Show it tile deles itts li id about a as much to s i as to the tile pi dingi of the damoci itic national niti onil convention as the editor of this piper did about the in prisident wilbon wab as the whole hole show and all the side shows lie ile dictated who ho should be ellair doorkeeper tellers er errand erand and bois and everi thin ebe elbe he lie wrote rote the platform ind in told the common herd not riot to anile an ch inges in it he lie picked out his running run nini mate and sit s it down on a couple of little blooml boomi tb ts thit that alle not hurting manibod ani bod he lie told the nation il tl com corn mittit L just what to sly say after the tile convention mention co and lie told all tho tile pirty just who was lunning the cilcus and who would be ringmaster oh oil it was a beautiful fumble of undine finding out and doing the will of the poor downtrodden the tile thine thing about which the democratic baity his howled evir since it opened ita its mouth several years ago the are straining their alludes il luses to ket get the to join ahlm but it is there not a chance that some of the tile are not strict another fruitful fluit ful source of accidents is the sporting instinct which inspires people to see whether they can cross u the road ahead of an oncoming automobile to the wom in who 1 his I is rien hei best loved to latr country countr 3 the peace tint that I 1 is lio hovel eting me ovi ov i g ghastly european battlefields will appeal as the peace better late than never recall the tile line in the mikado about in makine aking the fit the tile crime will a chicago girl his it it rold the man who tried to kid nap her somehow one heirs hears far les less corn coin plaint than former from persons who v ho cint can aff ifford ord an oce in tup ti i p bil bids for noto cheapest one of the been made in recent rut ritt that has years is th it of the would be writer of mrs wilsin the nune nime who is using Woo liow Nv th the phi 03 is apparent us as she had hoped it would be and it may be boac few glancing glan ciOt in haste mist 0 the tie twisted title of lard for the real the kirbt laly lady of the thing and er ire e fooled T there h e r e c cannot a nith 0 t of ot the latter c cass 1 s s the e be mm in in on oab hat that can be awakened a likened is abat a atik writer rite r one of dl disgust guht i should think it of ad advantage altage antage to make buch a brazen pi pl i for fune fame the result in the tile end w will ill be tho the opposite of what the tile imitator hopes classifying tho tile demand for pre pi is listeria hi steriA threatens to bring the medical lil edical experts into the congressional contro controversy erY the philadelphia lawyer who sas the automobile luto tuto mobile promoter promote relt religion ion probably piO bably h 0 a blu blo atit about twenty mile from nowhere A long pull a strong pull and a pull all together and we e will have another good Ite republican publican in the white house louse in failing to leave leive any will james J hill registered i i silent note as to what he thinks of lawyers women who favor suffrage show their graep of politics ba b splitting up into rival fart factions ions just like men partisan politics should have no pi ice tee in the it 11 my or the ni nan y or in iny congressi congressional oDal deiling dealing with them to congress the squeal of the tile porker is more musical th in the coo of the tile dove tappers on the r bis wire ft ill never hear any weasel m words speaking of food dictators what abat about the famil cook 9 bow now lets get to together gether ind elect him |