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Show Endearing and Enduring Charm Of Quality-Kind Silk Prints By CHERIE NICHOLAS si . 75 " V . V -V 7 i flif J kLin ? i tl 3bs7 -,f: i Yk$4; 1 r ;-f ; W I If Y Ht4 ' v t A, W s S '- N - "1 weave. The cool-looking frost-white ! -Mi?''3i,'i-- - I jewelry and the wide brim white ' 'S?,v " I hat confirm the forthstanding impor- ' 'fn''' a tance of white accents and accesso- weave. The cool-looking frost-white jewelry and the wide brim white hat confirm the forthstanding importance impor-tance of white accents and accessories. wnen yuu uuy piuii. una oto" you do not stop at a mere dress-length dress-length of material but you will want to have the fun of fashioning an entire en-tire ensemble of gay print, which may include not only a matching hat, but gloves and parasol made of the same print. The biggest news of all is shoulder shawls made of squares of silk print finished off about the edges with hand knotted fringe. The costume ensemble of red and white printed silk crepon, to the left, adds a pillbox chapeau that is draped with matching crepon. Note the finely shirred white silk inserts that exquisitely detail the bodice top of the dress. Speaking of the color scheme of this striking costume, too much emphasis cannot FABRICS may come and fabrics may go but ever-lovely, ever-flattering silk prints will live on in the affection of the fashion world forever. When an unexpected last-minute last-minute invitation bids you hurry and join in a bridge party at your neighbors; neigh-bors; or a voice over the phone says "Meet me in an hour at the club for dinner," or your sorority club calls for an impromptu get-together luncheon in honor of an unexpected out-of-town guest, we'll wager that it's the gay little silk print frock that answers the momentous what to wear question for most women. In regard to the three silk prints in the illustration, they are decidedly decided-ly pace-setting fashions. Recently a second semi-annual fashion seminar semi-nar was successfully staged by Amelia Am-elia Elliott Webster in Chicago. The vast audience at this all-day session ses-sion which drew teachers and students stu-dents in home economics from schools and colleges, and members of women's clubs and various organizations or-ganizations from near and far, was thrilled with a very style-revealing and highly educational number on the program which featured "Textiles "Tex-tiles Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow." Tomor-row." Included in the fashions that went on parade in this noteworthy fabric demonstration were the originals origi-nals of the modes here pictured which, be assured, gives these prints of pure silk unquestioned style prestige. pres-tige. The high spot about the dress and coat ensemble to the right is the fact that a bowknot silk crepe fashions it, and bowknots, you must know, are trenendously important throughout a design this season. If you are in quest of a new silk print ask to see bowknot patternings. They're the latest! The dress features a gathered yoke of twin print sheer, and the simple coat is a heavier be given tne importance oi rea ana white. Red and white prints are having a stupendous vogue, and as to red hats and gloves, bags, belts and red "hankies" watch the reports coming in from all style centers! Navy silk crepe, in spaced white tulip design describes the material used for the dress centered in the picture. This brings out a very important style trend this season in silk prints, namely the two-color idea one single color against a contrast con-trast color background, such as yellow yel-low or light green on gray, brown on white, or reverse the order, white on brown. Which reminds that brown prints are ever so smart, almost outrivaling navies or grays. Sunburst pleating over the bust and vertical stitched tucks below the waist are important styling details observed in the tulip print pictured. Here's something interesting in regard re-gard to the white straw cartwheel she wears the brim is removable leaving a fitted little toque-like shape of coarse straw mesh with a flange across the back which may be worn on into the evening for informal dinner din-ner and dancing. (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) |