Show JUNE NOT SO POPULAR FOB FOR LOCAL WEDDINGS carbon county recolus tor for the year now closing have prove 1 that june I 1 is no not t always the month of bride brides in the month vt of june this year there were 0 only eighteen fight fen marriage license issued by the county clerk cereas he reas ta in january there were twenty six and so 0 o far this month there have beta been nineteen la in november november Nov imber and july bearfi tre baere ere eighteen teen licenses lirene ee issued 11 so it ap pp ar air that june has a not 60 popular with ith 10 19 1 brides in lit april this year only aix alx lx couple couples tor for license to lurry starry in i coilty cot city tb the total for or the year up I 1 to Icci Dece ater niter 27 17 wae was |