Show lva news L IM s review of current events the world over 14 france and italy reach agreement as to their naval St strength first congress comes conics to an end by EDWARD V W PICKARD D DIPLOMATS a and n d finan alers worling w n g steadily have hole A brought about au no a accord c c 0 r d between brunce ranee and italy on the question of belu five naval ilaw strength and the probable result III be that the three io power er I 1 london ondon nav cl ili treaty will be come a n tc rower A henderson Hen denon pact thus hue the french an italians will give ghe up tip the idea of stir flirting ting a building program that would compel great britain to increase her danl forces under the I 1 escalator clause of the treaty und the united state states and japan jalan would be he relieved of the fear that their relative strength would not be maintained without a lively resumption of building arthur Ilen lerson british foreign secretary ms wis most active in the final stages of the tile negotiations between france and italy making trips to home rome and parts and Is given credit for fore excellent work but it Is nd mittel that the ground work for the tho agreement was as laid by liti ii S gibson amerlan nm am to Bel clum who tin for nev eral months had been laboring to bing b ing lug the lie dispute to an end acting anler personal orders from president ll hoover oner he be held a n series of private talks with mu Tard tardley leu liriand and others and transmitted their 11 various arlous proposals propos ils to rome and paris and aar finally to the the financial end of the accord consists in a long term loin to italy to be made by I 1 and american alers which will real ly he be a war debt moratorium in disguise the I 1 goern government ment will receive perhaps three and n half halt billion dol dollar larg which it is slid will ie atily from front bink hink and put the country on its feet the loan will be used to retire and convert in debt obligations 1 of which fell due on oil october I 1 last pr previous elous efforts to long term loans loons from american amerlan and french bickers had failed because bec largely of the na no al of dubrute with france alle the terms of the franco italian agreement were temporarily withheld held from the pull lc it ape Ps learned in paris that it provides that french superiority over oer italy be he reduced from 2 tons to tons most of the lion coming from projected kincs and super rina it w as agreed that the tonnage allotted at the naval conference would not be used for chips ships of more than 2 2 tons france obtained the to build three 0 elthon on vessels of the euper super type in return for superiority in global or total connig ton nige ge it la Is believed that france gives italy a slight superiority in liblit cruisers and torpedo destroyers dost dest rovers but retains sup remmy in su submarines Warines it wis linde understood that italy de minded the flee of super submarines in the I 1 rench pro program grint and that I 1 ranee rance made the tile concession because its coastal subin submarines sub marnes artnes are lelent for its present nods france and italy it Is understood agreed on parity partly in 10 ton cruisers L EGAL proceed ines ings are under JE way in cashing ashing ton in the cont contest emst between president and the senate over oer th the brigt of Chil ralin george oils otis smith ef of the tile power coin mission to hot hold onice and the sen en ate la is represented by john IV DINIS D nis who was uns demo JohnW Davis c bratle r n t I 1 e for the lie in 1924 1024 lie ile was selected for the jo by a n of the judiciary committee composed of senators N orris norris walsh and stelmer the proceed ings are tire expected to add another chapter to the history of cons titu gionni clishe be between teen the tive live and branches of the government selection if mr pavis davis as coun eel sel for the th senate ii a spectacular coart test with the former presidential candll ate on one side and lossl lilly attorney general mitchell in the ollier the final decision probably will be rendered by ohp ali i 1 supreme court ITH a it filibuster in the senate W WITH and raither uproarious gaiety in the house the seventy first con arc e to an end at noon march 4 during its life it cirrI cirrisi xi cut out well president llo hoover oera a pro grint of lei legislation despite frequent clashes with the chief since last decem ber fl it Is ii unnecessary to recount disputes I 1 for 0 r every one Is fi millar with th them em in only two to mojor affairs the bomin atlon of judge I 1 to the supreme court and the recent emerillis ete rillis bonus iun lan act was the president dented the imp items it f icasia lion during the third session in eluded these routine anguil appropriation bills cliff currying ying more than emergency construction program providing for speeding up public work ork including rivers anil