Show ABOUT F OT LAS T lid a mrs urs W B coot cook were ih awn an cameron shopping g anderon anderson la is tinT re lel liatis keel feel has gone to harden haden to sh friends several day days in 31 v sumner pent spent this week like kg on business no george jorgensen Jor geney genseA family filmily is vilt visit ric nii in castle dale this week ia 0 nt t thoma thomas B S of as a county seat visitor billiam burn burns left tuesday morning aiuto to pt stand end a vacation on an a big ra near delta dota colo I 1 1 I 1 intyre left monday ee i for fr a few day days business busine ae trip to it like vr yr and nd mrs emeit ernest Jenk jenkeius lius and 0 are re on camping trip in straw WJ talley ta ga familton milton moore of standardville Stand ardville is a few day days with at liDd impett lett ts C i nelson ta Is spending pep dini several mil with ith relatives and old neighbors 0 ff hayden ayden ite the 0 X clay family left yester ity borning morning for a vacation in yellow til oal pirk they iney west went by auto 17 J Jo johnton bason formerly of price TAs i lie the city thu this week as witness in a hit mat in court Ms C M averill returned monday bm his raguale Pal ra nale luale colo where she he had Ws vi etting a few day days mr mrs burgener re sun son hj evening from a two week I 1 isit wAre lati es in provo aal an I 1 salt lake miss ada aila day of layton utah and miss emmaa johnson of salt lake like city are visit 39 their brother and enter sister mr and mr mrs J P F johnson 0 1 A jew of the ban salo pete county fair as satiation spent a couple of day days I 1 in price this week boo boost t ing for the annual fair at manti mr and mrs W NN ohm returned tuesday from salt luke lake where mrs oliou hsc 4 jornod her ausband on his return from front manti mantl F r L johnson john bellies Rell Bell cee ces G agtie alsie harkness Har knef and man were sere bunch of scofield people who spent StI sunday lIddy in 10 price miss ora kirkton of let los an langties Ang ties calif arrived saturday night ti s pend three week with her sister mrs L J lloyd mrs 11 B goetzman Goetz mEn is enjoying a visit from ber cousins mr k E sheo shed lierd misses plem plern and margaret Mar girt giret sha of salt lake city the L A mcgee family will go sat rat ur arlay lay to fort duehesne Dut Due heene besne and with sup erIn ern kneal aria family will camp out for a few days the L I 1 whitmore familly famille and mr uz an ani I 1 mrs T R sharp will leave tomola ro to for a camping trip on the reserva tion the rex ami er family left by auto yesterday rooming morning for lello tuve they will camp along the way lind nd take tak I 1 their time they will be agn t two week weeks mrs J M VAhit Abit more returned mon day auy irom grand Ju junction action colo where she had bad 11 mrs mr C C and afa 11 audrey kudrey cook of soldier sum mit mrs its george bench is visiting at the home of her let enter sister mrs mm keith madsen at boneta her eon son lvie took her over ane 1 was I 1 home by his cousin mus alisi annetta madsen J banim ames hanlon has returned to price and an d will soon be bite of the mail car biers carbon county friends will ex exten tenton con to dr and M mrs to W L Gutber sutherland lId of roosevelt in the sti arraf of twin girls tuesday george storrs anil and two ons sons accompanied I 1 mr storrs on an auto trip tor to price tuesday day mr storrs declaire decla aies iee that he lit is making highly itis factory progress with hie his new oal coal mine mit R I 1 braffet Is recovering from an in operation at a salt lake hospital james anim braffet N i ond onda acting eting the tavern while sir mr and mrs bob are in tb th capital D dr ani it mrs its 14 word arford ballinger BaU roger re turne I 1 latt thursday night from a 3 three week adsit in california they are ning ining in ther nen ne home on the corner or of seventh and K street J E flynn went to ogden friday to meet hit his mother who fame came from missouri to 1 the bummer summer with utah relative relatives V ter a visit r Z lit lake the ho will co cone ac to price f a prolonged itty iy ay the stake mutual officer officers I 1 mrs its B W dalton misa miss may math mathis mrs D C 3 woodward mise miss belva bryner and miss elizabeth horsley orgley ll were in sun ayalde tuesday promoting bee hite work mr an I 1 mrs E S 8 Ir horsley orsey left tues ane day morning for a visit la in california loa los angel angeles where margaret Il honley orbley is ls staying ii Is their firt first objective they will be gone several week weeks mr mrs L 17 ammerman Ammer nian sn in enjoying a visit farm hr her mother mr mrs lenora C mealii of Okla oklahoma lorna city mr mrs merlin lias tas visited li in price everal several times and I 1 las as male orlenas lere who will be glad to learn of her return worl hae has been elvel by leae frier ils of mrs A D button sutton who ta Is vi visiting in new york tork city that rte hal ital the misfortune to be in a wreak sh ahe e Is I 1 suffering from a sprained am liitle kle anil and other anuw injuries joa joho 0 aleo nl eo has eonni ric arel 61 u nn other a action r lu it for sloko 1000 il mcase ng his hi Irot brother ber uarl carl tim latter my ic is wiling to go into ta ikirt itt 6 any deal he ever maae ar he h ever al di dr T F risk ka med lie RM for a irttie v mr 1300 JOO or ser sev vie dicce es bendere Ten dere nt at the rc piert of t betre bere rere of road ard for ar wilt crit mary wh whit if ar VM its here join pice nee lias las 1 baiata ba irTA s 5 interest inter Mt fee fees an ani 1 into 14 it cotta costs thie this is an ra b 0 of ai old deal sell ed by inal iaal citizens it 9 N il 11 madlan m 1 rood good dimow and enlo a note for aalke lad larfa a according to a complain ant anel in in ais triet court nen neil nat hal to a lay the note at the che price commercial Com mereal a gilvray bani and now he be 1 is asing ang mike for the A 4 I 1 mrs t D enjoyed a visit anday nn day from her sister r gifts U 0 batt an I 1 mrs aire clyl clyde countryman of at silt lake tn in 1 D 13 J sellman of bing bam the petty party dowa dova and awl on their way to fraid to neit visit mr mrs T B tennant and NIL mio jean tennant mr and D I 1 W dalton of aalt alt lake are r in pi pice this summer visiting at the th homes of it IV dalton and george jorgensen Jorgen aen mr bit dalton ii Is P law student at the university gity and will rea real I 1 law in the office of bi bia brother B W 9 thia this lummer summer mrs dalton is i a a ister sister of mr jorgensen heber X hai has taken a pos ion la the carbon county back bark em sue beding cladule J empey empty who is I 1 goig ing into ku bui nei cpr film stif tho th DW pew in ian n with the bank to I 1 salt alt lib for a number of yeats and c mes mahly by calt salt lake bankers mr E 9 horsley WM was enned to qa anide sunday to siget it mr mrs A W hereley Hj reley mr urs W birth and an lit lr J 9 vainer in earing tor for mr L lii lis abo w we eriety ert ety in 1 for 2 few flays toy art howley novelty cretaro d evening with bew news att mr mrs mcmillan macii M soft awa f 10 rowed 16 W W J jw bw h bw bem 4 commissioner fer for the th prie ri she y ir it 1 fixation ioB di district Ile triet led 64 Is arrill twill ettle settle aj 1 disputes fe regarding arding flon of the water bilot oolf as iu bof 9 made on I 1 he be lull ill alk 1 th it or icat kowt 1 any aa 41 t W iw tl 1 l leeN dIlis wie UT be to coart court pv 1 a he Orrs TI norvi a F inte 7 to toms ing t A 01 the th an var if nio yo ilia W 1 I mil an I 1 w r 4 au iM I 1 isk who 1 moth ilk to ido wilm an she 1 iab 1 ite O 0 tk bant ata ll 11 t |