Show FOR NEW YEARS DINNER DIN 1 FRESH CELERY LETTUCE and cranberries our chickens and turkeys are always fresh and fat we never carry any over free delivery but order as early euly as possible THE PROGRESS MARKET THE SANITARY SHOP JEROME schweitzer arop rop phone OUR SINCERE DV WISH Is that the year 1922 may be the most prosperous you have ever enjoyed and if we can be of service to you in any way be sure to call on us wasatch Wa store co inspection always alays invited CASTLE GATE SUNNYSIDE WINTER QUARTERS AND CLEAR CREEK THE GREATEST PLEASURE 4 we have Is in giving service to our customer customers W want 1922 to be the best year in your history and we will put forth every effort to make it so to in the matter of eatables clothing and general household economies carbon emery stores co mohrland mercantile le co STORES AT HIAWATHA blacic HAWK MOHRLAND MOHR ELAND AND HEINER NOTICE or sabe SALE canal company a corporation lo 10 cation of principal place of business basi neu wellington carbon county altah no lea tice there ere are delinquent upon stock of sail wellington canal company on account of assessment levied on the eleventh day of november 2921 the amount set ft opposite the canne oi of the respective shareholders ai as foille name anoint 10 int a 0 V milner 91 03 J A powell 1 E dimick 1 00 thoe thos jone jones 1 00 david elli ellis 1 71 Gnad vl W 1 E jr s 2805 Ora 11 2 73 W A thayne ISO 00 J C vance 1831 1853 h A golding 2 1 40 J T if 2000 V C Jo linion 2100 21 00 J R tidwell 1069 E F 11 thayne 97 2 A Z marshall 14 1410 1450 50 J J idich 1410 a 0 N X 9 10 I 1 red A hubert ubert william D bichard 2100 21 00 M Q 1950 permit lwell is 8 W 1053 10 sa i CI cb rles wyman i ca 75 bay boy tidwell it J kith rich 2870 28 70 lincola lincoln marshall 2410 24 10 father tidwell 2344 23 44 af 1 L snow 2208 22 08 J A smith 2595 IS berkey bank 4 41 4 i W J tidwell 1 F F r pirt flak 19 00 and 11 j accordance with law and id an n jf f the tb board of director directors made on an the Fale day of november 1021 1921 so nany n any ebare ibare of aeh each carrl parr elof of path stock a may be necessary will lie be eill ail at the pout roat office wellington Wellingto rip catton carbon county utah on the fourteenth day of january at the hour of 4 p lit to pay delinquent assessments hereon thereon tog torether with ot t of advertising and c of 11 eale le II 11 A sec see detary wellington Wel linton utah first pub dee 11 22 1921 biml lt last pub jan 12 1922 1022 NOTICE or BALE salz OK off EXECUTION in thi district court of the seventh judicial district of the state of utah la in and for carton carlon onney Slie riff a sil sale amma turbot ian end 8 P I 1 keogh exe eve estors of the estate of A II 11 barbot de epard plaintiffs tiff r ag domchick Dom Dome faick hick val vat trio erlo and samuel king defendant to be soil moll at t the riff fr ale sale on the thirty first day of decembers Dettra lier 1921 at 2 V in at t front dvor of the th court courthouse honse at t price county of it carbon state tat of f uth abe th following proper property to wit the certain tot lot piece ale and situate cl tat lying and ad being in county of carbon tate state of ulah ufah unil and bounded and od described to follo folloro all cf of lot 2 it la block 11 flat list si I 1 pp re re field ofield town survey together with tap improvements there ono cr watt all and singular ingi ilar the tenements 1111 thereon belonging or in any wigo wipe appertaining anil and the rente rents issues 1 and profit profits thereon T V sheriff riest 1 pub dee pet 8 lat last pub de dee 2 29 STEP ON ER it Is I 1 some to know you have the best gas obtainable tai when you go ont out on business bus incas or eleaaor c you von wa will U get that satisfaction if yen have had bea your tank filled at the PURITY SERVICE STATION ST CORNER EIGHTH AND mait MAIS STREETS BEST BRANDS OF OILS FOR ALL PURPOSES CORD TIRES wo we have opened up a new business busi nees and want to prove to you that we give apu pure goode goods and real ervice service DRIVE UP TO THE ABOVE GIVEN ADD addless atess introducing 4 i scotch woolens ve ile have two or three hundred sample samples of tho the scotch woolen mille mills pro products duets from which you may make your selection all one Price Full bait suit 32 60 two piece bait suit 28 50 dirt in your suit weare wears it faster than wear you kive give it it cuts the fabric and starts bit big troubles let us scientifically clean an any anctot anc tut you have whether mens or wom women enji 11 light t or heavy we pos hively do not injure the finest goos goods acme cleaners tailors EAST MAIN STREET PRICE UTAH CARBON POOL HALL H A 1 L TEE BIGHT RIGHT KIND OP or A PLEASURE RESORT the place you hould vini vim when you want to play pool or billiard get a refreshing oft soft drink or a good cigar in clean congenial surrounding pay tu a visit FRANZ proprietor SPRING CANYON COAL COMPANY miners and shippers of the celebrated S spring i al rin d canyon coal mines at stores storrs utah general office newhouse briding A salt lake city utah united states fuel company co m pany MINES AT MOURLAND BLACK HAWK HIAWATHA AND PRODUCING THE FAMOUS TING BLACK HAWK HIAWATHA AND PA ay COALS HANDLED IN BY C H STEVENSON CO |