Show HILDREN MINON IN ON PLENTY OF SPORT the boys and girls are gome going to aye e their fall share iu in the fun un on he fourth their contests will be I 1 at 1 I at city park ary and d will e in charge of 0 clr 11 maaen and land eland mcdonald McDon alJ ai any boy or girl 4 bithe the crowd may uter cuter c the contests lor those of their age a and sex the bindus ages arc are graded and races ad ar lanzel to suit every ille w the little folks will not be 14 to compete mth with their older bothers and in most of the roa tests b bajt at only with those of their alwa a ate ee borne some times the size of a trier boy has nothing todo to do with in special stunts so the daout mee the sack handicap race the nail riall driving co cortest idest and the pie dating contest will be open to all I 1 AG for girls for the boys re will be two handicap box 4 11 contests a molasses eating conil tet two sack races a ickle div g contest P address dress parade 11 heel barrow race and two three eted handicap handi cip raci s open to all under 16 climbing the greased pole t will also be open to iny ny kid who its to try I 1 it and the one who gets to the top will win 3 prizes in the pother other contests bonte stir range from 1 to ae cents for third the boys have pty apty ty of other contests arranged acting to age the youngsters will 1 kaa I oa the big new dance pavilion anil and maj dance without charte chir ee te they will have the big folks batra and by the time they dince olee around the 30 0 feet of the aside of the floor they will think they have bw some place |