and harbors arbors ti construction and other federal for drought stricken areas including 20 for food loans provided in measures embodying a loan fund for rural sanitation activities and of unexpended balances in funds for relief of flood stricken states program of federal public building construction increased by aw series of unemployment relief measures enacted contemplating federal unemployment cenaj census lorg terra term planning of public construction to meet emergencies and fed cral eral cooperation in to unemployment agency additional soldier facilities afforded in to 1 program naval modernization bill authorizing to remodel battle buttle louisiana idaho and hew new Ilex mexico leo to meet standards prescribed by the 1922 washington arms conference the sei only first congress earned the tile one distinction of being the tile heaviest spending of all time congresses in all it appropriated approximately for go government goern eminent ment uses I 1 I 1 4 ITS closing das the congress enacted the muscle shoals legis lotion ellich alch would put the guern goern ment into the po ponca or I 1 business us iness but Il resIdent hober etoel the measure sending in a ion lung and well argued roes mes suge stige tin the senate sustained the eto the vote bein being 19 49 to 31 and the hill was dead lead mr flower had he lie bould be accused of favoring tle vie leomer trust and members of congress did him of this and the inci inel dent it uns said made it certain that the p pi er controversy contro ersy would I 1 e one of e fijor issues of the next campain camp nien aln mr nir floder also filled to sign the wagner I 1 III for federal co operation ft mth ath the stites in establish ing a national system of employ ment eschan exchange xe it was understood he lie pod ct et elo eto this tills mens men ls ure u bach out I 1 bring the numb number of his oaks to fifteen 1 V YOU are to 1 take tole the word ord of henry 11 II cur ran president of t the h e An association elation JC against Z tion a of the people of ot the t united bantes are now ready and Ai willing to ote for the repeal of the amend benl in ills his an H H curran nual report to the directors and members of the tile association mr lr currau curran declared tint thit the irv cause tin lind rot pot advanced in inch during 1010 while hile the ct et movement ind hid registered regis terel important geln he lie asserted thit that th it the no ember election clec tinn doubled the et representation in the house and raised the senate wet group from 15 two wo beirs ago ligo to 22 at present lie ile slid the he house now ins his i wet jet ote inte of IVI compared 70 76 in 19 8 of agriculture S 0 alyde denies th it he lie Is to blame for delay in distributing the lie 2 20 10 drought relief fund in ili a letter re replying plIng to ti resolution in trod produced by genitor ask ing illy mr nr alyde had not riot begun the tile distribution the secretary nold I 1 I 1 hin 1 e tile honor to inform the senate thit that because e of the extend td cd debate i poll the appropriation of in the in tenor bill and because be catie of lie file as to the pro irions of the tile act it ab u not pos sible to nork out the ilon and accounting 1 problems en e tailed until the act wis aln it 11 y pissed and its Y known u he lie explained the machinery machiner which the dep had set up I 1 li i order to distribute loans th bagh intermediate credit or org and directly to the fanner farmer there exists now no reason why application for loans may not now be receded and pigment made shortly thereafter he lie concluded ni MAJ AJ ralph royce of the arav nir air Is being congratulated on the ant ounce meat ment thit I 1 ie e las tas been u awarded ed the trophy for 1030 this Is in recognition of the arctic patrol k which he led through seere L winter in t e r weather her f from r 0 in selfridge sel fridge major royce held eichlein MIc fi hlein to spokane kanc ansh aid a t d return in january la nuary 1 10 it wai a were test of the tile skill and still inn ina of the blots lots and the stability of the planes and was uns successfully cir riad he through the trophy w Is competed for annually annu illy by united st ites urmy under af or department rules was as first presented IS 18 years ago to the aero auh of america by clarence U man the na no llonel aeronautical successor to tile aero acro club of Is present custodian of the trophy for tile 1 or department LOW bid for the tile general contract on the lie dam ond and power plant IP tr boulder conon ani as submitted in denver bj by a coin bini tion of western construction firms Inns the six sit complies Comp nies tiles inc of san francisco ard rd the tile government engineers that this bid of be accepted by secretary of the interior M if bur bork ork on the project the big gest engineering job ever cier under taken in this tills country probably will III be started beare