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Show Chief Warns of Holiday Hazards Simple Saftey Rules 1 Outlined by Laurence 1 Fire Chief E. S. Laurence today urged everyone who plans to I celebrate the holidays in a dance hall, theater or any other public place, to be as wary of creating a fire hazard "as you would be at home." "It's a funny thing," the Chief observed, "how some people will behave when they go out. They seem to throw caution to the winds. Yet the danger of fire is real enough without causing unnecessary risks. Don't play tricks or make jokes with, any kind of flame. Watch what happens hap-pens to your discarded ciragettes and matches. "And another thing," the Chief eon.inued, "if you are in a dance hall, beer garden or similar place, be careful about your smoking. Keep clear of decorations, such as streamers, draperies or artificial leaves and flowers, when you light up, or puff on, your ciragettes. Even though these materials were fire-resistive when last inspected, you can't be sure they still are. ''Of course," the Chief admitted, admit-ted, "you cannot be responsible for the behavior of other guests at a dance hall or other places you may go for entertainment. But you can make up your mind to stay calm and cool yourself, whatever the emergency. When you enter a place of entertain, ment, look for the exits and make a mental note of the one nearest your table. In case of fire, there will be less crowding at a rear or side exit than at the front door. "Also, notice where extinguish- ers are located. If a small fire breaks out, you may need one in a hurry. "But no matter how serious the fire may appear to you, don't shout or rush toward the door. Hysteria in a large crowd was responsible for many of those 500 deaths last year in the Boston Co-coanut Co-coanut Grove fire. "Keep your head and set a good example by leaving in a calm, orderly manner. If the proprietor pro-prietor or an employee tries to give directions, listen and so-operate. so-operate. Many entertainment centers cen-ters have trained their personnel to handle fire emergncis." I The Chief smiled a little' .'And here's a final word: Don't forget the Fire Department. Once you leave the scene of a fire, make it your business to turn in a fire alarm. Don't assume that someone some-one else has done so." |