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Show 'NEW MANAGERS TAKE 'OVER STQEAGE PLAHT The Smithfield Ice and Locker Storage plant, formerly owned by J. H. Meikle, has been purchased pur-chased by T. Earl AUsop and Sons, with Jack Alsop and Leigh Bair as operators. This business which is of prime importance to Smithfield and surrounding communities, com-munities, because of its far j reaching service in the economic eco-nomic handling of storage foods, will be well cared for under the new management. ! Mr. Alsop desires to say to all patrons of the company that their aim is reliable, honest and efficient ef-ficient sendee, and that the satisfied satis-fied customer will be the joy of their everyday work and that the business will be handled on a pay as you go basis, which should be better for all concerned. con-cerned. Airs. Wil'.a Hansen. Mrs. Mary Hansen, Mrs. Nora Nilson and Mrs. Bessie Hansen, attended a ' no-host birthday party given in j honor of Mrs. Jack Matkin at Hyde Park. |