the ead end of bli trell government lule although ne sorting guork work should he be hastened go so unemployment condition conditions in thu the southwest would i be rel relieved I 1 ei ed named workers or kers against r general to the nevola line lain dam fite site as there were laborers on hand at las vens nev for or construction forces ranged from 2000 to 2500 men at work ork at one time when the program gets into full stride AL S DAUGHERTY brother MAL M of former orrock united states at torney tomey general clarry 11 baugher Dau gher cr ty was as comIt committed ted in washington Courthouse OhIo of defrauding the defunct ohio state bank wh while ile he lie was nos lis iti president the jury found the sixty eight year old financier guilty on ell all five fie counts in ili the tile in fach count carries a maximum penalty of thirty years imprisonment and a one of Sent Lace has not yet let been imposed mill daugherty became a figure prominent in newspaper headlines during the conducted by a special senatorial c committee investigating harry diu conduct of the department of jus tice lice mot 0 eminent cc ginders of the american army a r in y end and indeed of the nation tinting pissed on when I 1 leut aleut gen filgia Jadi jodwin ln retired chief of the tile army engine erli g corps and chair man of the inter acin cinal commission tiled died at gen jadwin gorgas in a n a in n city dimilte in fit ancon preparing to go to tn nicaragua to survey the possibilities s of a Nica nicaraguan Mcarn guin canil he lie in as stricken and n cerebral hemorrhage ended hie its liff general jadwin who iho via born in liones dile ili 14 in mils ss ted from alet et point in ISIO ISOO and hid a n I 1 brilliant ant career in the enzi en corps for pearly forty belr retiring in W 9 he ile in the spanish mer mor lern nar or and the orld nar ar bill vas best knoian for his blaff time bork in the united states and in the C inal zone the jad aftin in plan of hood flood control formu formulae for mulat int fd d after the disastrous disi mississippi milley floods of W 17 was the army officers most important work ork the plan chilled en lied for of 3 32 and tind uns opposed in but findly in illy pied pi ed with support irl ROY I 1 ORD and V gandhi Ganil lil both miling concessions reached an tin agreement for in indin and the civil once movement mo ement hint that hid lifted for a CT e ir cime to an end the loot 1001 ed on the pact ns as it triumph for the doctrine of non violence lo lence the british govern though it 11 ields consIder considerable ible gets none the worst of the burgain isy the tile terms if it ife tire n agreement re ement it Is understood under stool too I 1 the no a all andon their resistance stance movement and will ili work nork for quill tied dominion status in the clond round table conference in return thrle imprisoned members member will be released sed ind and mn most t of the conlis cit ed property pio perly perty will be re timed they are tire permitted to ron dut b thit do no tin al of n specify illy nt at brit ish gools and lind the poor litls along lip flip cat are givin gln the right to in ae 1 or oil own n silt the must important ain in for the ins the point in ul which I 1 tell the agreed to confine at the next round table to file lie sped fled scope of constitutional chial kited hy by the first round table meet ing in I 1 ondon tills 11 commits gandhi to the prIn principle tiple of n fed oration of in linn alth british covering emering defuse defoi se fonlin aorl n affairs the position ff of minorities ind the tile dis charge of india a littoral nit loral toral debts S ARTHUR C dilill it committee on food prices reported that it found an alarming tendency toward the monopole monopolistic itic control of the he food of the nation hv bv a small group of powerful cor lons Inns and combinations be tendency being espe hilly strong in the c rise ise of I 1 rend read and milk A careful scrutiny by the federal fei leral trade commission and the depart ment meat of justice was ins recommended ended C AIRMAN told ie committee at its inc meeting eting in ton all nhouy the tile wet policy ildah he fie thought thou glit the tile party parly should adopt but lie would not ask nation on his suggested sugg eted platform fit plit form until the next meeting dry members from the south vigorously n imposed has ras locq views les or nav consler idon of them bv the commil committee tee it ans as de elded lint that a 11 campaign fund fond i hould be raised 1 0 new governments within a f 1 week eck for ieru peru I 1 I 1 imbt a nivy group forced snarl 07 verro arro to rl sign alid named name chief justice Ill cardo kilns provisional I 1 I 1 dent then along came come a hunh of officers and troops loval loal to verro and out went ent I 1 fins and lili hn friends the new army junta raa heade by col CAA gustave jimenez JI a lost newspaper Nw union I 1 |