Show CARBON COUNTY COMPANY CORA J W prop real estate lusu insurance ranc and bonds abstracts of title pictured pic Pared cor for lands and lots mon ay to loan ou oil choice farm lands at 8 per cent notary public phone wanted man to contract chopping and skidding mine props and ties apply to T W lewis hia film watha utah 25 tf typewriter ribbons and erasers for salo sale at tho the news advocate Autom automobile bile Engl neeri ng we train men to acconio auto mechanics and engineers largest and best equipped equit equipped ped anto amo school west of chicago 8 shops aps ops laboratories and overhauling dept Ev in every line over in equipment alone SIX MONTHS COURSE como to Oal oakland cland the now automobile centor address OAKLAND AUTO SCHOOL 1110 10 MADISON staak ST CAL safety safely first fa is 11 you should be js as particular in belec ting a reliable dependable insurance company as you are with the things thing you eat cat the wisest and shrewdest business men in the country insure in these companies insurance co or f nor north th america aetna insurance co germania fire insurance ranco co american central fire insurance co lloyds plate glass class insurance co IT IS TO YOUR INTEREST TO INSURE IN ONE OF THESE COMPANIES BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORBY WINN GILMOUR PRICE UTAH FREE ki I 1 for short time only IS with each gallon sf i of whiskey j one bottle of our best dest Cal california gornia i port N 1 FREE nm s S I 1 I 1 ss S I 1 DELIVERY I 1 i g kentucky kentuck y N i liquor i ak g house HARRY GESAS phone price utah J val BUY THEM EARLY owing to the general thrifty buzi ness conditions throughout the country merchandise is hard to get 0 et right now it is impossible to get many articles and in another few weeks all lines will be off the market so if you are contemplating getting xmas goods now is the time to get them thern ENGRAVING if you want engraving done at all articles must be bought before dec irth and the sooner you have it done the better the ork nork will be for we are swamped ELITE JEWELRY co price utah PHONE H U nm 10 I 1 mob ai arm oft and the white auto wil will L bang alg you F fresh resh bread pies cakes or pastry of any kind special spec al orders filled far of parties only highest grade ingredients used in our products pro duts inspection of bakery invited PATRONIZE PATs HOME INDUSTRY SUPERIOR BAKING CO I 1 successor to alzon e bakery YA binand tin and sheet metal works all of mul aind metal work price e ast 1st deor door north News Advocate office N ath cah J ezot price shoe shop panama hotel ath street price utah the trick of expert shoe repairing ainne is thorough thoroughly h ay understood ry by D I 1 me people w who h 0 want good shoe s c oe repair j work should send to me bior k shoes shined every day just call once and you will be sure about my work nick apostol proprietor 11 automobiles which do you prefer pullman or freight no one would think of riding in a many manufacturers still continue freight car if he could enjoy the to use them comfort of a big comfortable the overland easy does not the 75 B riding Pull pullman marx parlor car overland has the latest type of so with automobiles most of the cantilever shock absorbing popular priced cars ride like springs angs As a result it is one of the easiest riding cars in the world freight cars this is due to the one demonstration will this old fashioned prove of type spring f 0 ob b toledo price emery auto line lille dealers phone the wl willys P overland company toledo ohio mad in US USA A fac jac |