Show FERRARA CASE Is TAKING MUCH TIME the caa of tony ferrara accused of the killing of joe beardo alises joe Ros helper about august 1 has las occupied the attention of 0 court molt most of the week the cage case has all kinds of f black band hand ramifications nud sud the italians italiane of the county are deeply in te rested it at ia Is difficult to get the rl real faeta facts p resented ai As there are two in dmd ad the testimony is i low slow all that could be learned la in general ira was published at the time the body of f rose bo wa was found the ease will run mu over into next week other cases die dis posed of are state of utah vs frank williams and nelam brown the defendant defendants were convicted of rob robbery beryt taking about 90 from glo at helper the twenty sixth of september the punishment under the indeterminate statute ia is not leas less than fire five years and may be for life state of utah vs andrew Pet the defendant was wa taken into custody the first of till this week liming forfeit ed ad his bail ball orne some four or f fi lie e years ago and left this part of the country he lie is charged with grand la larceny lare reeny eay but his c caa will go over f to or the term there rot being sufficient time to try him BOW now jean escallier Ea callier vs joe gailard the plaintiff ain tift wa was awarded judgment against defendant for 1092 and inter cot attorneys fees and CO cots s ta of court price commercial savings dank vs Ys jame james A kaddia ami and james abger ie is plaintiff granted judgment for wa and interest attorneys fee fees aad and costs of court marle marie T obrien Vs v john L a plaintiff granted decree of sep ep ate pate maintenance 75 per month mouth all bony bony hoerhold hoe hold property and custody of minor boy 1 gab let ve vs august nicholas tb a demurrer to it abe complaint waa was barer r ruled and defendant given thirty 6 to answer hattle battle C parley ye Vs james P parley farley F an emery county cues case was heard a U upon pon stipulation rhe plaintiff WA was granted au an interlocutory ory decree of divorce zina zila johnson VB vs james T johnson the plaintiff was grante a an inter decree of divorce custody of tha ha six alx lx minor children 75 per month mouth go k alimony and conti costs |