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Show H I HrxiM lULIILouii EXECUTED Expiates Murder of Avis Linnell in Electric Chair Boston, .Maj 21.-1:30 a. m Clar- ence V T. Richeson has paid tho penalty pen-alty ror the murder of Avis Linnell. fhe former clergyman waB electrocuted electrocut-ed at 12 17 this morning in Uip Charlestown state prison The condemned man walked vo the electric chair with more firmness and courage than had been expected by those who bad observed him for tho last few weeks. Ho had spent his Jast hours in seeking spiritual consolation In tho Bible and In conversation con-versation with his spiritual adviser';, who were In almost constant attendance attend-ance i.p to the last momont The current was truned on at 12:02. Rlcheeon was pronounced dead at 12.17. Bore Himself Calmly. The man who gavo the poison to pool Avis Linnell In order that he j mlcht be free to wed Miss Violet Edinands, an heiress, bore himself j calmly under the influence of lellg-Ious lellg-Ious guidance during the last horn; ' of his death watch. Before, however he had wept and prayed that Governoi , Foss would relent and pleaded that ho ought to be permitted to apend hU 1'fe in prison, rather than die in the . chair Richeson ate heartily yesterday and 1 todav in the evening he sang hymns one of ihem being "Some Time We'll Understand. ' Leaves All to Miss Edmands. Once he stopped singing lo ask h!s spiritual- adviser to see that a "will" I made by him was carried out In this will ho left all his peisonal belongings j to Miss Edmands, who is now a settlement set-tlement worker in New York. After ' finishing a song, Richeson would bury ' nih face in his hands and sob iike a i baby. I "I cant' It otipht not to be," he ex-! ex-! claimed. I Early in the evening Chaplain Steb-! Steb-! bins, vafter leaving the condemned man, said "RichesonIS wholly resigned to his fate. He has made what peace he can with his Maker during Ills last hours and deep down in my heart I feel that he will face that final court crolv penitent and with full realization realiza-tion of his terrible crime No Criticism for Anyone. "He is back in the fold and witn no malice or criticism in his heart for anvone. Richeson will go to the jhair as a man who knows and is glad in spite of the drcadfulness of it, or the opportunity to face his Maker." The chaplain did not tell, however, of the nerve-racking experience he and Dr. Johnson had with the c'on-demned c'on-demned man betore they succeeded in having him resign himself to his fate. Only when they had reminded him that he was once a minister and ought to show a sublime faith In the hereafter here-after did the man announce that be was ready to face the ordeal of legal death without flinching Before this he had exclaimed: "It Is terrible! I raunat stand it. They will have to carry me." Afterward, however, he soeined to take tut attitude that It was his duty to the church to be bravo. Undoi the lnflucuco of that attitude ho boie up remarkably well, although there were periods when outbursts occurred. During the day' Richeson either prayed, sang hymns or recited psalni3 In the evening he swallowed some broth At 10 o'clock the prison ba--ber came In to shuve htm. Guards held Richeson while this was being done. "Warden," asked the condemned man whilo the barber was at work, "what clothing will I pans away In' 1 understand It has been arrangod that a special suit it to be placed on me." it ia the prison custom to do that," said tho warden. "I would appreciate it very much," pleaded Richeson. "If you would let ine walk there In my regular clothing." cloth-ing." "1 will consider your request," replied re-plied the warden. Richeson then asked about the hour set for his execution. "When will it be, warden?" was his anxious query. "It depends entlicly on yourself," he waa told. Sendc Farewell Message. At these words teara streamed down Rlcheson's cheeks, and In a qulvcrring tone he said: "Don't be afraid of me. There will be no scene. My ministers hac taught me how to stand it- 1 am ready to go to the chaii. You need not bo afraid that anything will happen. hap-pen. The sooner I die tho better for myself and all concerned " Turning to the Rev. Dr .lohiiKon, the prisoner then said 1 "Doctor, I am sure you will not forget to send my farewell messago to my father In Virginia. Tell him r died deeply repentant and with full faith that I shall face my Maker in all penitence " In a hotel near the Charlestown jail was Douglas RicheBOn, a brother of the condemned man, who had come here from Chicago. A lawyer asked him to go and flay farewell to his brother He said he was ready. The lawyer sent word to the condemned man, who cried' i can't! I can't! Douglna had best not como here. I could stand it, but he might break down." Praying at Midnight. The solemn hour of midnight found Richeson praying, after which h recited re-cited the twenty.