Show FIRE prevention WEEK designated ty FY MABEY MABEN cove a fiur maley has ha issue 1 a iro 1 ro c atatim finnia I 1 tim naming the week eek of mav 22 to 23 as forast ortt protection wick tek in fit ilah anil and urging urn nix on various organ the tile laity duty of erecting public at to what ma may y be ilone done to pre vent alit an 1 lisa disastrous forant tires fares in tie state the matter wa called to the allen tion of governor Oo vernor by it 11 hut rut lele district forester with licad quirt i i a ogden A procla mati I 1 y I 1 rei ident nat ilar 1 altug ti alei ali al I calet 11 on th the ROV gov arnora ft of ile tt arious stated to aile designating this par week as forest protection week tnt ll arding est estrates mates tie tic an null lm from front forest fire fires ia in the I 1 states at ai aril an tie tic df denotation notation of and other natural resources as extending 0 er 12 acres district Di inform governor loyer nor mabey 66 Forest I 1 krotec t lion I 1 week eek an I 1 the lie e taint ain of f bilut altion carri I 1 tin on by the arlous forast irot ettive in IDIO 1920 ID IO wire thoroughly 1 1 ullie I ile opinion ie e Lon continue finues ue aimaq was brou tl d to a recognition of the tile IK t L tut lor ill 11 lun fire in the moi mot at ainest am since the number of luan mau male niale forest fires laet last was mar marcelly kelly atas lt than ia in 1919 and lightly slightly mailer smaller than titan the tile average for the pant past ten test at biar or 1 erica I 1 I 1 art gottert man inan may not need ned a al I 1 ertsin erti in bit it wont aurnt him any if his men I 1 ader advertise tise him titan it ie Is tasi to ton convert v ert money into than expert experience ence into money tchi larth ie io hot not al aay goow what bat but hen then neither doe does elate |