Show FACINO FACING nur before iti ili history Iii tor have the bulks if of the world yielded greatti or faced bigger responsibility than do toda the war mar fou se people really ilaine in ili contact mith tle tile banks tl tic e great mass of the people considering hem them 1 foi the belie benefit fit ot the ruh rith at the be inning of the av aar there were only about investors now our billions of dollars dollar of liberty bonds ilond atre held in ili lamis of people many of ham choln lieve th thus us been brought in ili close contact with a bank for the first tin it time tinie an or a bank decosi tor is vi not likely to bo it bolshevik bol shenk sheik or a hoJ alist tho leading banks of the tire nation realize rc altz that the time Is here to yet in closer lith the great nials of the people in ili order that thase people may be come conic acquainted mith ban king kiriK methods and be brough lirou glit t to elal izo ize the tile safety of llie the nation riah all peer poor alike anil and not merely the funds of ole he rich depend upon sound banking ing institutions Pro progressive gressi e i banks are exerting every effort to teach depositors that banks exist for protection and aigist ance u of any worthy and ible mun or woman and not mere ly for a selected fe few 1 ahe I he war has riven given and more radical III an impetus 4 nevar r before thought i possible and corking people of or i frain fri in ii cotin countries tries oppressed for 1 centaurus cen turus lime boise 08 wit with NIi winchi ieli the do not un dorastand dor der stand ill 10 inny abts binks hae hale been beet pillaged pillage simply because they alere supposed to be the deposit I 1 aults of 0 the rich american Ami rican banks banki art am profiting profit niK by chiq object lesson they tire eudea to banig the dual laborer and the capitalist together on oil common ground 1 b haling the fluids of both in III the tile sime bink thus tc tia thins aLbing that the bulk bink is for th alit all and assist 11 11 twice nut of C both ilic links 1 inks tale the tile great reat of eddu citing ithe the tind and dittis kanii th ith the masses 4 |