Show E PS SOCIAL E EVENTS gunderson enter s gla ed delightfully wednesday even very pretty jall dancing cille party it t a the lawn wis was er borne horne lighted with strings of van vari I 1 red ed lights and various outdoor es we were 01 played ayed in the hose hoppe arranged ed for danci lancing roomi a vi ere arra ng g to bathe the aubic of the vio vid trola the 05 t people ople enjoyed their favorite I 1 me time were served I 1 h concluded the evenings pleas the invited guests were madam gilmour howard era ers R L green sam Will williams hIMS H G cibe misses jessie baler grace folson bessie maclean lee let cord cora A illson All isop aanes gnes mac thelma fouts bette fetzger marguente Marg folson evelyn olson e Ul cLean ruth milburn grace wace ett afton martha brad brail 00 de 11 ll woods relia reia milburn i fausett pau sett jane mcgee lillis ey lyie lyle bench clarence 0 george fisk fisko clyde harris n frandsen scott fausett Pau sett arn jerwan tom averill bran 01 abelle rep earl 1 poison polson ord ballinger rulon bryner ey roger mcgee george inger harold nelms and russell ss bessie maclean was again ired tuesday evening by a crowd bende who surprised her pita shar hr qi mcella luell an leous edus shower the ilse ise aa us as that of ehk niata Wo lie fore and tl the evening wab fitfully rbt lit fully spent in viewing the i that were wert presented ted that even tod ed those alread received the ts brought reft esh ments and en j visiting with witt the bride to be with calfi other present mesdames john crockett J miller thomas fonts fouts fred san R U greep matt gilmour S illinger U if stevenson thom akeley maclure wilson carlos derson IJ 11 G clyse ase claude emr H walters george nixon lauber W V F olson charles rill adm williamb VI lliams L 0 hoff alices lora harmon zella kit dt bessie kenti d jessie bl bal t r cornelia afton on glenna gunders n euph evel n olson and lafetta benalt e salt like telegram of sun hw is the following account of a ppul price boy bo j y y at high noon miss I 1 vatson of bt st george utah r levi thirmon NH in H irmon jr were id at the home 0 judge ind and L N harmon AkO lelland ue 41 edward rd ashton e bride wore an afternoon gown ick 4 and white crepe de chine d with while white georgette crepe aried a d bouquet of bribes rotea roses bowing the ceremony a wedding n h harveo in a private it ic room of rhe the hah for sixteen ta s ami i few intimate intimate friends didong e long tible was decorated with roses pink sweet peas ind and ferns r 4 nd mrs harmon left on an au noon 0 o tiala for billings mont they ill make inake their home u e camp fire girls spent a pleas afternoon ater noon tuesday with miss alec mcgee e A number of games ding g the always interesting one artune e telling tilled filled the hours ile 11 meeting of the girls will le e ceremonial one and will be tie 11 the home of yolande SlIt ton the ladies aid society of the methodist church met thursday afternoon with mrs ars J bl whitmore this bean being g the annual business bus meeting the work of the pst year ras discussed and new neV plana plans outlined for the coming years work the rile alec 0 tion of officers took place at this time and the following are to serve president resident Pi airs mrs fred thomas vice president mis mi s J 51 whitmore secretary hrs mrs R cantrill treasurer mrs J B middleton auditor mrs fred sanford among the immediate topics of work discuss discussed td was the moving picture bill aich is to be given tonight under the auspices 0 the aid society ai at elegant repast was served by the hostess following the adjournment of the business session the ladies will meet in two weeks with mrs fred sinford miss bliss bessie Ma maclean oLean the bride of the week was very pleasantly surprised noonday night by members of the price coming in 10 uninvited eich eteh presented the oung lady with some gift for her new home and a pleasant evening was as spent in visiting and looking at the beautiful things which comprised the trousseau which is so dear to the hearts of all women refreshments were served by mrs maclean the was represented by mesdames J B middleton J M whitmore R agree C green n na M G cleveland J W hartmond Ha ham mond romond 11 W cooper thomas fouts H S I 1 I 1 robinett fred sanford and J avi V mcgann 3 A hippy crowd of price folks enjoyed a picnic last friday evening at city park the trip waa was made in a number of automobiles and a picnic supper enjoyed the affair was in the nature of a farewell for mr and mrs A L heppler who leave soon for provo to make their home the party included the families of dr H B goetzmann J F Wi AN J rex miller george nixon 0 R marcusen ben bean R el 11 stewart missed misses josephine eidsen lora harmon loona jensen and mattie strong and J 11 manson and G A wootton Vo otton mr and mrs thomis fitzgerald entertained wednesday evening at a dinner party for their daughter miss isabelle covers were laid for mr ind mrs matt gilmour miss blis i evelyn olson russell and george fisl fisk and the fitzgerald family |