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Show GOOD WORK IN THE PHILIPPINES While- we havo not yot granted independence in-dependence in the Philippines and aro not likely to do so for years to come, there can be no question of; the I GERTRUDE S. HUTTON, 1 Instructor of Elocution U Chicago University Methods j 2657 Monroe Ave. Phone 407-W R benefits accruing to the islands from j our administration. Even the antl- I Imperialists would admit that, on the 1 whole, wc had done well for our little I brown brothers, In spite of our with- fl .holding of tho ultimate boon of po- ltical liberty from them. In his an- 1 , nual report to the. president, the sec- m retapy of war says that peace and I order have been promoted in Minda- H nao (where the cables only the other Q day reported further military activity H to the same end), that. In addition M to the $5,000,000 expended by the t) Philippine government under con- P .gressional authorization In public yfa works, more than twice that amount (mx has been spent on various Improve- Jr ments out of the surplus from current J revenues; that the present system or pructlcal free trade between continental conti-nental United States and tho islands has resulted in a marked increase ot business, and that the net revenues for ihe last year are larger than ever before. Evidently we need not both- er oqrsclves very much about the aca- t demic demand for Philippine "free- 1& dom." The Islands aro enjoying ur- rsjH preepdently good government. Provl-- 'flfl denco Journal. N . ili oo " iH |