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Show . Pattern 7191 contains the Block n, careluUy drawn pattern piece,. schemes: directions tor quiul Col chart; illustration ot quilt q'j !'ardst der to: Mnd 'tf . Sewlni circle NeeHecnlt DtDL 117 Minna St. San FraacUc.,' Enclose 15 eents (plus 0M cover cost ot mailing) ior I,?,' No Name Address I. Pattern 7191. SPEND your leisure moments with worthwhile handiwork. And what could be better than this lovely quilt, Flower of Spring? Inferior strains of Ferry Quality Sd k cabbage seed usually bred to produce Qkm produce these results; resulu: Poorly drnttpti Will-dmltMd hatds hMdt Irrsiuhv thisM Uniform sham Coaru, rlbby Uxturt Solid, Ana tutva Cabbages Jlfutfrofetf above growi nds fdc-Bf leaf CMdVrJont. Urist on Femt Quality Serm tt yow local dealer's. Send Ice free copy of "Pmfi Vrcroar Gmllten- Plan." Conulai nu planting, cultural directions for compku home vegetable garden. Writ Dept. W-J, FERRY-MORSE SEED CO. DETROIT UN FRANCISCO REMEMBER, DAUGHTER, IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, THE ONLY YEAST 33 WITH ALL THESE VITAMINS jOf IS fleischmann's Y CI Per Cake: Vitamin A-20OO Units (Int.) Vitamin B,-150 Units fM) Vitamin 0 400 Units (Int.) Vitamin O 40-30 Units (SB. Bour.l All of these vitamins go right into your bread; they are not appreciabh lost in the oven. Ask for Fleischmann's Fresh Yeast with the yellow label. FIRSTJ LAUD AfM SEA filfl! IjMfBMl - 1 CflMe t K03 The favorite cigarette 1 yhV with men in the Army, yVS. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast JtvJlr-y-.; jj Guard is Camel. (Based on actual jnj.j joej record$ in Po$t Exchanges, $S blend ty Sales Commissaries, Ships Stores, E- 33 Ship's Service Stores, and Canteensj ! Says Money By Stopping 007X- i I THE BELVEDERE .fettl I APARTMENT HOTEL c " M if3& $Z00 ind op Smgl. R ' 'p3 pfrf C: '''l! I $2.50 and up Doobls f 0$ fg&ffiA MODERN ... FIREPROOF .. . rrF 15 rill ! CENTRAL LOCATION... WITH OR WITHOUT KITCHENS. jgjgS 'SSJ !The Belvedere Apartment Hotel I CALVIN 0. JACK, Manager , i 29 SOUTH STATE STREET SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH |