Show efell dp I 1 the democrats seem to have the idea that they are entitled to all the appointive in the state dining during the next four ears well we do not know an thing to the contrary for to the victims belong what is spoiled and all they do get let tho the bourbons Bour boni shako shake the plum tree for all it is worth they have it coming izreo names are prominently mentioned which aro are satisfactory in this section to all parties carbon county to a unit will endorse Robert Howard for mine inspector the party going into power could not find flod a better man in its ranks he ile is qualified through long experience lie is honest and fair to tho the core and can be counted on to ad minister the affairs of the office with credit to himself and all concerned ira browning of Cast castle leDale dale is mentioned for state engineer he ile is well known in this county and his long experience makes him ably qualified he ile is a hard worker and square and emery county has claims on tho the state administration that cannot be ig ignited noted browning dc do ser es recognition le then there is george storrs for warden of the pen pan our good word may not go as far with governor elect bamberger as uncle jesse knights and it Is probable that the rest of the candidates aill hy don down since mr knight his bis given his hs unqualified support to storrs mi storrs is arly fitted for the place he ile has had all kinds of dealings with men or rather has had dealings vath all kinds of men and he lie understands the class of men inan he lie would have to deal with in he penal institution lie ile has had plenty of exper experience ienco to make him an ideal man for the pace place and he lie can be counted on oil to bling out all the latent good in the men in his chaice provo and utah count had decided to save saie the tile test of th the state estate hom the trouble of helping till fill the tile appointive appoint ite offices but with stairs decided upon for warden the rest will probably let other counties have a little chance with such men in the appointive offices as these thice state business will be well cared foi during the th e bourbon davs dais another applicant for a piece of pie to whom the attention of the news advocate has been called since the above was written is neil madsen who has aspirations for a seat on the land blaid is a large amount of state land in this section and neil nei I 1 is ci ct pable of handling the job he ile has done a lot of hard work for the democrats and we do not know of an anyone one that will do ana an kicking if he be landi on the land board A letter from froin milton olson a former student of the carbon cou county n ty high school and a very popular 3 oung man locally was received recen recently tl by glen harmon milt atilt is in new zealand on a mission and is having a deiy enjoyable enjo vable time tea teaching ebing elocution and music to the naf natives fies he ile has been absent nov noa about a year and a half and sal says s he lie will bo be very glad to get back |