Show GRESS MARKET n the sanitary home 0 of f TX high grade ivi meats real s we are not aw in the business jest just new in price we have opened a meat market in the 11 fitzgerald itzgerald block two doors west of the weeter lumber corn com pany and carry a complete assortment of fresh and cured meats poultry lard and fuh fult in season lat est style refrigeration plant try us for a tender steak a juicy roas lus lusious lous pork chops crisp bacon sweet ham hain or anything found in a first class market we are here to win trade on ment visit our shop THE PROGRESS MARKET JEROME schweitzer prop TIME FOR CANNING s COME ot oi the earls earl fruits arc are scarce lan man who u wanted them were ivere disappointed IV we e will vill pet get all the fruit that is aNai available lable this summer and later vari parities tieS u will ill be had bad in greater abuda abundance nm let us know what ou u want and if it is in the market ae will get it better bu a sack salk of sugar to liine h ne on brind during the season jars caps rubbers aon and all other aLCes for the caning seaon hot weather clothing for all the family carbon emery stores C co 0 mohrland mercantile co 1 TORES at hiawatha black hawk mohrland aid heiner W i e WATCH YOUR CH AN re W WE E always have a bunch of bargains in odds and ends that contains pieces of the best goods we have had bad in stock no store can all abass a Ns fell out ite its I 1 bolts in even lengths of large size siz there are many in the lot that will make a good sized garm garment nt others will do for eing with aith goods that matth thuu in in general color and material articles jf A wear ear ot oi the Ing highest liest value can thus be obtained at low cost the tho woman oman who ho sews will mill be interested inte ested in these remnants 1 a W wasatch V asarch store co of impaction always invited CASTLE CUM GATE m 0 let a small DONT trouble on your auto grow into a big one it it a good deal cheaper to itt the troubles fixed beffa they get big its a wise wie plan to have a real mechanic go over your car occasionally and tell you just what each part is in A few dollars 1 4 spent now may save you a big bill later we have the best mechanic in eastern utah accessories and supplies Sup jea oldsmobile SERVICE AND PARTS PALMER AUTO GARAGE GAUGE DI GET READY FOR THE BIG PICNIC you will want your hat cleaned and blocked your suit cleaned ana pressed your wife and daughter daughters mill 11 nant ant their dresses cleaned and made like new some of the family will want nant altera alterations tiong or repairs on of their clothing for july 16 is going to be the biggest day carbon COMO county ever san sa we ive are ate read arpad to take care of all who wish the best kind 01 0 work nork but do not ait until the last minute do it RON acme cleaners mea ners tailors EAST MAIN STREET MICE UTAH CARBON CAK W POOL HALL THE RIGHT KIND OF A PI PLEASURE MA M A URE RESORT the place you should auld visit when you want to play pool or billiards get refrying soft oft drink or a good cigar to in clean congenial surroundings pay us a visit PRANK MANX proprietor fa SPRING CANYON COAL COMPANY COMPANI miners and shippers of the celebrated spring canyon coal coa mines at storrs utah general office newhouse building salt alt lake city utah COOB GOOD MACHINERY A C H I 1 N E RY A MEANS KANS A GREAT r DEAL TO 10 tj M THE FARMER taj td i 0 THE international HARVESTER CAMPANY 0 a OF AMERICA MAKES IT S the farmers exchange and implement company sell sells it A complete line of agricultural implement implements and scoter trucks we also have a full line of fencing and harness lachange S implement co coo I 1 PHONE PRICE UTAH united states fu fuel ful l company ir MINES AT MORELAND BLACK MICK HAWK HIAWATHA AND PRODUCING THE FAMOUS ramous t KING FIN Gly 4 BLACK HAWK s PANTHER COALS HAMM IN PRICE BY A U 71 I 1 n aa 11 |