the officers of the steams liipa alie have placed guards at the offices later tho strikers are resuming flork she auti M april 11 alie berlin correspondent to the ym says germany has not protested abo appointment of bales as one of tho american commissioners to the samoan conference confer enie but that the government would prefer to have loiue one else appointed in hia place brngal DUBLIN april was taken to today to day alio police bruard allowed no one to with alie prisoner several town commissioners ners who approached him were struck by tho police with swords and one man was seriously Beriou sly injured sann til lit PARIS april 11 Seventeen members of the party are 0 o bo indicted by the senate court they w ill deny the jurisdiction of the senate on tb czari lir april 11 A rumor prevails ai ahn bourso that an attempt has licen anda upon alio life of the czar no liaa leaeu receded rece hed cooil fur marr april 11 mary andion here this mornine from new york n better health than when elio sailed sworn in april 11 tha duke of caasan took tho of as of hie grand duchy of burg to lay 1 mug april 11 franco and china leavo agreed to connect the aliina and tonenia telegraph lines and thus establish communication leigon and ickis A sect jukjul april 11 Baron henry do worms introduced a llon bill in alia house of commons this evening eve in commenting 1 on alie of bounties ho warned the house that the system might bo ex tended to other than raw materials that americas enormous might be devoted to bounties on manufactures and thus deploy lancashire industries the second reading of alin bill was fixed for may sir lyon playfair gave notice eliat he would move tho rejection 0 the measure suspended LONDON april 11 it kell A co of bradford have suspended payment liabilities in honest april 11 fast liverpool ohio special abel lodge the village and township treasurer at new lisbon is short in his ammons over of which is village funds he liaa been treasurer for many years and aldays been regarded as an honest and trustworthy man I 1 bilgo declares lie will make the deficiency good tj his bondsmen if he fives llie money has been used to live on it is supposed and lias not been lost in speculation alls april 11 judge Thur roan called on attorney general lerat the department of justice and had a long conference in reference to the celebrated bell telephone cases he afterwards called on 1 resident II arrison this was the farst lime judge taurman had met alie president on he azars czars life april 11 it ia rumored that an attempt was made upon the life of the czar on bunday last and hla majesty was wounded by lie explosion of a baliell the affair is said to hae been hushed up by the authorities car dm ere strike MINSK irons april ll 11 efting to a reduction in the pay of alie car conductors and drivers on lie street car lines this morning those on lao of the lines have struck and others are ex peeled to follow abided NEW april 11 this afternoon joain 11 davis co eased receiving subscriptions to alie stock of the meat co president flagler and treasurer MOBS today to day resigned respective offices iu the same company terrific cak iowa april II 11 A gale struck tama city forty miles west of here this afternoon razing buildings no one injured jura I 1 ga april 11 the hoase l aliw cawood it carpenter i wright living in hobin burned last nw fumi of a wife auit live tta n perished ill the names dinner to april 11 the chicago and baseball teams were given a dinner of blanked planked ehid by the philadelphia today to day Allm veil april 11 alie pension office to daiy allowed ft claim of for arrears of pension to philip mood the allowance w as made for blindness contracted in alie sen ice all light DETROIT april 11 lawrence barrett announced fioti tha ta e of alio opera bonne tonight to night ihna booth will rejoin alie company at cleveland on monday next A keason my love annj I 1 in twilight boft alone acro bitting and luring beams of lovely yearns in azure eyes came flitting her wayward hair strayed here and there in captivating tresses and touched her face with lender grace in zephyr soft caresses and every light that filled the sight in her evasive glances were of gossamer in woof of rare romances so bitting there a goddess fair my ardent fancy found her then half afraid I 1 nest essayed to put my arms around her and educe there came no fiel for shame in tones with anger laden hoi I 1 cried unit straightway tried to kaaa the gentle maiden no nol sho said and turned her head the favor sweet denying just one I 1 plead but no instead tho maiden fell to crying there there said I 1 pray do not cry I 1 mean to grievo you since I 1 offend ill put au end to this my dear and leave you no no taco said with red and sudden hauae in weeping while through her grief in one sweet brief delight her eyes came peeping you da not know what moves mo BO it hat I 1 rue it im road because you sigh and pause bc causo you do 99 A company A transfer company ia on the kapta in oden it lias not yet bein fully organized but ford A crites attlio are the proprietors tailed a new handsome wagon on alio route benil lagona will bo aa soon aa tho from ho rast alie firm having been to ficcaro thorn in tle territory another proof 0 ogdena pro eress A swell clerk guest to hotel proprietor la there store near here II 11 P yes look at he clerks chirt aront acca |