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Show --! 4 - t - i : "i ' t ""1 tj . . : ; - ...... .. .. -..- :ot.! !i r l;:i;n Act C-.rrls -l ,(;:;:), ';.')() :.:."r2 1'w Upper Stales : r.r r.r:i: cut . . r.-tiit (,t vi-.,r.M cli,. I. I,y I I cr,.l-)"' cr,.l-)"' ' i j 1 1 : r I ll -I !.'!, cm !;t I v:i: ii t a ; ; ':.Ur-,. ,!' m; a-,' I l: !i civic bifli-s i"iil or'.ili i 1 1 n ai ', tin's stnr will share iii art a.liliiianal .O.i"t.!Hl for iii r C'doi'.iilo Kiv.-r ilovclo)-Bunt. ilovclo)-Bunt. Tli.i f Is Hie pi'osix'cf. ns scon by Cu.i I', llackman, secretary of the Salt Lake Cily cliaiiibcr of commerce, com-merce, if the liouhler Dam Readjustment Read-justment act Is passed by the Congress. Con-gress. Mr. Rackman, ret itrning from a five-weeks trip to Washington. I). C, said that this provision has been Included in the bill. ( An originally Introduced by Rep. Ecrugham of Nevada. Ilin bill would have Increased benefits to California, Cali-fornia, Nevada and Arizona effective effec-tive as of 1937, with upper states not sharing in the benefits from the Boulder project until the current year. At the insistence of the Utah congressmen, Utah and its sister Itntes will receive $500,000 per year for sei-voy and development vo-Ic b. -.inning in 1 ,j : ; s . This adds ,: I ,ii:)U,niin to the p'evioi:sly as.unvd imi'ls coming to this area, with a total of !.."ij ).i)n:) allocated to upper up-per basia stales ay 1315. Action to protect Utah's interests in the possible irrigation and power ilevolo,.-aent of the Upper Colorado was instituted by the Colorado-Great Colorado-Great Basin Water Users Association. Associa-tion. A report by engineers disclosed dis-closed such a possibility, and the association immediately took steps to see that sufiicient changes were made in the adjustment act to protect pro-tect Utah's future needs on the Colorado. Most immediately Important of the revisions is the one providing the additional funds for surveys and development. Joining the association in its efforts ef-forts were the Salt Lake City and Ogden chambers of commerce and the Associated Civic Clubs of Southern Utah. |