Show A SUITABLE MAN MAIT one of tile subjects if of discus sion ton lor for it position loli ulio io neets the of the tile general public is will wilt II 11 liams chai of the tile rt publican national com cittee I 1 commander in chief of or tho the reent battle he lie proved to be dignified diRin fied careful honest and faithful a worker who ulio never knew to quit ile I 1 spoken t of ns a ue ensor to boob burle bon u it will be ile a it ruil marts mails job to tb straighten out thu the mess the tile boob h 1 I is made of the post office serice and the pistol s system etem in general and it will take a man of patie inc aud will IT idaa powes esses the ability and the patience to solve the lems coated by burleson and his nill ill be more than pleasing the lican so called hoontis it is dem oci sciatic ocia abic tic pas a deseri ed tribute to president wilsons splendid pl ind i lie ie e to the c tuse of civil service re firm b filling all the post of fit fita q mith deserving democrats and then ruling that hereafter tile jobs be filed b ea hanuna nuna tion that is vs budi buch a characteristic cuil service serice stunt that somebody some sonie bod ought to sm sa a good boid oid for it elii if it is 14 tile 1 thorl tt orl thomas fonts fouts u as its ap all pointed b the court last lait uck to defend a couple of hird lookin looking color 1 I character diar acter 1 A mile ent ovir the ourt loom ahn ir 1 itt 1 one of ins dienes it if he kni tile of in ill alibi ats vis sli th rep the tile Mi Nl kourian it an lim one of dew tinus filkil ou pre iroe tint ou 1 I vas its lit it de tie enli 3 pu pit gasn i asti t it to pro L dat iu it V 19 1 t it de do t L ip ill vw g ii ie m arih on oil u m 1 I 1 ho liin annii oll plu 11 ardin ind coolidge would hit ilelle ilal to ret pet in tit oi older der to prevent aei tain lodis from pas iniz resolution 1 declaring that tit aliu moral I 1 i ic le indents i in ill knieriem kni triem demind dem ind that ue c our fist into that euro earo pein battle roalf if father pets gets a real nod bulck tie and a to linen handkerchiefs 1 christinas christma without gattin wt I 1 the bill fir them he lie vill all N bt u might ill luck man mail if he lie gi aba 43 the bill something else et again A paddle on oil lm lough dough mixer killed a baler in arizona accord ing to presa press dispatches we an remember when hen we wt thought a pad paddle dle wu wit killing u but the worst haa has not yet happened yet and we begin now to hae haite hopes that it will not vice president marshall has publicly objected to president elect hardings plans bior making the vice presidency a real office but maybe mr marshall will not hm hive e any more influence with the next administration thin he lie has hid irid with mth this one forty political executions a 1 11 take place ii moscow lust just how lion tolerant n N socialist would be of opposition if it he were in control of the tile is indu indic cited b aliat socialists have been doing doin in russia ever eer since then got tle chance ball the reined for most of the tile worlds troubles trouble is work and the nation which gets down doun to it mot inot mo t promptly and keeps at it most persistently will become strong prosperous and happy while hile other Ouli tries arc lire groaning under their burdens word cord that president elect harding has uttered ins clet cioll ill lins confirmed the faith of the people in tit the sincer it call callol Cl and MA deot devotion loli of tile glennin 1 11 1111 chief cx c S nm NN i 1 or othel there didia didn t to lie ile i im art liate in ill the to the greit and solemn perhaps it was nias alie tion tint put the dumb in ill referendum Pr president eident N ilson ilon w on oil nio most t of the moral victories at pans paris but the latest returns indicate that great britain got more promising for oil wells nells |