Show NEW vew J lit HIGHWAY H LAW LA MEETINGS MEETING DEMAND of a new state I 1 law lam for a tr plate a couii pee of t cli ell fitted men I 1 Is I 1 aged in a ris oil alon aborted at tl the tile cill antion oil of of lotions entime 1 IRI club lad civic bodies of stat L ta it aich met at thi commercial caul lul la lit fault lake lor lot consideration of rond road questions que etione at tt ill of tit tho atall I 1 tab state la ile a we la tie the coral lete tote resolution ou follows foi ovre Wt Al erent rt 1 14 the tile celta of thi this that tie tile present system of tate state commission is in tit I 1 lecause it a CC upheaval at r the state I 1 debart let art mait at oe tie elianne of tion resulting n enormous low lose of lime time energy and falade ly by placing men with out experience and cuti entirely relT oat out of touch with state plan rians in ill el darg argo and antl control f the state e 9 high way sy steral ye teia in an I 1 tint it t pol bletl tic e t g up of a political ma cline through gli the expenditure of I birge irge rinie sums ot of liti public blie funds for labor nad and material with mth rc loe loss to leigl ais B willing buil ling and mahtena nce then there fore I 1 e it heich cd that it la is the desire of tins this t tint the iut session of tl I 1 gi gle lature slature enact a new now state heghna gamt la placing tic tie construction and find maintenance cf of all state bi glina under un control of a state highe ty coin com lill which ahall be non of men fitted for tl if Is is mork ork and ench tor for a tenn term of care cars that a majoria majo rit it f such commission aiwas 1 le be goldmer holdo cr me tabers so the plans of the tile commission shall con without year after 11 bear aut anoil tr nr passed I 1 y the coa con bation ea tion that all texes on motor be used lit 1 r road on eon et truc ruction tion ind lad maintenance its it text j la a as a follows whereas Where aa tue motor tar car and motor aruil are vehicles the oad and cry existence of which depend upon bod road roads and it it a recognized fact that the sall would in im mediately lately lecome obsolete without good roads and whereas motor lehl eh cles leles have lime le come enill lenealle ie to economic economie life t therefore h alu e fore di it Ille oled that all taxes on motor rehi elfa should ie le aal of right ought to be placed in the roal fund for the constriction and maintenance of high va was I 1 I 1 iso no formal ro ras r as o token taken on the amendment to increase the state is bon alno limit one half I 1 ier er cent for additional road funt s but it was the of opinion that euch such be lie token taken according to 11 D 0 ot the atall state automobile association C lea 1 of the resolution resolutions eloit by the inc mc ting will I 1 e gout to all oil utah elie elnie organ orgon izat oa on from various pa r nier me etal refill aluta end oil er bodie attend ed the hv bonenti m which wa was called 1 to order at 10 30 0 alk and adjourned at a 1 in u tin thi afternoon Prel dait ll 11 alcolm A keyber of the utah j maile mI ile was chet ae as chairman of the tullus tul lug nad and mr ur stirl el as ste cretan harden dennion of state count counts v assessor james janies E leath aal still county counts C F V stillman and NN william illiam D hughes were speakers pta kr mr L rich that the automo I 1 ile lc be eliminated from the I 1 personal tax list aud and lie be assessed under a gon oral eral fo f for automobile li it ceases a add d other taxes doth both lit baill f man an I 1 mr me flushes nug hee approved app ampro rosed cd thi this I 1 irv rol osal oeal mr ur that tl state bould lae hae to bear 4 firsti burden under the lie proposed change ie in the organization of the highway corn coal million mission because of the he alrie salaries which auld be paid bembe s of the ali body L 1 E whitmore Whitin oTe wa was by the bosia of gobert ts of the ehan ibor of commerce to represent at tie tito meeting ami and ie it took much interest tnt erett in the tile proceeding proceedings as a he trill will probably bell frame and paw pass noveta legislation next winter |