Show INSURANCE URANCE MONEY GETS INTO COURT F 0 bertol bertolina ma bad had paid M P bergera only on a debt of 18 for the stock of goods in the double rock at helper when the building and contents burned in may alay since then bertolina has hag turned over to bergera 0 of insurance in money but he has 2000 of insurance mone yet coming according to the complaint filed in al district strict court and bergera wants the court to award him that money judge J 1 D call was to have havie come to price this week while judge christensen went to brigham city but the brigham j idge was subpoenaed aa as a witness in the case which be bad had asked judge christensen to hear bear so he be hiis compelled to remain at home judae christensen will stop here on monda borning nor ning july 14 and hod court u until til noon to hear a few motions and probate ma teri and arid will then go to castle dale to open court in emery county at 2 21 P 51 he ile will return to price the next saturday evening and resu resume me hearings bearings here on monday morning july 21 the eight public utilities case cases were at bet lot fot hearing aug 20 the poor tired overworked over worked bankers of price will take a rest wis this week As saturday is only a half day for them they set their combinations for monday morning wha they closed today and will not be open friday or saturday tom anton a former pupil at carbon county high sc school hool now taking a dental course all a denver university is as here to spend the summer with bis his brother george |