-'Wxd. Pgalm. ll ap peared to find consolation in this part of the Psalm: "Yea, though 1 walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou are with me, thy rod and thy staff them comfort men." "1 am ready now,',' he said. A moment later the warden appeared appear-ed to escort him to tho death chamber. cham-ber. Richeson did not falter ani walked to the chair with firm step and every outward Indication of calmness and resignation. Richeson died game. He wiaked into j the death room between the Rev. Mr j Stebbins, the jail chaplain, and the j Rev Dr. Herbert Johnson, his spirit-1 ual adviser leaning slightly on their arms. He miscalculated the distance to the chair or else was attacked with weakness as he sat down heavily As he sat down he closed hlH eyes and did ' not open them while the clecrtodes I were being adjusted. I Seated In the chair, he was asked I questions by the Rev. Herbert S. 1 Johnson, his spiritual adviser. Dur- I Ing his answers be said: "God will take care of my aoul, and l pray for all. I forgive everybody. " The last of the questions waa: "Are u willing to die for Jesus' sako'" j The leply In an oven, well modulated modu-lated tone wag simply: "I am willing to die." J The current applied was 1900 volus, eicht amperes. One application wa3 sufficient. When the officials and witnesses oi the execution entered the death chamber, after walking through tho prison yard in a pelting rain, they heard the strains of a song it was ! j Richecon and his spiritual advisers, ! Mr Johnson and Chaplain Stebbins . ' Distinetlj nudihle as they closed ' I were the words. !J "For I know what e'er befall me i Jesus doeth all things well" ( ! Richeson left his cell smiling. Before Be-fore starting on tho deatli march he 1 1 shook hands with William A. Morse, , j his counsel, who at the last moment i had been admitted as a witness of the execution, and with the two chaplains chap-lains and the Rev. M. J. Murphy, the Catholic priest. Brother Claims Body. Koston. May 21. Douglas Richofiou of Chicago, nrother of the former clergyman. Clarence V. T. Rlcccsop. who paid the penalty for the murder of Avis Linnell In the olectric rhal- at the state prison Just aftof midnight. claimed the bod) todaj. Be'or tee body could be turned over to relpllve'i It was necessary for Dr. Gco.-go B i Magrntb, medical examiner of Sutlo)!; I county, to porforin the autopsy requir- led '.by law. TIiIb huV)!anned to do dur- ing the' forenoon, Reports that the brain and other organs or-gans of the executed man might be given to the medical institutions and medical specialists for examination and stud waie declared untrue bj Dr. Magrath. Rlcheson's body will bo taken back to his old homo in Virginia, if his i wishes are carried out. and will be bulled in the little cemetery at Am-herta Am-herta court house. The last words as the remains are committed to the grave will he said by Rev. Herbert S. Johuson of Boston, who acted as Rlcheson's spiritual adviser after he was taken to the death house. One of the last requests made by Richeson was that Mr Johnson accompany the body to Virginia. Dr Johnson also will carry messages from the executed execut-ed murderer to his relatives. Richeson Riche-son left no will, but In conversations with Mr. Jobnson and William A Moise. his counsel, during the hours preciding his death, he gave dlrec-j lions as to the disposition of his personal per-sonal effects. His library Richeson , left to clerical friends. I The execution of Richeson Is ald by ' witnesses to haio been the most sue i cesaful of any of tho fourteen that hnve been held at the utate prison since the eelctiic chair was adopted It was only necessaiy to apply the current once and less than fifteen minutes after Waiden Bridges and th? partj of witnesses left the prison office of-fice for the ueRth house they flle.l uack and attached their signature to the papers stating that the order of tho court had been complied with After his collapse of last Friday :t had been feared thai Richeson wouid not be able o stand the flnai strain, but on the way from' his cell to the execution chamber his uteps did not falter, and ho answered tho question1 as to his faith In God, put to him bj his spiritual advisers, calmly Wlthi a few days the death house will be occupied again b Iena rusamano ami Enrico Mascloll of Hull, who ha. been sentenced to death during the week of June 2 for the murder of th' ! woman's husband Chronology of the Murder. October It Avis Linnell found demi from cvanide poisoning In bathroom of Young Women's Christian association, associa-tion, Boston. October IS Druggist Hnhan telis story of selling Rev. Rlche&on poison. October 20 Home of Rlcheson's fiancee, fi-ancee, Violet Edmands, surrounded b police to prevent his etcapc. October 21 Richeson surrendered and submitted to arrest October 25 Body of Avis Linnell exhumed for autopsy November 1 Richeson Indicted for murder in first degree November 2 Richeson present reHlgnatlon to his congregation. November 13 Richeson arraigned, pleada "not guilty." Trial date set at January 15. November 21 Resignation of Richeson Rich-eson as paatoc accepted by his former congtegatlon. December 20 Richeson cuts himself him-self with Improvised tin knife In cell. December 27 Special venlie of 275 called for Richeson trial January R Confeosscd his guilt. January 3 Sentenced to death In eloctric chair. |