Show CASTLE GATE CLICKS I 1 castle gite G ite jub 18 mrs J S I 1 j I 1 thompson with hir son jack is spending the slimmer sit it castle gate ca cattle catle tle gate welfare association is making prapai for a good time on jul 11 when the docil finst ua I 1 i aid il take place the winner of this conceit conte t will pattick pait ici ct pa pate te in the ut butth th nel colip my annual I 1 ua I 1 contest to bu heij in september there will be rates rales for the children nail driving for the women potito pot ito and spoon race for women pon raco tug of if war between I 1 men en fro from in v vinous dep of the company compan shot put by the greek bobb bocho contest between teams from austri Aust niti in and italian employed emp loyes dance in the afternoon for the children the bun aside ball team ft ill take another whirl at the C bistle istle gate te acim ini in the A big band vi he fiven given by bv castle gate bind from front 7 to 8 in the evening duie at night the if he committee on arrangements range ments glen D kebe vm littlejohn J C snow the best base ball game of the acason was off at castle gate tat sunda the Sinn bule te ec and anti a few rooters itra it rd do down n in the morning fhe phe score sunn geules side 3 castle bite vite 0 hoth both teams were until the tile first half of the eighth when with two men do don 11 three ture cutie errors by cantly gate let in as man mani runs outside of this annin neither nother team WAS to score batteries au green at nelson lNelson castle gat r ambrose M and johnson quite a of visitors from outside the came caine to see the game amon arnom were mrs 2143 A E gibbon gihon ind faini 11 1 storrs clr ind and mr 4 claude claudd cow ley storrs mr nid mad mrs kiy Co cowey wOy storrs W N wetzel and fit famil mili sunn side mr and mrs nt tucker sunnyside Sunny lunny side superintendent thorn as bell hell of the cameron mine W V 11 II mcclurg cameron and a r timoor others from outside bampe A tia ham iii was struck by westbound gt r no 17 it chut 2 i day his right ai aim in was taken off above the elbow and he butr other injuries the man waa ar intoxicated a the time was gien him oy di E 4 11 esthr and di N C sp ip alding aldin 1 anil and he lie w is t iken to price and turned 1 over to the county commissioners i work on the roads between bistle gat ind helper is pro progressing gressing inK nice I 1 1 b and a mulcey is no it t the besent time though i the road is still in prett bad shape it is expected however when the work worl is tini finished shed for this year the road will be in fine shape there is able tr over this portion of the road and ft certainly should be kept in good shape all the time jack jalk thompson give i dince lance for his oung frieds ids monday evening in the K of 7 P hall the youngsters enion enjoyed ed thern dancing and playing ginnia until their mot mathis liis thought it lima to quit T W tweedale Twe edalo left for Sunny sunnyside Sunn yide side sinday st nd v NI s june sow is vi visiting in ano tod ty the mines are N working orkin good au fair tar prospect 3 fur for ark balance of the oar ar C K returned bromil u upper p c imps 1 t Ps ly he orpo N 1 tl the ie peli Hei le a s a nt valley i tine fine in an ideal summer resort looka mrs C V tucker and mother sunnyside Sunny side a few feddis atys at cast gite visiting alis J 1 S thomison Thom ibon |